*knows secret Hokuto-Shinken-esque martial arts that make her equal in power to genetically modified super soldiers but without any of the psychoactive drawbacks making her canonically the single strongest normal human on the planet as well as making a mockery of most of the events of the game*
*knows secret Hokuto-Shinken-esque martial arts that make her equal in power to genetically modified super soldiers but...
Funny, aint it? Maybe Shinra should step up their game.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Cid has her beat there because he's just a wife beating wannabe astronaut
Tifa was always designed to be coomerbait. Not much thought was put into her story. She wasn't even a real character until they were forced to use her after Aerith's death.
Cid has inferior damage output compared to Tifa going by gameplay data.
In the story I've not seen anything to indicate Cid is supposed to be stronger than Tifa.
Tbf there’s also Cid who doesn’t even have a combat backstory to justify doing spear jumps, despite being my favorite character he always felt like he was roster filler
Same with Wakka, now that I think about it. Tidus is a whateverballitwas all star but he’s stuck carrying a sword so we’ll let the joke character do the ball moves so he doesn’t feel bad
the designer is dead
Cid is basically a cosmonaut hand-picked in his youth by a paramilitary corporation, so it can be assumed he had some combat training and experience beforehand, as well as being absolutely the top of his class and with a distinguished service record. His jumping abilities stem from that past.
But Tifa is still stronger yet than Cid.
>Top tier martial artist trained by the best of the best
Well duh. But she isn't an army of controled supersoldiers. You can't shit out tifas like you can SOLDIERs can you? It's not like a random big tiddy bartender can take on Shinra.
Makes you wonder what her agenda was tho
Don't you dare profane the name of Hokuto Shinken
Yet still stuck in a sports bra.
This is Tifa's master.
That's for your protection, not hers.
Battles in JRPGs are not canon. In the canon, Cloud is way way stronger than the rest of the party
Hilarious how in the final battle he's slicing through buildings like butter but gameplay wise has to rely on keycards and ladders to get around.
>implying I wouldn't want to be knocked unconscious by one of her magnificent breasts
It's amazing how you left the important part of what you were saying as the very last word.
Final battle is an illusion. Sephiroth shouldn't be able to summon a meteor without a black materia but he did.
what are the turks then?
She is on par with Rude from the Turks, she isn't that special.
She also makes a mean martini.
Go back to discord
>Sanji avatar
Checks out.
I think you are supposed to interpret the character more like - *holy fucking shit Hokuto no Ken is the greatest anime of all time and we will remind you of it in every game we make hence Sabin in FF6 tits are good too*
she got btfo by a crybaby mama's boy