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2 months max
fuck this
I'll stream it for you if you want. I have a free hour before work.
I'll stream your wife and mom and sister sucking my dick
lol that got dark fast! XD
It's garbage who cares
why do you wanna suck my dick too faggot?
since it passed 10 days, looking at the other cracked games in the near past, our next chance will be around 40 days
kill yourself underage
Piracy is dead boi
I wouldn't mind user...
wow lewd
>wait 2 months for crack
>play for 8 hours max
it's not even worth pirating, bring on the next "big" AAA title slop.
denuvo cracking is over since the nfs heat drama
>Go to youtube
>look up resident evil 3 remake free download
>start downloading
qrd on this series?? any of the first 16 games any good?
Piracy died lmao. Sadly when you do obtain a pirated game the crack has viruses. Shit ain't risk free if there's free product anymore.
Just one more week, mark my words! Piratefags always win baby! Now excuse me while i play animal crossing on a switch emulator
It is cracked though? I've seen it on official CODEX site...
>being gay
Nice retort, assfag
I got stuck and an indian gentleman did call me and help with my problem. I'm on my phone while he checks my google account right now for the error on my desktop
If you’re a habitual pirater you’re a cheapskate, there I fucking said it fags
I myself prefer the term domestic media terrorism.
For real, why should i give people money for something i get for free? It doesn't make any sense. I don't care about these people.
Is there a good switch emulator i always wanted to play Fire emblem
video games aren't that important. if i can get them for free, i'll take them for free because they ain't worth what's being asked for them.
theres this new hacker on the scene snowqueen or something, he's the dude that cracked the latest AC odyssey since all the pirate normies were asking for it
rumour is, next up is either RE3 or that jurassic park build game
Hoodlum returned too and infected everyone with malware and a RAT! What a time to be alive! Only 90s kids remember.
I don't trust that faggot.
depends on who is working on it. remember when denuvo cracks took almost a year? tranny empress could do it but he's a poor as fuck third worlder based on his nfo
i dont really mind, my slavic genes force me to pirate everything and only play dota on a 2000 euro pc