Why did wow classic fail?

Now that the dust has settled, why did it fail?

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but it didn't? whitemane is still poppin' off 24/7.

Because we know where it's headed so the magic is lost.

You thought you wanted it but you didn't

Why did wow classic fail but OSRS just gets more and more popular? Is it because OSRS takes less attention?

Osrs is legtimitately just a better game. You could tell back when they were contemporaries in the day when wow kids would talk shit about runescape nonstop and runescape players didnt even acknowledge wow existed

Because OSRS has a dev team that releases new content in the style of OSRS

Because OSRS has a dev team that releases new content in the style of reddit*

My server is so alive that it has a 7 hour queue

Arugal btw

The playerbase it attracts. Classic is full of zoomers who watched way too much Asmongoloid and wanna be ebin just like him. The boomers who actually played in vanilla either never came back or left after a month after realising how shitty the game is.

7 hour queue before the sun even fucking sets in the arvo

It leads to the best end game of any MMO ever had and will stay there forever, your gear never becoming obsolete because kotick decided it is time for a new expansion.

>best end game
>naxx 40
Cringe and wowlet pilled

did it fail? i'm still enjoying it very much. my server is very active @ all hours pretty much.

What's wrong with Naxx? You know being a contrarian doesn't automatically make you cool and smart right? Sometimes it makes you look like a clueless idiot.

Nothing if you're living back in 2006 where half the difficulty is your raid members d/cing and finding extra tanks.

Anyone who thinks vanilla raiding is anything other than faceroll is genuinely autistic

"you think you do, but you don't" was actually absolutely right. Min-maxing faggotry which wasn't a concern back then make the game extremely boring and even more unbalanced than it was back then. Everything has to follow a certain meta, factions are extremely imbalanced because with hindsight everyone wants to be in the epic pvp montage faction (which ironically makes world pvp as Horde nigh impossible in most servers and gives them huge bg queues), and the game doesn't have a constant flux of newcomers joining in like it did back then making all the pre-60 content irrelevant and thus making leveling and rerolling more boring than it used to be (e.g people buying/selling dungeon powerleveling being the norm, and leveling becoming a solo game)

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because no matter how far back in time you take the game, you can't take the absolute turd farmers they call their playerbase out of it

You're mostly right up to C'Thun where most bosses are face-rolls and basic gear checks but Naxx actually HAS hard gameplay on top of needing top-tier logistics and gear optimization across the entire raid. It's unforgiving and I am truly curious how "average" guilds will fare in 2020 when not even 0.5% managed to beat the raid in 2006.

I raided Naxx back in the day and I can guarantee you that semi-hardcore guilds in classic are doing triple the damage than guilds did back then. Killing Raggy before submerge was unheard of in vanilla. Killing Vael without having to use a second or third tank was unheard of in vanilla. Guilds already hit Patchwerk dps check in phase 1. Hell, the BWL speedrun requirement for AQ40 scepter is five hours. If you can't clear BWL in five hours, it's probably a bad pick up group.

ok retard

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current clear speed for my guild is about 35 minutes
we're not even trying

>wanting to play a game you already experienced once
>still giving 15 dollars a month to a company and its devs who think you're worth less than shit
>all the underage and e-celebs now get to infest the game even more compared to 2004

I will never stop finding amusement in the ultimate failure of a human being that is a Blizzard customer. Even domestic abuse victims with stockhole syndrome arent this retarded.

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come home orc man

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Servers are still full. However I'm no longer playing.
The retail mentality ruined the fun.

>In the style of OSRS
good one

How is this even possible? It's the same game after all and top guilds racing for world first C'Thun back then insisted that the boss was basically impossible to beat FOR MONTHS. Because it simply wasn't possible to get enough DPS. Theory-crafting and optimization existed back then and I doubt that those guilds were full of idiots that couldn't even do a basic DPS rotation. Guilds in 2020 aren't going to magically pump out 3 times the DPS in the same situations.

MC and BWL are babbys first raid and top tiers back then already wiped the floor with it after the release of the next content tier when they even decided to go through the trouble of clearing it but Naxx is an entirely different pair of shoes.

You're full of shit.

Battlegrounds killed it. Period. Theres literally no debate to be had. Everyone loved the massive world pvp and then the game slowy died off when AV was released.

because WOW is boring and shit and nostalgiafags were wrong all along

So many people at ZG release last night the servers shit the bed for several hours and we had to call the raid off because nobody could even get inside. Numbers say Classic brought something like 3m players back. That's not a "failure" by any metric.

Blizzard did fuck a lot of stuff up though for sure, layering was a fucking disaster to begin with in terms of being abused, phase 2 was a complete dogshit nightmare for most players etc.

>get all the bois together for wow classic
>name our guild ISIS
>have fun for a few weeks
>42 people report our guild name
>GMs contact us and make us change it

dropped because no fun allowed.

The real answer is because most raids were nerfed as time went on during Vanilla. MC especially was completely gutted in terms of difficulty, and that's just from the patch notes that actually told us when things were nerfed, a lot of the time stuff was just stealth nerfed without documentation.

It didn't.

1. 60 fps and stable connection in raids, widescreen monitors so you can track more shit, better addons, better threat meter.
2. Game is theorycrafted the shit out of. Back then all the theorycraft was hidden behind best guilds' forums. Theorycrafting wasn't available for every raider until Elitistjerks' public forum became the number one spot for theorycrafting, and that was in very late TBC or Wrath.
3. Warriors actually dualwield instead of using 2handers in raid. Warriors understand the value of weapon skill and hit gear. Warriors in general are more popular and that shows.
4. People show up in proper raid specs, and proper gear. Back then it was cool to have full tier sets, but full tier sets are actually garbage for majority of the classes. Bloodvine set? Get that shit out of my way. I want full tier 1 because it looks cool!
5. People bring A LOT more consumables because gold farming isn't hard anymore and everyone knows the best gold per hour shit so you don't have to slave away in EPL killing bats or searching for herbs.

Speaking of Elitist jerks, they almost killed Hakkar 5 priests in tier 3 gear during the last days of vanilla. As of today, some Aussie guild went it and killed Hakkar 5 priests in 7 minutes after launch. That alone should give you an idea of how much better players are these days.

That's just bullshit. Guilds had trouble with BWL even during AQ40 and Naxx patches.

>making these threads since august

>wanting to play a game you already experienced once

You've never replayed a game?

>That's just bullshit.

It's literally LITERALLY a fact. Go and look up Vanilla patch notes you dumb fuck.

Yes I know they were nerfed but that didn't magically make BWL a one hour clear for everyone. God you're fucking dumb.

Because its original fans grew up, got on with life and have responsibilities now. Can't be grinding 10 hours a day anymore

Been many years since I played WoW, but I'm assuming all of you "pro" players are still using addons that tell you what to do and when to press each button?

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