why people pretend OG Dooms were fast paced? It didn't even have autorun
>inb4 muh we were holding shift!
bullshit, watch the gameplay videos from the times before source ports became a thing, everyone was just walking, it's the same thing with Quake, most of the boomer Quakefags jacking off to muh movement didn't even have internet back then and no one was bunnyhopping and rocket jumping in singleplayer
Why people pretend OG Dooms were fast paced? It didn't even have autorun
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The same reason people shit on doom 2016 and eternal saying they don't live up to OG doom but what they mean by OG doom are countless WADs that completely changed gameplay to the point where it's unrecognizable. People don't like OG Doom. They like what you could make with OG doom
>everyone was just walking
ok zoomer
>The same reason people shit on doom 2016 and eternal saying they don't live up to OG doom
Because they don't. DOOM 2016 and Eternal are Painkiller variants, not Doom games. That doesn't mean they're bad either, just that they're not living up to what Doom was.
So what do you think doom would have turned out like if they hadnt stopped developing the games for years. And if you say "exactly the same but with modern graphics", you're a dumbass.
except they are, faggot
if 2016 and eternal 100% adhered to d1/d2 gameplay, you'd shit on id for not innovating, having no interesting ideas, milking a dead franchise and making a nostalgia cash grab
it's always the same with you faggots
>new entry in the franchise
>changes things up
>new entry in the franchise
>no change in gameplay, just improved visuals
>2016 and eternal
It's not Doom in every inch, in every fkn element of gameplay. It's not FPS, it's slasher with guns.
>click fire button
>it shoots
I dunno, user...i think it's a shooter...
Because they were. Encounters happened organically as you explored the levels with weapons that all had a purpose and dealt just enough damage for the enemies to not feel unnecessarily spongy.
Wrong. The majority of custom wads use the same base, the same monsters, weapons, everything, just new levels.
New maps is what made the community strong, not gameplay mods.
>speedrun represents regular doom gameplay
Please be joking.
>Doom is slower paced
Nope: youtube.com
Watch the video. The thing is: In Classic Doom you can CHOOSE your pace. You can play really slow if you want (or if you are a noob) or you can go on the speed of light, avoiding enemies and projectiles with pure skill and fast reaction (needed for hitscanners), killing all of them or not on the process. The map you are playing also can help with that, the best ones are designed to avoid "peak-a-boo" zones and will keep you pushing forward. The combat that Nu-Doom does are totally inspired on the best classic doom maps, so there's that. I hope I was able to answer your query.
>sourceport requiring megawad
if you knew the community you would know that's true. Just look at the Cacowards. I am not putting down gameplay mods, they are great and I also made my own. But the megawads and maps are what made the community alive for so many years. I'm talking about people that contributed to the community, not random people who played "brutal doom" for 15 minutes and them moved on. Yes Brutal Doom is a lot more popular and mainstream, but it didn't extended the scene as many mappers make things for the original gameplay. That's just a fact.
>Yes Brutal Doom is a lot more popular and mainstream
Kek proving me right in your own post. Gotta love it
>sourceport requiring megawad
Are you a literal retard? BTSX is a VANILLA megawad that runs on Doom2.exe if you want, without any sourceport.
It's popular and don't made anything for the community as a whole. Stop being an idiot an listen to what people are saying to you.
Great argument lol
>proving me right
Except not.
Funny how you don't even know how to argue... since you are just a little brainlet lol
Are you literally retarded?
Oh so this is why people complain about arena encounters. They just want to skip the shooting part in fps game.
>immediately devolving into "no u stupid"
Why can't you guys just accept that the vast majority of people just don't like OG vanilla doom all that much despite saying they do. I'm not even saying its bad. I'm saying people are projecting their love for all their favorite wads, total conversions, etc onto OG doom. What we have now is as close to what doom was as you were ever possibly going to get from a AAA developer and it's fun. It's a fucking miracle it's not a COD clone. It's not perfect but man the way some of you talk about it, you'd think hugo personally slaughtered the original doom team
>Back to Saturn X
>sourceport requiring megawad
Geez right here you can find the peak of stupidity. The poor fuck is just desperate to be right.
>Why can't you guys just accept that the vast majority of people just don't like OG vanilla doom
Because that's not true. Simple as that.
Yes, I'm aware there are people who don't like OG Doom, or who just like to play it with gameplay mods. Fine. I understand what you are trying to say. But they are not the majority of people. Most people like Doom the way it is, even if they like to play on GZDoom or with extra maps. You can search for some statistics if you want. Some people doesn't even know about mods, but played Doom on pc or on some console of sorts.
About NuDoom, just to get clear... I think they are fantastic games. I personally don't have anything against them. I mean, I have some gripes (level design for example) but hey, as you said, it's a fucking miracle it's not a COD game and I'm grateful for that. So yeah, don't think all classic fans hate NuDoom... some of them may not have these games as their favorite, but that's all.
>Because that's not true. Simple as that.
I realize at this point it's basically "I said you said" but every single time somebody is recommended the older doom games on Yas Forums, 70% of the posts tell them to play with mods. We could run a poll but I doubt even that would convince you guys.
That's just anedoctal evidence tho. I saw, for example, more people saying they simply like it or recommending more maps like Plutonia. But that doesn't matter, I don't think Yas Forums is a good source of evidence for anything heh
That's my point. All you have is anecdotal evidence as well.
Nope, that's not equivalent. You can find a lot more outside Yas Forums and you will see that people still likes og doom a lot. The mapping community being alive for 27 years is already a prove of that.
Kek i see the same shit on other sites too. You're insane if you think a multisite poll wouldn't rank something like brutal doom above OG doom
you must fucking venerate Duke Nukem Forever than
It wouldn't. First because the original game will always be more well known than any mod. Also because people who play with Brutal Doom generally just do it because of the novelty, they play for some minutes and them never touch it again.
That because Brutal Doom is not a well-balanced mod. It fucks with most of the custom maps and people who make maps are aware of that. That's why no one make maps for Brutal Doom (except the creator itself who stole some maps from Freedoom).
Well I disagree. I can almost guarantee. Mods would rank higher on that poll
Nope, look for UV-Max if you want all your shooting.
Play on UV Fast, you can also use turbo for additional speed. These are all features of the original game.