What was the biggest mistake you ever made in Animal Crossing?

What was the biggest mistake you ever made in Animal Crossing?

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Not buying NFC tags when I had the chance.

Dunno I don't play children's games

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Eh? They're still really cheap.

>tfw have fuck ton of Amiibo cards
>have duplicates of cards that fetch 70 + dollars

wasn't this proven to be fake or something?

>Bought NFC tags two days ago
>Expected delivery was two weeks
>They got here yesterday

Still not entirely sure how that happened but hey, I’ve got Sprocket in my campsite now.

I didn't want that gay idiot on my island, someone else can have him

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Turnips @ 560 for the next 3 hours.

V?MK2, except in reverse.
? = 4 + 3 - 6

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You can see the cut at 11 seconds so it's not that it was proven and more that it is just obvious that he couldn't resist the call of Raymond. It's kind of funny, he went to all the effort of keeping himself and Raymond in the exact same position, only for people to immediately notice the cut.

But they don't ship out because of the chinese.

yeah. in the fucking video itself. you can see a slight cam jump/jitter between the 11th and 12th sec mark

I bought switch and the game anons :(

Suggest me actually good switch games. I completed fire emblem, im thinking of selling the console now

Spending money on bridges, ramps and moving buildings before I unlocked terraforming

who the fuck is this guy and whats his endgame?

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Continuing the main topic of last thread about QoL features
>Jukebox that lets us pick or reorder hourly themes in our islands
The morning themes are so good, it's just criminal to put them in an hour that easily 95% of players will not be able to be able to hear.
I'd easily switch the 3PM, 6PM and 11PM themes for the 8AM, 7AM, and 9AM themes in a heartbeat.

Oho, but you can see Wilbur's changing dialogue is the same and the clouds as well as everyone's position still lines up. The truth is that I just had to do two takes because the Switch records in weird 30 second chunks with some of it being from before you even hold the button to start recording.

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never visiting blathers in the night when he's awake

How about an earbuds phone app that lets us choose what hourly song we want to hear or shuffle through K.K. Songs while we ar won’t and about?

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

Can someone please please please make me some iron garden benches?

Why do people care about this ugly fucking cat when there's wayyy better shit? I would legit leave this one behind.

Do you have arcades or games stuff like that? I'm carrying wood and iron to build shit

On my way. Are multiple trips ok or no?

Yeah, hate to say it but his story checks out. Even with the cut it's still obviously the same scene. What would a cut even prove anyway, that he filmed himself leaving Raymond twice and stitched them together to make one scene? Why?

But waking Blathers up is the best.

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>rejecting reddit cat

I’ve got an arcade, yeah. If I let you catalog it can I get a few iron garden benches? Like four or so? I’ll bring the mats.

>can't wake up Blathers by clapping

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>Hearing this
>after hearing this

I just wish I had an AC pacha to go along with this post. There's so much potential with the phone that's yet to be tapped it's mind-boggling. And to make matters worse, the best themes are in the morning hours almost none will get into. If we can terraform islands, why can't we make our own playlists?
Having KK songs replace hourly themes wouldn't be so bad either.

If you're still around I've got the tree for you. 6PMX2.

All games are children’s games you fucking dummy

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If you take a picture with your nook phone while he’s sleeping, the *SNAP* sound will wake him up and scare the shit out of him. Soul.

>hearing 7am after 12pm

time traveler

Ye code is HWDK5.

If anyone wants to bring games/arcades that I can catalog.

He's new, unique (only smug cat), can't be added for free since no amiibo, and people like how he looks. A combination of these things makes him one of the most sought after villagers and people are even selling him for real money since you can go to someone who has him in their town and get him when he tries to move out. He's functionally no different than other cats or smug types as far as I know.

This doesn't work on Isabelle. Soulless
But Isabelle is a shih tzu which are known for having bad hearing so that was intentional. SOUL

Multiple trips are fine, and you don't need to tip.

Hourly themes not unlocking until you have the Town Hall made me hope that we get the ability to swap hourly themes from other games.

That's never going to happen, but it would be amazing.

Yeah, all of the new villagers are going for high prices, not just Raymond. But Raymond's are especially high since he's a smug which is the best personality.

Can I have a couple of those trees too? I can provide the mats as long as you tell me what I need.

Turnip Price is 425, feel free to come in and sell. Tips are appreciated.

Code: HPJS5

>option to change how resident services looks later
>it changes sounds
>you can make the original town hall and get tortimer back with gamecube music

I wish moving a villager's starter house would have them update the wallpaper and flooring at least

Honestly I don't really need anything in exchange. How many trees you need?

What would be the lore reason for Tortimer coming back?

Just 2 if you're ok with that.

Sure, no problem. Just give me a minute to get the rest of the pine cones and I'll be set.