

Attached: what went so horribly wrong.gif (1537x720, 226.98K)

Shut the fuck up you faggot. I'm going to bet nobody in this thread can name the game on the left.

Does someone need to be able to name the game on the left? Aesthetically alone the left hand example shows a level of actual talent and artistry, while the right looks like the product of someone who was too lazy to improve on the first rough draft they managed to produce that looked vaguely like what they were intending.

Left: game that pushed the hardware of the time to its fullest capabilities
Right: game specifically designed to look like a throwback to a more primitive time

If you want a game to compare to the left pick a PC game that pushes modern hardware to the limit.

I'm pretty sure nobody would argue against the fact that undertale is ugly as shit.

I wouldn't expect them to be able to. I don't know it off-hand and I'm secure in my knowledge of "guy that knows a shitload about vidya".

By guess I'm going to say it's from a PC-98 game even if the aspect ratio doesn't match. But I could be wrong.

You have no idea what the game on the left is.

>cherry picked example on the left
>cherry picked example on the right
Can you nostalgiafags shut the fuck up already? I can do the same fucking thing: put a shitty pc game on the left and put a well made game on the right.
Holy shit this is retarded.

wow user you are so smart I bet your friends on reddit give you lots of upvotes

Wow, Toby Fox really did a lot better work in 1995.

>Right: game specifically designed to look like a throwback to a more primitive time
Ah, yes, the retro-indie 8 bit aesthetic.

Attached: Retro graphics.jpg (700x525, 73.14K)

And after a bit of research turns out it's from Art of Fighting 3. A game that is beautiful to look at, and one I have played through personally, but isn't especially good.

So apparently to have an opinion on Yas Forums about graphics you need to have played through a forgettable 3rd installment of a C-list fighting game series and remember every stage and background.

Monkey island?
Alone in the dark?
Gimme a hint

Attached: 1D47D134-23CC-48D7-B5BA-F78BCFB0F7E8.png (1334x750, 3.23M)

Why the fuck is this a gif?

Based Tobias Fox Working The Obese Yas Forumsirgins
Ahh Yessir

Attached: cherrypicking.png (1336x1000, 1.21M)

wait for it


Because not everyone cares to be autistic about using the most efficient file type for a given picture.

so what everything is shit now, thanks for making your point. nobodu asked

Honestly, the left looks like shit for 1995. There is a clear style choice on the game on the right, and it is primarily a game that sacrifices graphics for atmosphere and gameplay.. which is supposed to be a good thing. Not familiar with the game on the left, but it looks like some Nancy Drew point-n-click type shit, which looked better than that at around the same time.

It's kind of ironic that the left image is from a fighting game well known to be a piece of shit other than having amazing graphics.

Well what if it is just sprite art and not a game, you could have just put the Mona Lisa next to undertale and put a 1995 number below it

Why do we hate Undertale again? It no longer has a Sonic tier fanbase since the zoomers have matured / moved onto other games.

Attached: 1581805805991.jpg (894x894, 75.89K)

I can't give you the name of left nor right.
What now faggot. Video games are for social outcasts.

But the point still stands that OP was trying to portray modern RPGs as a whole have bad graphics compared to the past

In fashion there is something called twee.
Undertale is too twee.

why are you here just to suffer?

To shit on all of you, autists.

>I'm going to bet nobody in this thread can name the game on the left.
I can't even name the game on the right, but the left one looks better.

Was he? I don't know what OP's intention was, I'm not psychic.

The number is irrelevant to the fact that one shows artistry and dedication, and the other is typical lazy "so retro" graphics.

Still a shit game with terrible writing

But user, if you stare at autists all day how can you be so sure you aren't one yourself?

i don't care faggot the image says one is bad and the other is good and we're supposed to argue about it get with the program

Attached: aedbddf81f13ec8939f4f98487440c9a1b1fbeff-400x400.jpg (400x400, 35.15K)

you're filth like the rest of us
*wipes his cheetoh-dusted and shart stained hand on your shirt*

a screenshot of a game made by a company of professionals
a single bored fag's first game

Attached: disappointed.png (341x196, 12.16K)