This is the only good ps4 exclusive. God of war,Spiderman, Bloodborne...

This is the only good ps4 exclusive. God of war,Spiderman, Bloodborne, and horizon all fucking suck and are boring anime weeb turd shit. I want to blast some zombies lol

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Jesus, b8 has gone to shit on this board

kill yourself faggot op

Fuck you faggot Days gone is great. Sony has enough gay weeb shit. I might just pick up a series x instead next gen.

seething sonybros

Ahaha another fuming Xtwat detected

You're not wrong apart from Bloodborne

Name a single ps4 exclusive that’s better than days gone

Last Guardian

Keep crying Xtwat, Sony is boutta win another gen

Hope a sequel gets made, days gone was surprisingly good.

>anime weeb ico shit walking simulator
Not a game. Got anything else?

i should play it

uhh...Uncharted 4?

Based. Days gone is the only FUN exclusive on the PS4 and isn’t a movie.

You should it’s very good user

Movie game with annoying characters and not enough freedom. Very dumbed down. It feels like a shitty summer blockbuster movie

Crash remaster

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (1524x1899, 317.5K)

>cant do it
Thought so

Not exclusive

I actually really liked Days Gone but the ending made me not want a sequel

I don't like the idea of super intelligent zombs, doesn't interest me

Begone underageb& and your shit opinions. The game is unadulterated trash

You’re unadulterated trash. Fucking weebs I swear

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Bought it for 23€, surprised by how good it is, plaiying it after it got many patchs probably help

The controls are almost as bad as RDR2.

Is there a point where Days Gone picks up and gets fun or is it just not for me? Last thing I remember doing was fighting a bear in front of a restaurant if that's any indication of how far in I was.

>zombie game number 1,935 with a Ubisoft open world

Bikers are disgusting low lives.

I got it on the ps store a couple weeks ago, after some fags on this board said it was patched into a decent state
the game is playable and assets load properly BUT
>AI is still dumb as shit, expecially for human enemies
>messy quest system: a lot of times the game gives you another quest to progress in a storyline without any logical input whatsoever or any correlation to the previous quest
>a couple of these storyline dont make fucking sense. Spoiler ahead
when at the beginning of the game you tell boozer you two are going to head up north "the next day as soon as you get enough supplies", but you spend several days around the map doing these dumb quests and he doesnt bat an eye, we both know theyre not ever going to leave that place
>storyline is still clichè zombie stuff, if youve seen a couple seasons of TWD, you have already seen it all
i'm early in the game and I can already predict his wife is still alive and working for NERO, so she had to keep it a secret because reasons
>burning nests is a fucking nightmare because theres never enough beer bottles to craft molotovs
>resource management in general is fucking shit, you cant hold enough resources and they are hard to come by
>also, zombies that exit the nest you just burned magically know where you are even if you fucked off two km away before they even get out the burning nest
>even if they detect you even at hard difficulty they are annnoying at best, theyre not even that threatening, just tedious to kill
>melee weapons fucking suck, the ones you craft are somewhat better but they deteriorate by 20% to kill A SINGLE FUCKING ZOMBIE
>you can repair them with scraps but you can only keep 10 of them at any time and you need them to craft a lot of shit
>scraps is easy to come by but the process is tedious and boring

probably my fault for playing at a hard difficulty settings, but i feel like this game doesnt deserve my committment

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Its just an bland soulless game. Even worth than ubi shit

>>AI is still dumb as shit, expecially for human enemies

>>AI is still dumb as shit, expecially for human enemies
It's weird but I got used to it.

>>storyline is still clichè zombie stuff, if youve seen a couple seasons of TWD, you have already seen it all
Didn't bought it for the story but I really like the MC so far, I love how talkative he is, make him more alive.

>>storyline is still clichè zombie stuff, if youve seen a couple seasons of TWD, you have already seen it all
Just loot more, never had issues with that so far.

>>resource management in general is fucking shit, you cant hold enough resources and they are hard to come by
It's done on purpose to force to explore more without becoming terminator, infinite ressources is one the things that I hated in BOTW for example, but I get where you're coming from, it can't please everyone.

>>also, zombies that exit the nest you just burned magically know where you are even if you fucked off two km away before they even get out the burning nest
It was annoying at first but if you run and hide in a bush like 50 meters away from the nest, you're fine.

>>even if they detect you even at hard difficulty they are annnoying at best, theyre not even that threatening, just tedious to kill
To me they're at my current level, I'm like at 20% progression of the story.

>>melee weapons fucking suck, the ones you craft are somewhat better but they deteriorate by 20% to kill A SINGLE FUCKING ZOMBIE
They took inspiration from BOTW I guess, I like how it force me to search for new weapons on the go but the ability to repair yourself the weapons kinda break it to me.

>>you can repair them with scraps but you can only keep 10 of them at any time and you need them to craft a lot of shit
You can get a upgrade which allow you to have 20 scraps, that's enough for me, beyond that would break the game to me.

I disagree, it's prettier and less souless than any recent ubi shit.