Want to play MGS4 on my PS3

>want to play MGS4 on my PS3
>PS3 doesn’t read the disc for some reason
>perfectly reads the discs of all my other PS3 games
>disc for MGS4 is fine and has no scratches or anything
What the fuck is it then?

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Todd is odd...

the PS3 is saving you from having to experience that shit again.

great movie

it's telling you to upgrade your outdated tech

MGS4 had pretty nice graphics and sweet gameplay but the amount of cutscene to gameplay ratio is unbelievably fucked up, and the writing was extremely low quality compared to MGS3.

Either your machine OR the disc is fucked up.
You could try downloading it from PSN. Or just emulate it.

Ignore the fags dissing on the game. They're probably ironic MGS2 faggots, who praise that shit for exactly the same issues 4 has, while ignoring the vastly superior gameplay and production values.


Your disc may have become demagnetized. If you throw it in the microwave for a minute or so, it should work fine.

I recall MGS4 having problems being read back then too on a lot of PS3. Something about it being dual layered that makes it hard for the lens.

Is this a shitpost?

What do you have to lose? Your disc isn't working anyway, might as well give it a shot.

Consoles were a mistake. And some faggots actually collect this garbage. Lmao

It's your console. I had the exact same problem with my Jak and Daxter trilogy disc. Had to sent the PS3 to be repaired.

I bought this game 3 times.
The regular disc version when it came out which i sold away, the other disc version that came with the legacy edition which my dumb ass cracked and the digital version that came out in 2014. I still haven't finished the game.

>Not having a hacked PS3 and hundreds of "backup" gaems in year of our lord
Any effort you put into fixing your PS3's disc drive is better spend hacking your PS3 and playing MGS4, and installing the SAVEMGO version of MGS4 Online too.

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What's the easiest way to hack my ps3?

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You can go on youtube on your PS3

Luckily it became way easier than it was just a few weeks ago, there's this new tool called bguerville PS3 Toolset that automates most of the process, all you have to do is download a CFW like Rebug and install it afterwards.

Start here:

Attached: Ps3Exploitpath.jpg (1152x648, 147.76K)

Thanks man

Op here. Thank you for this, I will never buy a physical game for my PS3 ever again.

Glad it helped, If you need a video guide this guy's really good for 'em youtu.be/Eckd06nFReY

BTW, you don't absolutely have to do all that stuff he does before getting to the actual exploit, that's just for peace of mind if you're still afraid of bricking your system

Can you put backups on the PS3 itself or does it have to be through a USB hard drive? I just have access to a 64GB microSD with a USB adapter. I have a 320 GB PS3 slim, literally one serial number model past being able to use CFW. Still makes me mad.

>idle CPU: 62°

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You can do either or, and what you should really do is use Filezilla to FTP directly from your computer to your console over a wired connection.
I've never used PS3HEN but I hear it's fine if you can't CFW, you just have to enable it every time you turn on your console.
Do you have a Super Slim?

If you have a PS3 fat you should be grateful for even those temps, YLOD is when you're constantly running in the 80's

Nope, original Slim.

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I thought the normal slim could use CFW now, what does bguerville tell you when you try to use it on your PS3?

There were some models that could be flashed back to a OFW that could install CFW but mine isn't one of them, unfortunately. Has there been some developments in allowing for CFW for later releases? And I'll try to test out the toolkit on my PS3 and see what it says.

>you buy a ps3 and a mgs4 in 2020 to play the game,
>tfw when you finished it

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From what I've heard what makes the new toolkit so special is that you can go straight from the newest firmware (4.86) to a CFW, give it a shot and maybe it'll say you can.
(Also apparently it's a good idea to set the url to the toolset as your PS3's homepage so no other webpages are loaded)

Get a replacement copy for pennies

One of my friends lended me his PS3 for like a year. The only game I played during that time was MGS4 because everything good was on PC anyway. The 5 dollars for MGS4 wasn't too bad, but I felt like my time was wasted playing that shitshow.