Do you like the dumb Thot/Stacy archetype in vidya?
Do you like the dumb Thot/Stacy archetype in vidya?
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Dumb Stacies >>> tomboys
Only redditors will prefer Chie to Rise.
>fails literally every subject other than English, because she's mixed and bilingual
>in fucking high school
Just how retarded is she?
totally, but only if it's cranked up to 11
>"average student" in Japanese version
>"dumbest whore you have ever seen" in American version
What did Atlus USA mean by this?
What are the differences in Jap version?
Doesn't she suck at school in both?
Still even being "average" for a girl is retarded. If a woman doesn't have 4.0+ average in high school, there is unironically something wrong with her.
I do.
Sure, but I like Ann a lot regardless.
Not really, but bimbo ann makes my dick hard for some reason
I prefer the spoiled princess/rich girl, or the fucking nerd girl archetypes. Basically I like fat girl archetypes.
That's just regular Ann.
Anons... I...
Satsuki is the best woman a man could ask for.
How does it feel that a sexy sweety like anne will always beat out an over opinionated bitchy type IRL fem anons?
Both bimbos and tomboys are for rape
Funny how that works
The choker makes me think good things.
Ann is too soft and dumb for me.
Lacks bite and smarts. If she was more smug with spine and wasn't an absolute retard then she would be a 10/10.
What's that?
Did you just blow in from stupid town
Kunaboto will draw again Ann and Satsuki
hot girls used to pick on me in high school but I was too busy being a sad loser to take advantage of that and gain sexual pleasure
Japanese high school is not the piss easy shit that is western high school
God I would cum inside that repeatedly until and after pregnancy is achieved.
That's the only answer user.
welp I'm erect
Hnngh, pregnant Ann. I want to fill her with so many of my babies.
Yeah, I do. I like beating my meat to them, too.
cute dumb blonde
same here, but I'm confused and also a little worried as of late. Can you develop some kind of weird impregnation-kink at some point? Like, Ann is among the chicks that really need to be bred, and filling her up to the brim with my seed and the thought of impregnating her in the process sounds as arousing as rewarding to me. But I don't want to have kids by any means. Just the thought of 'claiming her is what does it for me so much. I genuinely think I am beyond saving at this point.
could need a bit more love, but that's about the right size for her. Lip enhancement wasn't even something I thought of.
How Ann would really act because of her looks.
Who doesn't?
s-stop this is actually still turning me on
No, it's mostly normal to like it. There are ways you could make it out to be a dumb fetish though. The way you worded it though is normal.
I want to be her chair.
How can one person's tastes be so good yet so bad? I completely agree with the first half but flat and petite is the best.
>spoiled princess/rich girl
>that is also a fatass
cutest couple
literally who? fuck off with your dumb ecelebs