Why do paid mods still exist?

Why do paid mods still exist?

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Because idiots like yourself pay for them. Why not put something up for sale when someone is dumb enough to pay for it?

exploiting coomers is good money

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Find a mod that gets rid of that manjaw.

Might as well hire an actual prostitute at that point

i love it that japanese modders are milking western cuckolds with their 20e/month mods
Fucking absolute based.

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you can get that stuff dmca'd if you group report it, usually only if its stolen assets like that op image

i used to do it when i had more of a vendetta against pretentious paid modders

I truly do hate women, i'm not memeing.

The same reason e-thots do, because retarded coomers enable their misbehavior.

Nah you know what,
if someone goes through all the effort of making a Bad ass mod, i'd throw some cash their way.

If they had a "DONATE" button,
Check counterstrike, that shit was a labour of love for some dude for years before he made any cash off it.
I've bought it several times now.

That pic you've done is the lowest tier fucking modeling shit. If they want to charge money for that, and it's a bunch of work for them granted, but they should put it on some Asset site and ask for cash through there, not just "Pay us money to use this mod in a game we dont own"

Fuck em, i hope someone downloads it and just leaks it for all.
Or more realistically, someone else just makes a fucking nude mod and releases it.

Why are men desperate enough to pay for such a cunt? Fucking simps, man.

do niggas really pay some thot 2000 to take her to dinner, and they dont even get any coochie?

>modders now charge for their shit instead of doing it because passion
I want to go back so fucking bad Yas Forums. The future is bleak.

Because gamers, including most of this board, are a bunch of unironic retards who have no qualms with supporting shitty industry trends.

if were living in medievil times that woman would be some cumrag baby machine for some old dirty peasent
your fault incel for letting women step over you

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Dude you could hire a dozen prostitutes that would lick your asshole for that price.

do modders really work for FREE?

What the actual fuck is wrong with this world

I don't let any women step over me. I've beaten the shit out of my own sisters for stepping out of line.

its not even a bunch of work
shit like that is literally a port from another game, stolen work they want to be paid for
Porting shit is the easiest thing you can fucking do in modding

This is one of the most depressing things I've ever read, from all parties involved.
I'm truly truly disappointed in the female half of the human experiment. They're an abyss.

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how the fuck do you even get into this as a career, "professional woman"? do you just make a habit of leading guys on for free dinner and escalate from there?

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of course

Jacking off is way better than wasting $6000 on that

it's an absolute scam, they lie to desperate ugly men and say they will have sex for money. When it's time to pay the piper they get Chad to step in and swoop them away...

For $5000 you can fuck pornstars

>hitting women

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>was I alone in thinking we developed a rapport with each other

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It's easy to shit on these lonely guys for being such simps, but I'd bet my life savings that these chicks are trying to act very personable on these dates, and the guys are (understandably) reading it as genuine chemistry. So that just makes it infuriating when one of these chicks turns around and starts acting fucking uppity when a guy looks to take things further.

That's what they get for lacking basic common sense. Nowhere does she promise sex


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What in the goddamn sweet mother of absolute fuck?

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>people actually pay that much to go on a date with an average looking girl with no promise of sex
what the fuck you can hire hookers for a fraction of that cost that are way fucking hotter

>be female
>have no dignity
>count on simp faggots to pay cause they have no self esteem

All it is senpai.

if that picture really upsets you then you are clearly identifying with the pathetic loser who thinks its a smart idea to spend several thousand dollars for the chance to be thought of by a woman past what your money has allowed. in this instance i honestly applaud women who take full advantage of guys who are this fucking pathetic. women do a lot of scummy shit but this, THIS, is a prime example of why. it's guys like this, like you who are the exact reason they get away with it. you could just stop being a fucking beta faggot. but you won't, and they'll continue to exploit it.

Look I'm not on that guy's side for being such a sap.
But shut the fuck up.
Just shut the absolute fuck up.

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fuck this gay earth

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>must be circumcised
uh based?

>but I'd bet my life savings that these chicks are trying to act very personable on these dates
no shit retard

>and the guys are (understandably) reading it as genuine chemistry
theyre legitimately retarded if they do - so no its not understandable for a functioning brain to read it like that after you pay for it

I would’ve just hired prostitutes and buy tons of drugs with that money.

No way in hell is that real.

Bruh literally any pornstar will give you the full pornstar experience for 5k the fuck is wrong with people

I hate both the pathetic loser who paid for it and the women.

What, you think the woman doesn't lack basic common sense given what she's doing here?

>nudes on her twitter
>armpit hair and bush
>people unironically pay for this

Because desperate horndogs and old dumbasses don't know how to keep their sex drive in check and are too stupid to know how to get good smut for free.

>will give you the full pornstar experience
Raw creampies?

She looks like every other girl you see at your local community college.

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Honestly, I feel like this is how all digital media should trend. People usually want to support things they enjoy and many will go out of their way to do so. But people are also willing to accept shit handed to them on a platter, so it may be a while before we ever get there.

Monthly fee? How the fuck does he enforce that?

Raw creampies

Wow, the guy you're replying to is a retard, and everyone you're talking about is also a retard.
Man you can just knock anyone down with that one, huh?
Doesn't matter who they are, they're done once they meet you!

>look up her website
>hairy pits and bare tits
okay this is based

Because you have to pay for more morally dubious mods to be made.

Rape helps

as someone who very nearly got roped in to it

>hit up social media HARD
>gather enough of a following after putting out enough average content that people may consider themselves fans
>gradually open up "suggestive" avenues (patreon, OF, etc) + wishlist
>wait to be contacted

This one girl got me fucking good, but i only lost $40 and it was a lesson well learned. Nothing but prostitutes and actual sex workers from here on out.

I could hire every hooker in my fucking city for the price of this broad

i don't think i know a single woman who hasn't gotten at least one completely unprovoked proposition from a man to do something sexual. it gets to the point where when they decline they get more and more desperate for any kind of attention that they settle for shit that isn't even sexual. and at that point one of two things happen: you finally find a guy who isn't a faggot and snaps you up, or you go full villain and think "well.. why don't i just take their fucking money? there's no end to these guys."

very few of them go down that road, but some do, and they rack up the cash until that one incel snaps and kills her. or tries and fails, and at least scares her enough to find a regular.

Reminder that if you don't fall for this you are doing alright

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>no user, females aren't cancer who live on easy mode with cheats on :^)
>no user, not all women are whores :^)

some pornstarts do that for 500 just if your her fan t knower

Man, I'm pretty sure the hostess business doesn't charge that much and that's an actual industry. What.

that whole comment just means she does know or care to know how male genitals work

spawn into life with an XX chromosome. Cut hair dont eat food put on make up and learn basic language skills. I can now charge more than a lawyer to have you buy me food and chat about nothing and not even have sex with you.
What the fuck has the world come to?

She's a fucking pornstar you retards.

>spending thousands of dollars to spend hours in the presence of that hideous narcissist
legit feel sorry for the guys who are in such a deep hole that they'd pay for this

nah, just retards.

i feel like blaming the people paying her, but at those prices she's clearly taking advantage of people with genuine mental issues

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Anyone that would pay that much on a girl like that without the promise of sex obviously has mental issues. She is preying on the weak minded and that is wrong.

You can jack off to her nudes right now for free all the while having a much better time than that faggot.

They're probably BLACKED girls

I literally got my dick sucked and asshole eaten at the same time, then had my nipples licked and dick jacked off by one while the other made out with me and eventually fucked one raw
and it didn't even cost the lowest price on this girl's list of $1500

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>someone does work
>wonders why they want to be compensated for it

you'll grow up one day

no one said it was right, but the fact of the matter is retards exist to be exploited. these pictures should serve as warning to the rest of us to not be fucking retarded. not to be upset that some retard fell for it.

This part here is particularly important.
This is one of the most significant failures of western culture that continues to this day.
When this is how it starts to work, everything crumbles. It's the exact opposite of every incentive that got civilization this far.

Stare at it til it hurts.

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I get why prostitutes need to get paid to live and many of them actually perform various useful services.

That on the other hand is some seriously exploitative shit, no better than doctors abusing an emergency situation. I hope karma hits her, hard.

At least I know that no matter how retarded I feel sometimes I'll never reach that fucking low. Mindblowing.

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all that money could've gone to a children's hospital, It could've went to some kid's chemo, instead it goes to whores.
why is the world like this?

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These guys are huge marks, no one is disputing that, but they're also fucking lonely. And if they're resorting to paying for some companionship, then they're most likely socially inept too. So no, it is perfectly understandable why these guys might read more into the situation, you bitter jackoff.

>look her up
>shes a hairy bitch that fucks niggers
>pretends to not be a porn star
haha holy shit

>unironically trying to justify paying for that
you're literally too retarded to live

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oh man Yas Forums incels forever btfo'd. this probably triggers you faggots harder than feminists get triggered by sexy video game sluts

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>why is the world like this?

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I'd like to think I can spot genuine autists and differentiate myself from them. But am I just as bad and no one likes me? This eats at me.




WHAT IS THAT????????

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Because unprecedented global loneliness. Everyone's in a dark pocket.
Less relationships are starting than ever now. And say they do start. Divorce rates are what? And divorce courts will do what to the man?

People mostly spend on their own well-being, not children's hospitals, hurricane victims and refugees stranded in Greece. (If they do the latter, it's usually a tiny amount of money.)

What puts some damper on it is both banning this kind of exploitation and using science to figure out how much of a shortfall you have of actual needs and at least doing what is minimally needed.

paid mods are actually a crime. Also, it is some kike shit that lover's lab lets people sell mods on there if they are friends with the admins, but refuses to host pirated paid mods

actual pornstars have better rates

I hope this bitch dies from Corona-chan

What a whore

if you had all that money why not go to a local bar/club and pick up some college sluts by buying them their $7 drinks a couple times lmao

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yet I get shit for paying for a $120 escort on skipthegames

What the fuck are you even saying? Why the fuck would I pay for this shit?


user, you'll notice the " " around nice guy, a "nice guy" isn't actually a nice guy.

She'll eventually run into someone like that one discord guy and the world will be a better place.

The woman is wrong.
And don't forget it.

They are biologically INGRATES.
They've been spoiled absolutely rotten, and they still want more.
They want to be swept off their feet, but by a creature that DOES NOT EXIST.
I don't know how it can be fixed.

If you've ever been to LoversLab or All The Fallen, then you'd know that's not true.

>must be circumcised
>not paid to engage in an intimate manner

Yes and? She is trying to pretend she isn't a pornstar.

oh fuck Laura Roux, she fucks blacks and has aids. Used to dig her porn because of that bush, but I refuse to jerk it to anyone whose fucked a darkie

>tfw you will never be rich enough to spend 4000$ for a date

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lmao, figures you have the reading comprehension of a 3 year old

Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not as autistic as you.

Oh shit, I fucked her on accident.

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That's part of the failure.
Nice guy was turned into a mocking slur.
Did you think you were ahead of me?