Is there such a thing as an apolitical game set in the real world?

Is there such a thing as an apolitical game set in the real world?

Attached: Thank_god_world_war_three_didnt_cave_in_and_get_political.png (750x538, 574.09K)

yes, the fact it makes you seethe this hard proves it.

Just stop thinking about politics every time you see a woman or a nigger

take your meds, you're hallucinating again

>no politics, just global warfare
>global warfare, something that is inherently caused by political tension
uh oh

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>america getting invaded by anyone

Why do they keep using this retarded scenario?
An invasion coming from either Asia or Europe would be a logistical nightmare. The only reason why american troops managed to land in Europe during the world wars was them having bases/allies in Africa and the UK. The same can't be said about russians, chinese or europeans on american soil. You can't just put hundreds of thousands people on ships and push them over the pacific/atlantic

global warfare isn't caused by that retard

Relating to the advertisement, does "no politics" here mean the authors are apolitical, or that the game is played at strategic-operational level?

To answer OP, I would say so. Sufficiently accurate simulation games present the world as-is with no room for author bias (a question arises if there are sufficiently detailed simulation games, but I think the answer is yes), and I can't begin to imagine how a game like, say, train simulator, could have an agenda.


as-is is still dependent on the eye of the beholder. there's such a thing as a lis by omission.

Why would people even try to invade the US? Considering how "powerful" Corona is, the next big t. attack will probably b&c weapons and done by some small groups.

>spread virus
>you're not immune so it spreads via the first tourist to visit your country.Great plan!!

What the fuck does that mean


you're right. it's actually caused by the jews

To an extent that is true. It isn't in any way difficult to come up with examples of omissions or different ways of mechanically portraying some aspect of reality, that do reflect on the author's views of what's relevant. For example, I haven't played it myself but I understand a monster wargame such as Command: Modern Air/Naval operations goes as far as taking regional topography into account when simulating the effects of nuclear detonations. But it does not simulate the effects nuclear war would have on morale on combatants on both sides, never mind things like possibility of nuclear winter.

However, being selective in what aspects of reality you portray, and to what detail, isn't necessarily a political question, there are other possible reasons, too! A flight simulator might omit to simulate the effects of air conditioning button in the cockpit, but it's pretty much inconceivable this omission had anything whatsoever to do with politics.

Me on the left

This is unironically one of the real reasons biological warfare is not a thing, once you release a pandemic somewhere in the world you have no real way to control it.

If you're making a flight simulator with a single player campaign you will face the decision: do you put a mission where you bomb civilians in?
no matter what you do it'll be a political statement

you know viruses and bacteria aren't the only forms of biological warfare right

All art is political.

>russia and eu invading america, not china

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And if you make a flight simulator where your task is to fly civilian aircraft in real-world air traffic routes, where's the politics there? Let's additionally suppose all current airfleets and routes are playable so you couldn't accuse the game of anglocentrism or whatever.

And I don't quite see the logic in your example either. Perhaps you do have a WW2 military flight simulator in which there's missions for bombing London, Hamburg and Tokyo. So what? These are operations that did historically happen, and could plausibly have been selected simply because they factually were major operations in the war. I could plausibly see mere inclusion of something like Dresden as politically motivated (if the selection criteria for other missions appears to be "strategic bombing campaigns of import", including Dresden takes a stance in open question of if it actually had major strategic significance), and beyond inclusion you can send an explicit message like "Bomber Harris did nothing wrong" or "The Allies committed atrocities on par with the Axis", but again - you don't HAVE to. Maybe you just fly historical bombing missions without imagery or civilians suffocating in the firestorm or whatever.

why are americans so obsessed with invading china lately? you fat fucks know that they produce everything, even medical ventilators and equipment since you fat asses sold off your manufacturing

Unless it's engineered to target specific people. Corona for example doesn't have a very high mortality rate for Asian people but media reports that blacks and other minorities are overrepresented in the death statistics in both the US, EU and UK.

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delusional populace of a dying empire

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>they produce everything, even medical ventilators and equipment
Which doesn't work properly

take your meds

>dying empire
literally lmao, already got millions of infections an they're on track to 100k dead by mid may, amerisharts got rekt

Videogames are not art

When someone says "I don't want politics in my video game" they mean "I don't want my video game to contain propoganda for present day political issues", not "I don't want politics as a concept to be present in the story" or "I don't want to see any depictions of historical political issues".

I suspect that any rational person would know this intuitively, and I would suggest that people making the "all games are political" argument are being intellectually dishonest in an attempt to justify pushing their political beliefs on others.

I bet there's people who'd be mad if you depicted Malaysia airlines as competent or flightpaths over ukraine as safe for example

I just came in to say that politics in games and political themes in games are not the same thing.

>Perhaps you do have a WW2 military flight
No I was talking modern, the United States government denies bombing civilians but we all know they do, going with either is highly political and I bet there's someone out there who'd say the bombing of London was actually different than what's shown based on some fringe document

funny how keep politics out of games on here always means: stop adding women to games, stop adding minorities to games, stop making games with sexual minorities, make games catered to white men only

>Deadly virus that kills people
>Blacks and browns most affected
Have you ever looked into obesity and heart condition rates separated by race? That's the real reason.


You get what you pay for. They also produce high quality goods, but you have to pay proper market price for those.

>Corona for example doesn't have a very high mortality rate for Asian people but media reports that blacks and other minorities are overrepresented in the death statistics in both the US, EU and UK.
take your meds you fucking schizo holy fuck
Asians can afford healthcare blacks cannot, it's as simple as that, China unironically has better healthcare than the USA and countries surrounding China i'd even say have GOOD healthcare for the most part. this is the real reason you dunbfuck

small dick white boy

kys even if you're being ironic


Here in Sweden the Somalis are often pretty thin and the Assyrians are fit and healthy. Yet they are still extremely overrepresented in the death statistics.

>when someone says X they mean Y
were these retards women all along or what?

wuhan china virus confirmed lab creation, this is to wipe out africa and latin america so china can get its resources