So what are the chances of Japanese devs making the move over to the Xbox?

So what are the chances of Japanese devs making the move over to the Xbox?

We already know the PS5 is going to be an inferior console and Sony's draconian stance on censorship should be more than enough reason to go ahead with it.

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Microsoft tried to make it happen in the early years of the 360 but it didn't really stick because of how poorly the 360 sold in Japan.
They're trying it again, getting more ports of Japanese games on X1 and Game Pass. I think it has a better chance of working this time because PC ports are more popular and the Xbox is a much easier platform to port to these days.

does it really matter what sony's censorship policy is? as long as they don't censor the games in japan who care what sony EU or NA does. japanese devs will make games fro whatever console is popular in japan

Why do you care? Are you japanese? No.

Japan makes the best video games, and Xbox will have better hardware than PS5. It is reasonable for someone to want to play Japanese games on an Xbox.

We are long past times of "move over" because that is retarded and leaves money ont he table.
You will see more multiplat support.

Zero. They already got burned once by the 360. So sorry, Discord.

the japs hate sony now after they've left japan for california. they'll probably still release a few games for ps4 since the installbase is huge but most of their focus will go towards switch and pc.

well there are a fuckload of big IPs on gamepass from japan. kingdom hearts is also on xbox and not even switch has got that, not even pc even.

Ps4pro is already inferior to x1x yet they stay on playstation

the best you can hope for is that they all bring more ports to pc


Having the most powerful system never mattered.
And such censorship is merely a small inconvenience for developers and only goes to full effect on shit VN's and trashy AA games. It won't change any jap dev's opinion when their games still sell best on Playstation systems.

I know that right now you're hyped as fuck for Xsex since this is the historical lowpoint for PS5 hype (Xsex already released ALL possible info on their console, while PS5 is just starting so bad news are at their peak right now), but don't let it get to your head too much ok?
Nothing will change. Jap support will continued to be as skewed as it is right now, and Xsex will still sell less than half of PS5. No, nothing revolutionary or world changing is happening, calm your horses.

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A Reminder that next gen the only console war there will be is on the Gamers

Buy Neither

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Also, the Japanese don't really consider Sony as a Japanese company anymore. Since the management has been moved to California and Europe, while the manufacturing is in China.

So the nationalism is pretty much gone.

based and redpilled

Honestly I found it offensive that they even have disc drives. Fuck off with this.

So you dont even like to own your own games user?

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I really don't care because I'm not autistic.

>he doesn't watch 4K Blu-rays
uncultured faggot detected

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>Owning things? What are you, autistic? I prefer to rent!

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>Robot Jox
Good shit

imagine having to do ritual every time you want to play a different game lol
have fun feeling some control over your life through ownership of plastic boxes lol

>Putting a disc in a tray and picking up a controller is too much hassle!

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Zero chance. No one in Japan owns an Xbox One.

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They're insanely xenophobic and will never support American hardware

Doesn't mean there isn't a market for the games in the US. KH3 did well enough for them to add it to gamepass and to port over the original 2 HD collections from playstation.

>KH3 did well enough for them to add it to gamepass
Adding a game to gamepass means it sold like shit, not well.

It's difficult to quantify because games don't sell on Xbox regardless.

SIE is an American company now.

This literally has no bearing on what ends up in gamepass as games that sold gangbusters got to it anyways. If you would stop sucking Sony’s cock for 2 seconds you would realize it

The HUEG and 360 both had plenty of japanese support. Sure, they didn't sell as many consoles as Sony or Nintendo, but the dev support was there.
Personally, I think things are shaping up nicely for Xbox this upcoming gen.
>Phantasy Star Online 2 just released on Xbox One
>Game Pass just launched in Japan and South Korea this past week.
>Phil has demonstrated continued interest in acquiring a Japanese studio (and other international ones)
>Rumored exclusive new IP by japanese studio next gen
>Yakuza, the Kingdom Hearts saga, the Final Fantasy games, and many other relevant franchises all ported to Xbone
>less strict censorship policies than Sony
>continuously go out of their way to have japanese games on their E3 showcase (Tales of Arise last year, for example)
>best hardware of the generation
They're definitely trying, and I like it. Thanks to Microsoft, I got my favorite jrpg of all time (Lost Odyssey), my favorite japanese fps (Breakdown), and other personal top tier titles. Hope they can pull off something great again.


Your close but still wrong, they're a zionist company now