I bet you didnt play a single game this week, faggots

I bet you didnt play a single game this week, faggots.

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Sataniaposters need to get feminized and fucked hard.

Wrong. 123.8 hours the past two weeks.

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I played tower of guns. I don't feel like playing games at all now though. What do I do?

Delete tower of guns and install something worth playing.

Correct, I was busy programming my own because I'm not an unproductive consoomer

but i've been playing fire emblem three houses this week

nope i was too busy playing with your mom

productivity is a wagie cope

I have but I can't start them.

This was actually the first time in a while i actually played a game and enjoyed it

I played some Bf1 and leagues, some Gears 5 and MW. Got thr Premium for BF1 because it was on sale. Might buy Black mesa and Doom 2016 because why not, I played HL2 but never played the first one, you guys will probably hate me because I played HL2 on the Xbox and Doom 3, and I remember playing Serious Sam port for Xbox hah

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i want to fuck a satania poster

I've been rotating four you nigger.

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This shit won't grind itself
Does anyone even play this game anymore?

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Wrong, I played Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter this week.

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I finished Cold Steel 3 yesterday

Dumb Satania poster. I've been doing nothing but play Mount and Blade instead of working from home like I should be.
I'm not looking forward to the call from my boss tomorrow.

Consumption is depression cope

>Does anyone even play this game anymore?

You're 3 years too late.

I don't think I've played anything in over a month. I just install games and tell myself I'll start them "tomorrow". I need help.

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I did nothing but play vidya this week. I feel like shit

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My 73 hours of Civ VI says other wise user

i've picked up the original starcraft and have been enjoying playing protoss, even if i suck dick at it

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Yeah, I know the craze died long ago, and I play it with my friends but it's only a matter of time before they get bored of the game and move on
Eh, I guess I can always follow suit

Typical animeposter

I'm playing Xenogears for the first time, the encounter rate is fucking annoying.

I beat this game yesterday :))

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Try watch some of Tasteless streams, you might pick up a few tricks