Design choices you hate

>game has upgradable weapons and equipment
>safest strategy is just to start upgrading the earliest weapons you have so you aren't doing chip damage to the enemies after the tutorial area
>finding a new weapon is never rewarding because it'll be at Level 1, when your existing set is already much better
>upgrade materials can be hard to come by/weapon exp is slow to accumulate, so leveling up the new weapon is just grindy and not worth trying to catch up
>all those cool weapons you'll never use
>if you do a future playthrough where you want to main a weapon you don't get till later, you have to hoard upgrade materials and refuse to use them for most of the game, making the early to mid game tedious as you do shit damage while waiting to finally get the thing you want to spend upgrades on

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name 1 book

NieR Automata
Souls games
Ratchet and Clank games starting from 2 when weapons level up so your most leveled up early game weapon will always outclass anything you get in the future unless you grind the new one

>Ratchet and Clank games
not true at all
the Lancer fucking blows

>breakable or dulling weapons that need to be repaired to restore stats
fuck Fallout, Breath of the Wild, the Witcher, Red Dead, etc. The list goes fuckin on. Such an annoying mechanic that serves no real purpose other than drawing out the game to make it seem longer. If I wanted to sharpen a knife I would do it in real life.

its called risk/reward

it's almost never a problem in the witcher games though

It's only a problem in games like BotW where you can't repair the weapons. Otherwise it's a legitimate mechanic that satisfies my simulationist autism.

Upgrade materials in Souls games aren't that rare though, especially for experienced players in subsequent play-throughs.

>retarded move that is unfair given that the enemy is invulnerable, attack comes out very quickly and lasts a long time
>iTs SuPpOsEd To Be LiKe ThAt

I fucking understand that. Im saying that its SHIT

Souls games aren't that bad about this since you can still find some pre upgraded weapons, and you can just buy the low level crafting material if you really need more.
Ratchet games absolutely don't have this, your newer weapons are pretty much always stronger than older weapons, and they level up quickly enough that it isn't difficult leveling the new weapons you get.
haven't played neir so can't comment on that.

I wanted to play BotW but I watched my sister play it and she had to switch to a new weapon what seemed like every 3 attacks. Fuck that. It's a shame, because the rest of the game looks pretty fun.

and when the risk far outstrips the reward, it is called bad game design, you simpleton.
a design priniple is not automatically good just because you implement it, it needs to be reasonably balanced as well; saving up money for bad times is always prudent, but not spending any at all will make you starve to death.

Breath of the Wild weapons are supposed to be like Kirby copy abilities. You get a new one from every enemy and keep cycling through a variety. You're not supposed to have a weaponfu or hoard stuff, you just pick up stuff as you go along. Once in a while you'll find something really good (like UFO in Kirby) but that too is fleeting, and that's fine.

>its bad game design because i suck at games
all the examples you gave are so forgiving that you dont really have a leg to stand on

You make a decent point. However, it's a Zelda game, not a Kirby game. I can't imagine why someone thought such a design choice was the direction the franchise needed to take.

You have described pokemon re: levelling pokemon you catch early

Dark Cloud 2 did the weapon upgrade system right to be honest

>Game has upgradeable weapons
>Midgame ones found in the world with 1~2 upgrades
>Lategame ones come fully upgraded
Best system

In my ideal Pokemon game, the Gen 5 exp gain scaling would be there but on steroids.
If you're underleveled, you catch up RIDICULOUSLY fast, but if you're more than couple levels over, your exp gain is reduced to a negligible amount. So you'll never be able to power level just your starter and are forced to make a big team, but catching up new additions will be easy as fuck

Cutscenes that can't be skipped
Forced tutorial intro with constant popups telling you how to do basic shit
Forced stealth section in a non stealth game
RPGs with sections where you're forced to use characters that aren't part of your party

I've always preferred sidegrades to upgrades for this reason. Examples like cutting off the barrel and stock of your shotgun to make it into more of a riot weapon. Or extending the barrel of a rifle and adding a scope to make it long range, but trying to sight at close range is a nightmare. I just really like when upgrades or sidegrades actually make substantial changes to your weapons or armor. Like in Metro 2033 where you have to make a tradeoff between a suit that benefits stealth, or bullet-resistant armor.

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Game starts off with characters not at level one

Came here to post this

Oh, I get that. It's just that that isn't fun so I don't want to play the game.

>game has upgradeable equipment
>Each upgrade changes the appearance of the equipment

Best feature.

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Having to revisit previous levels because the devs couldn't think of anything new to do.
Having to replay bosses because the devs couldn't think of anything new to do.
Very clear and obvious hamfisted "GOOD PATH" and "EVIL PATH" routes. Ending is based on whichever path you did more of. Evil ending is always considered non-canon.
Game suddenly has a one-time driving sequence. Vehicle handles like complete shit.
"I'm a man who's wife died tragically. I'm jaded and bitter but my heart will quickly open up to this hot snarky young woman I just met."
Any use of tinnitus sound. I don't even care if it's for grenades or flashbangs. Fuck that shit.

>need to beat the game twice for the "true" ending
Fuck you Resident Evil 2
Fuck you NieR Automata
I have other games to play and not replay nearly the exact same game I just beat

>"I'm a man who's wife died tragically. I'm jaded and bitter but my heart will quickly open up to this hot snarky young woman I just met."

>Game has weapon durability/upgrade system
>All looted guns are completely broken
>You can repair them via mechanic, the price will be just as same as if you bought a pristine gun from a trader
>You can, however, repair them yourself, but for that you need the foolowing
>Locate a nearest workshop. (also you need to pay maney every time you want to use it)
>Find tools that have a very low spawn rate
>Find a duplicate of your gun and disassemble it for parts
>These parts will also be broken, so now you have to find other tools in order to restore them
>Once you've got all gun parts restored, now you need to find ANOTHER specific tools, in order to replace shitty gun parts with pristine ones
>Oh and you'll probably need to find 2 of these tools, since they have a limited amount of uses
>Also your disassembling tools wear off, and can only be repaired with other specific tools, that can only be either looted from enemies or bought for a lot of cash
>And if you want to get a fuckton of crafting materials, your best bet would be killing the endagame enemies, that have best armor and weapons available in the game

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>craft huge open world
>lead the player by the nose with a fucking arrow telling him exactly where he's supposed to go
>arrive at waypoint and watch a cutscene

I hate "videogames".

>game lets you choose a play style you like
>spend skill points into things that compliment it
>halfway through it forces you to use something completely different for one fight
>bonus points if the fight is actually unwinnable if you made the "wrong" choices

this is how I felt about the original Dead Space, I just kept upgrading my plasma cutter and literally every other weapon I found completely sucked ass in comparison

Name one game

Funny, I don't recall Kirby abilities getting destroyed after X number of uses. Almost as if it would be really annoying, wouldn't it?

This except change "one fight" to "final boss"

King's Bounty: Viking Edition, I was playing that recently. I remember Jade Empire doing something similar, too.