Add irl friend on steam

>add irl friend on steam
>this is his profile
w-what do I do?

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ask him some questions

Ask him if he likes girls who are cute and funny

Im afraid to talk to him at this point

Fake and gay

Based as f-
>zurdo killer
That's just cringe, boludo.

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Just do it, it's not like he'll do anything bad to you

your friend is based, only thing wrong with him is being a filthy argie

>They call me "lefty killer"

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what does it mean

This only reflects on you, this is the type of person you attract. Just give up

What's the problem?


Gift him witch-based products?

>theres nothing wrong with being a literal pedophile

Conquer his bussy

Maybe I'm retarded but where does it say that he's a pedophile?

report him to the narco squads

his pfp
his workshop showcase
his favorite game
his background

>in trading card group
>Only level 39

slap him on the ass and say THATS MY BOY!

2d != 3d

Is he cute? Would he look good in megumin cosplay or akko cosplay?

user, get your facts and logic out of this thread.


Exactly. There isn't.

is this really how pedophiles justify it?
>I'm not sexually attracted to kids, only drawings of them :D
holy fuck

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>every gamer I meet irl is this bad if not worse
>everyone I've met on this shitty site is relatively tame/sane in comparison
how. why. fuck this shit man

Behave like an adult and ignore it

are you genuinely fucking surprised OP?

Imagine thinking there is anything wrong with it you fucking faggot.

Fuck off 2016 newcancer

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>He cannot distinguish fantasy and reality.

Is this how you justify playing GTA, when you enjoy the idea of committing murder?

Kill yourselves friendfags. yikes!

He has a shit taste in anime

absolutely fucking based meguchad

>if you like cute and funny hentai you must be a pedophile!
>if you play fps gamesy ou must planning a mass shooting!

is this like the standard pedophilia defense force tactic?
>b-but shootan gaems
go play some video games where you have sex with minors bro
it's just a game what's the problem

mods delet
>naruto shippuden

You have to go back

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Do people really add IRLs on steam?


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I'm justifying my pedophilia as follows:
I don't give a shit. cry harder. fag.

WITHOUT THE 2D=3D because fuck 3dpd pedo shit

There is nothing wrong with having a cringy profile, just act normally. I have a very girly/faggy profile and it never has been a issue with my normalfag rl friends and colleagues.

honestly that's more respectable than "no it's just pictures of children just distinguish reality bro xD"

Call him a fag and tell him you know he jacks off to sissy hypno

>like cute 2d characters
>that means you're a pedophile

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Just ask him if he's up for a game of pretend, trust me on this.

keep him away from any of your younger siblings

seems based

What's wrong with liking cute girls?

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how the fuck does someones pfp make them a pedo?

God, I want to fuck Anzu

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go back faggot

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Show me a kid that actually looks like an anime character and I'll show you a blind man.

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don't show your faces yuk

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God, I fucking love this anime. Anime about them being adults when

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>fallen to bait because he has some agenda against cute little 2d girls
what the fuck

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I tried to read the manga for this but stopped after a few chapters of 'lol i swapped the lids on your pens so now they don't match fucking PRANKED bro' tier stuff
i didn't get it desu

>i didn't get it desu
it shows

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so if you jack off to drawn penises you're not gay?
Jump off a cliff you pedo faggot.

insert your penis inside your friend

It's about them being cute and doing cute stuff together while warming up to their feelings. I'm not sure about the manga, but the anime is really helped by Takahashi's voice acting. That said, Season 2 is infinitely better than the first one

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just admit you are horny for his Dong. I am sure he wont judge you, maybe even let you suck on it!