What are you going to buy with your Trumpbux?

What are you going to buy with your Trumpbux?

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Pay off convention plannings and porn, lots of porn.

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Nice bait. On a serious note, either a racing wheel or VR set. I'm still trying to justify VR for more than a porn gimmick though.

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>6Gs on softcore photos and you aren't even fucking the girl
This is some advanced virginity.

Dark Souls Remastered for Switch, maybe some new controllers then car repairs.

Paying the bills that I need paid and saving the rest of that shit and you would too if you and everyone else wasn't so retarded

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spend it on my streamer friend

>payroll deposit - 8.00
kek, guess you're on furlough too, eh?

>haven't gotten a fucking dime
fuck this gay ass country

Kigurumi sex dolls

>wasted on figures

Finally make the jump to PC gaming

Try paying your taxes, fatso.

>paying for porn

I'm going to save it because it's a TAX CREDIT. You WILL be paying it back next tax year. Please don't spend it thinking you will get the money

Im on furlough making 2 times more than i made before. Shits nuts.

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I don't do it very often but now is a good time for Japanese artists in need since Comiket is a no go this year.

Why are fags trying to call these trump bux now?

>get 1200 check
>move to Europe
>never have to pay it back

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You're a retard, it's not counting as taxable income and is classified as a rebate

You're an honorable man.

Losers watch porn, complete degenerates pay for it.

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thats false you faggot. did you pay back bush and obama stimulus? no? okay then

>he's still trying to post this lie

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>Action Figure
>Only Fans
You should be hanged.

American education right here folks.

>What are you going to buy with your Trumpbux?
donate it all to Israel. Isn't everyone doing this?

No we won't.

It's not his image. Reverse image search seems to show it's originally from reddit.

I am spending my DONALD J. TRUMP DOLLARS on videogames. :)

based buyfag user. h-manga buyfags are unsung heroes

>6k on onlyfans
>almost 600 on a fucking batman statue

Its people like you that turn me into a tankie temporarily, dumb cunts like you should have an oversight on your money

Vet bills, PC parts, other bills, invest what's left.
>onlyfans. -6.1k
Jesus fuck.