Tell Capcom what you don't like

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>twitter replies instead of filling the fucking form


What I don't like is you, you fucking faggot

Excuse me sir, can i see your licence for that please?

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Current year internet is filled with retards. We made it too accessible.

I told them it was good, but too short. And that no one cares about online, it shouldn't be a part of the remakes. Just focus on the singleplayer.
I expect they'll get the same type of answer 12000 times.

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The replies to the twitter post are quite reasonable, which is very surprising

I would have loved if Resistance had a singleplayer mode, not only would it give people a chance to practice a bit before jumping into online, but it would mean the game wouldn't be dead once the general interest runs out.

>pic related is literally the top response

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what a moron

That’s genuinely the only way to make up for it. The length of the game isn’t really a problem but the complete lack of side content due to a focus on some shitty multiplayer mode nobody asked for that you can’t even find matches in, is inexcusable

different teams retard

So the Resistance team should’ve worked on adding proper side content to RE3 like Mercenaries. Fucking ridiculous that remakes have less content than the original games now

>Give nonsense negative feedback
>Haven't even played the game


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Same thing I said. Also to make a new fucking Dead Rising game.

This is the feedback I gave them for the "Negative" section.

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Told them I liked it especially story/characters, but that the game is too short, and desperately needed more puzzles and locations/levels like the Clock Tower. Also said Nemesis is perfect in terms of gameplay mechanics but that he should've chased you on his own in more open locations instead of only being relegated to scripted chase scenes in narrow corridors and boss fights halfway through the game.

Beyond that, I said nu-Carlos was great and deserves to be in future Resident Evil titles and I want to see Code Veronica get the next REmake treatment.

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>people complaining about Nemesis' presence
>praises X
Yes, Mr.X. The nerve wrecking entity you can literally walk away from and he will never catch up.


My point is, neither of them are very scary. Not in the remakes, not in the originals. I'm not defending nemesis. I'm criticizing the both of them.

I praised Nemesis' game mechanics but said he should've chased you in more locations. People are retarded if they genuinely think that Mr. X is better mechanically when Nemesis is superior in every way and they'd know this if they actually played the game.

At least hes there, nemesis is absent for huge chunks of the game.

Sure I filled it out but do they care? Like they could just be tossing this up there to act like they give a damn. If they added dlc that adds in cut shit, or even just a Raid mode, I'd be surprised. Like when was the last time Capcom released a directors cut of a game at all?

Except you can literally do the same to Mr. X all while being able to outpace/lose him. Hell you don't even have to use grenades on Mr. X because he's that fucking easy and only casuals got filtered by him.

Nemesis was neutered because normalfags complained that Mr. X was annoying and kept making them fuck up. Nemmy's mechanics were better, but he didn't actually get to fucking use them.

He wasn't scary because he wasn't in the fucking game.

>Dead Rising
Unless they retcon that entire Frank shit show from 4 I don't care.

They released a Gold Edition of RE7. I'd fucking take a Gold Edition for RE3 if it meant more minigames and locations.

>At least hes there
Arguably. But like I said they both aren't very scary. Imagine if they acted more like the chasers in Haunting Ground after Debilitas.

>Except you can literally do the same to Mr. X all while being able to outpace/lose him
Yes, but here's the difference:
X will still be in the RCPD.
Nemesis won't because he has to leave to make sure he's not late for our scripted appointment elsewhere.

Indeed >this.
It's like PS Home. "If you don't like it, don't play it!"
No, that's a stupid take. Sony used money, time and developer talent to make a crappy Second Life instead of investing it in features people actually wanted. They thought they were going to make mucho-lucre off the captive eyeballs that were flooding the common areas filled with 3rd party adverts, plus idiots buying virtual doodads to fill their virtual apartments with. And surprise, surprise, no one gave a shit and continued to complain about the deficient friends list features.
Capcom wasted time, money and effort on a crappy multiplayer mode that they've never got more than a tiny number of people to play instead of either 1) using the money to make single player content people might actually like or 2) saving the money and releasing RE3 for cheaper to make their fans happy. Possibly releasing DLC later. As it stands now, they'll need to make free DLC to try and get some goodwill back.

>X will still be in the RCPD.
He stops being in RCPD after you defeat the first Birkin I think.

>Nemmy's mechanics were better, but he didn't actually get to fucking use them.
This was the biggest crime of the game. He's actually fucking perfect in terms mechanics, and encounters with him actually force you to confront him and plan your escape more strategically but he's so criminally underutilized in the game and the few times he's free-roaming it's in really small locations.

Yeah but wasn't the gold edition just all the dlc together with the game? Did it add anything extra outside of that?

Carlos should have been a more generic beaner with a cholo accent holmes

>Nemesis won't because he has to leave to make sure he's not late for our scripted appointment elsewhere.
You mean in the demo? Because him fucking off to a scripted sequence doesn't really happen in the main game.

If you're talking about him being away during certain plot progressions, then Mr. X fucks off the same way when you reach certain points of the game. He doesn't even stick around in RPD when you go back to it. Even worse, Mr. X even fucks off when you hide in the Save Room compared to Nemesis who actually waits until you come out again.

The main issue with Nemesis is he needed more locations, otherwise he's mechanically superior to Mr. X in every way.

I don't think the RE3 city layout is conducive to a Mr.X-Nemesis which suggests it was never on the table. Maybe they did neuter Nemesis because of feedback, but if so, then it clearly influenced the map design from early on.
I'm of the opinion that RE3 was never getting a stalker enemy, right from design document stage. Maybe the team lead wasn't a fan, maybe Mr.X changed late into RE2's development and it was too late for the B-team to accommodate the necessary map changes to make it work.

how? i don't see any forms to fill just some toluna thank you page

>thank you page
Either you already filled the survey or something is fucking up on your end.

Holyshit that looks bad.

>Mr. X even fucks off when you hide in the Save Room compared to Nemesis who actually waits until you come out again.
Mr. X has an entire police station to wander around in. Nemesis CAN'T go anywhere else so he has to just stand there.

Not in Leon's quest. There's 3 points where you can return to the RCPD for items and he's there in every one. Although maybe if you take a shit-load of damage and play badly in the sewers the low DA score keeps him away from you on one of the return trips. Since you probably returned after the G-embryo gauntlet that's a a fair bet.

He gets up around the same time Mr X does. He doesn't leave unless you're in an area

>click link
>no-script kicks in
>"thank you for your feedback"
>can't do the questionnaire now

yeah tried disabling ublock and stuff already though. whatever

There's already a practice mode.

You suck dick at Resistance. Everything you wrote about it is complete horseshit.

No-Script makes it bypass the questionnaire, then it logs your IP and doesn't let you do it.

>when umatrix exists

What jill face mod is that?

I don't know. I just remember he stops being in RCPD at some point but not what triggers it.

I was telling people to do this like a week and a half ago when that survey first popped up and no one fucking listened because they'd rather bitch on a lucky star hentai forum to other spergs instead of to the actual company that can change shit.


>pursuer enemy fucks off elsewhere even though he knows exactly where you are (Save Room)
Nope, not only did it make him look dumb, people actually made fun of Mr. X for that retarded mechanic and rightfully so.

>has an entire police station to wander around in
Did you miss the part where I said that Nemesis needed more locations? Otherwise he's still mechanically better than Mr. X especially on higher difficulties which makes him stronger and move even faster.

t. Valerie main

Resistance was supposed to be its own thing, it was bundled with RE3 because of the negative response it got when it was first revealed.

I really Hope you guys talk then to cut the realistic crap and bring back the sexyness

He never appeared on me during return trips though (well before I tackled the G-Adult gauntlet), and that's already on my Hardcore S+ runs, so I doubt it's anything to do with adaptive difficulty.

>Nope, not only did it make him look dumb, people actually made fun of Mr. X for that retarded mechanic and rightfully so.
Are you fucking handicapped? How do you "Nope." my sentence when there's nothing FOR you to "Nope."
I didn't say it wasn't stupid. Dipshit.

Never reply to me again.

But the Twitter post was made yesterday...

>reply to your post
>close the thread before I can check my digits