Which one should I get?

Which one should I get?
I've never played the originals for either game.

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ff7. it's much shorter, and i'm having fun with it so far. play p5r after. Haven't played p5r yet, but I put 130 hrs into the first one.

FF7, but you should play the original first.

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7 demake will drop in price sooner, anyway. Just a heads up: A lot of the story won't make sense since you didn't play the original

the characters and music fuckin blew me away

>Rape Jannies vs Time Jannies

P5R is objectively the better game, and is a complete game. FF7R is part one of x number of games, is shorter, and aside from the passable combat, is just a mediocre Kingdom Hearts game.

Original looks too dated

They are both only on ps4 so you should ask other places. You're not going to get good opinions here

FF7R is just a cock tease you end up beating in like 2 days.
P5R is a full game with a shit ton of content that will probably last you for weeks.

Plenty of graphical mods on PC for it.

P5 and when you get tired of that shit play the original FF7

As a guy that owns both. This. FF7rs like 40 hours-ish. P5r is a minimum of 100. Way better value for money.

Persona 5 is finished so go with that

Are you in the mood for a 100 hour game, or a game that might take like 80 hours to 100%? Do you want really good turnbased combat or fun action RPG stuff?
Whatever you do, you're bound to find the other half off by Black Friday, so knock yourself out, bro.

>he plays video games for 18 hours a day

Persona 5 because its an actual JRPG and will last you longer. FF7 Remake feels like an action game and may annoy you if you are a fan of the original.

you are autistic and clueless

Royal. For gods sake.

Both are bottom of the barrel waifufaggotru.
One is an incomplete game.

The one that isn't a $60 prologue ruined by Kingdom Hearts tier nonsense being poorly inserted into it and grossly padded out with side quests featuring NPCs that have less than 10% of the detail that was put into the main cast and look like they were ripped straight of Fallout.

Ok shill

>a novel or a movie
Get a switch and play Xenoblade, an actual game.

One is 100 hours of padded out garbage

Other one is a demake

Take your meds barry

this nigger right here gets it

This board is literally full of seething switch babies who refuse to buy anything playstation

willing to bet money this person owns animal crossing

PS4 has been even worse than the PS3 for jrpgs.

ff7. P5 aint good.

I finished xc2 the gameplay is shit but everything else was great.
