Raid released today

>raid released today
>Hakkar boss fight under all high priests being alive(each increases his hp and damage) took less than two minutes
And people keep saying that vanilla content is hard and challenging

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shit raid meant to ease shitters into MC raiding
>wonders why BWL raiders clear it immediately and effortlessly

I'm a rogue chilling in mostly pre-bis. How hard would it be for me to find a spot in ZG?

>15 year old game neckbeards have picked apart and found best way to do everything
>beat "hard" content

oh wow I didn't see that coming

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Hey, trash is a relevant part of vanilla and TBC, you should include that in the clear times. So in actuality Hakkar+5 took 5 minutes from raid release, not two!

I'm actually a bit surprised, though. I think it was clear T1 would be cleared the first week and while I was wrong in my overall prediction of sub-30min clear of BWL the first reset, I'd like to think I was "essentially correct" (I wasn't aware of factors like Warcraftlogs not counting runs involving trash skips, but rest assured, I did shave my neckbeard in shame like I said I would). After all, since Hakkar+5 wasn't ever killed even with 2.0 talents (and I don't recall any private server kills either), I expected it to take a couple of pulls of testing, which seems to have been the case for all other guilds that have done it in Classic.

I used to be hard and challenging 15 years ago because no one knew what the fuck they were doing and you had 40 retards running around like headless chickens. Nowadays people know what stats to stack, how to skill, how to prepare, the boss tactics, you have addons like dbm and so on. You can recreate the game, but you can't recreate the time.

classic is meant to be chill and pugable. If you want tryhard raids go do retail mythics

I played classic and this guy is correct

Classic was never hard, just stupidly time consuming, and nobody knew what they were doing

You can't bring back the magic and innocence

ZG was pugged in retail vanilla so it would be beyond embarrassing for pugs to fail it in 2020. Surely you can find a group.

So lfr was made specially for vanilla fans?
Got it

ZG is literally meant to be a bigger UBRS.

Private servers, although flawed, were better than Classic. If only for the fact that it didn't cost $15/mo to play a 15 year old game on pservs.

lfr is still more braindead than classic raids

thrilling shit.

It should have been a proper 40 raid. Hakkar is an immediate threat and has more lore and background than Ragnaros. That raid in general is at least a full decade ahead of it's time.

the average heroic dungeon boss in Legion (a decade after classic ended) is more complex than the fights in ZG

Full Hakkar was unarguably harder than anything the game released up to that point.

This is a raid that drops blues, the fuck are you expecting here exactly?

This is why classic is utter ass

Ion Hazzikostas' group in full t3 wiping on this boss

Hey, at least lfr requires some tactics

>And people keep saying that vanilla content is hard and challenging
Was that cleared in under 2 mins by people who still backpedal in 2020 or hotpocket mercenaries?

>ZG released
>No corrupted blood incident
This is why MMOs died.

so classic was hard because people were retards? good to know

>This is why classic is utter ass
you huffing your own farts definitely isn't the reason why

It was when the game wasn't filled with minmaxing faggots.

1.12 is easier, plus too many people know the meta & which specs/items are BIS

Their dps is really low

RIP Sneed

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no? You can literally ignore mechanics and stand in groundfire in lfr
At least in classic that one primitive boss mechanic will fuck you up if you are too dumb to follow

ZG is a 20 man raid that drops blues off half the bosses with a light mix of epics. Once you get to the panther and tiger bosses, then you start getting full list of epic drops.

It was intended to bridge stragglers into MC.

formerly Chuck

I just ate half a box of cashews, in between my thighs smells heavenly right now. Come stick your nose in it, faggot.
Nice way to contradict me, your autistic wowhead browser skimming ad lib fuckfest is dead. Imagine needing to read up strats meta whatever the fuck thing pathetic classic players need to do to be prepared to clear the easiest raid ever made

Well, it depends on how you look at it.

There are ways in which LFR is more difficult. For example, how much throughput do bosses actually "require"? Well, even if you take a random sample of players (with the constraint of having enough of each role, like LFR) with no consumables, perfect play in T1/T2/ZG would still allow beating the strict requirements by a factor of 2 or 3. Can you beat LFR bosses if everyone was at minimum gear level required to queue and doing 30% of their potential? I'm pretty sure you cannot. Moreover, while it doesn't really matter in regards to your ability to actually beat the content, neo-WoW has far more room for displaying finesse if you care, while in vanilla topping the meters tends tends to be a matter of pure RNG, seeing as that you do exactly the same number of same casts as your fellow players.

On the other hand, LFR is designed to be unfailable. As I understand it you gain a stacking buff every time you wipe, so no matter how impossibly shit your group is, you can still clear everything (while, as demonstrated by retail vanilla guilds, that cannot be taken for granted in vanilla). Secondly, to its credit the few mechanics that are there in vanilla tend to matter, sort of. Whereas LFR inherently cannot place heavy personal responsibility on anyone and mechanics can be brute forced through even if most people do them really lazily and some don't do them at all, in vanilla you can wipe even to things that are basically not even a thing in neo-WoW such as overaggroing a boss and having it cleave the raid or ninjapulling some trash, and the more explicit mechanics like Geddon's bomb tend to be more punishing in their tuning.

I remember wiping on LFR Kil Jaeden

WoW players are mongo tier

i don't know anything about ZG and tha'ts why i asked you schizo

Did you still have to do the orb mechanic on LFR? I could see that causing issues