You know what to do
Risk of Rain thread
risky 2 10 man when?
>You know what to do
I sure don't
it's like 4:30am in the only country that matters, give it a rest
No mods just a vanilla 10 man
if someone wants to host with mods go ahead
cant join
fuck someone else host then I'm retarded
>pozzed coast
need 1 more, get in here lads
1 more
>game gets super boring solo after you gitgud
>game is substantially worse in multiplayer
I both want and do not want to play this, anyone else with this problem?
can't join
t: Command user
party desintegraded idk why
make some retarded artifact comp i guess
I'm guessing most people are still sleeping because these servers are dead
You basically need command for some artifact combos. Unless you really want to have garbage zero damage builds into a stage of increased spawns only elite clay templars.
try in a later thread, people aren't joining
Artifact of Spite only disincentivizes playing melee, it doesn't make you any "better" just because you're kiting everything as a ranged character anyway.
Have you tried getting good?
Once you gitgud you get to a point where you're basically RNG gated. You can either be item gated without command, or enemy rng gated with command. Super easy to burn out on the game as it's a very replayable game with no real reason to replay it.
>mod user still put head on the imp despite everyone telling him not to
If you put a billion options on a poll then nobody is gonna actually read them all and just select on of the first few, not a single person here has ever said the head looks good, so why do it anyway when you know it looks shit and that everyone else knows it looks shit?
It does make melee survivors less favorable, but whether you pick melee or ranged it doesn't change the fact that it does make it more difficult for everyone.
user I'm one of the people who doesn't like the head, and I'm telling you to give it a rest
Shut up, headlover.
There's only one melee survivor in the game though and Merc has ways to dodge and avoid bombs quite well.
I thought modanon just said he wanted to make a head and was going to remove it in one of the releases for actual use. Hopefully it's still fairly consistent with the hitbox, though.
>One of
You mean literally everyone?
Loader, Acrid, Merc
There's 2 and a half since Acrid's a hybrid.
>Loader is melee
Technically only. You play xher by booming and zooming (it's the actual name of an aerial combat tactic) and only using M1 to finish things off sometimes / in the very early game.
>Acrid is a hybrid
Dude no. The function of xher M1 is to only finish off things that are severely weakened by poison already.
1 more
By that logic Merc isn't melee, he has an unlockable ranged skill
>by that logic
I described how their playstyle is not a melee playstyle. What fucking logic?
How the fuck is acrid melee? He has two skills only and they are both ranged?
Same way that Mul-T is "ranged" despite needing to be licking the enemy to "shoot" them.
The hop is pretty much melee as well. And the alt M2 is melee, not that anyone uses it. Just because they are more hit and run doesn't mean they aren't melee, you're m1 is a kill through contact and for Loader everything is except R. They are melee.
why isn't acrid's alt m2 an alt m1
why does hopoo keep putting the right skills in the wrong slots
for the same reason he spent time and effort developing a shittier version of poison just to spite people that wanted a lethal option like acrid had in RoR1; he's a petty moron
What hop? Hotpoo literally didn't code in a primary or utility skill for acrid.
Spamming m2 and r for the entire run is boring
b-but Blight is good when you're doing an all-Acrid comp!