Runeterra, Hearthstone or other?
Runeterra, Hearthstone or other?
Definitely not MTGA. That shit is hot garbage.
Runeterra so far. Hard to tell if it'll change after beta but they give cards away like candy and it's super polished. Most fun I had in a card game in years. Magic Arena is a close second but it's way too complex imo.
Gwent became trash after open beta. The game they have now is barely even gwent.
>card games
I like the horus heresy: legions. It's kind of like hearthstone with less overall rng and 12 classes. (And more then one "hero" per class) if we use hearthstone terms
I don't like MTG Standard so that was out of the question.
None of them. Ccgs are the absolute worst type of game you could possibly waste your time playing. They’re even lower than mobile shit. They exist solely to leech as much money and time from you as they can get away with. Imagine playing a game where the whole goal is to collect DLC jpegs. Fucking lol
MTG eternal you fucking pleb
mtgo master race
But lcgs are exactly what would save the genre, except ffg are fucking retards when it comes to digital ports.
It is funny how even after all this time nothing can dethrone mtgo, sure it is clunky and dated as fuck, but not a single digital card game offers what it does. From proper fucking trading and buying singles to automated tourneys and live drafts.
I'm just sad Artifact failed, because no one will try to copy the business model again. I don't know why people want to play card games where you can't just buy the singles outright.
Most people are try harding too because of the entry fees.
I should get into MTGO since it's a cheaper alternative to paper and I love me some cEDH.
Faeria was the only good digital CCG and it is dead. So, none.
Daily reminder that Riot Games doesn't know how to balance their games, and basically every patch you have to learn to play again from scratch. Terrible company
I've been playing LoR for the past week or so and it's promising, reminds me of CB/OB Gwent.
I like the spell mana mechanic, I like the Gwent/Artifact/MTG back and forth between each action and I like champion/level up mechanic and of course as is expected the visuals and effects are all high quality. The first set of cards is kinda boring and my fear is that Riot sticks with braindead curvestomp mechanics/cards to keep a steady casual audience even in future sets.
>But lcgs are exactly what would save the genre
Would they tho? I don't think most people would be willing to spend 20-30 bucks every time a new expansion comes out.
>cheaper alternative
Sometimes. Some cards actually cost more digitally than paper because they're found in chests only.
I would prefer TCGs over CCGs and being able to sell and buy cards but sadly that doesn't look like it will ever be the case for digital card games.
we've had this since 2002. You can even turn your full current standard set into paper if you want.
Runeterra is the better game and way more f2p freindly( even with the no dupe change(finally) in hearthstone.)
A bit dead atm, hopefully will pick up closer to release.
G w e n t
I never spent a dime in Gwent and I have all the cards.
Did you timetravel from 2018 to post in this thread?
Shadowverse was cool for some time, haven't pllayed any card game since then
Wouldn't hurt to have more alternatives, or if wotc stopped chasing hearthstone and focused on improving mtgo.
Runeterra is currently the most skillbased cardgame out there that's not Gwent, but Gwent was also boring as shit so here you go.
Artifact 2
Action based turns and mana flood are two things I never knew Id love
Not all card games have predatory monetization like HS dude, I already have all runeterra cards and I spent Zero money and only do dailies lol
For me, it's Shardbound.