What games did you buy with your trumpbuxs? I got pic related and I’m thinking about getting far cry 5

What games did you buy with your trumpbuxs? I got pic related and I’m thinking about getting far cry 5.

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Can you buy me a game? I won't be getting mine

Why aren’t you getting yours?

Dependents don't get shit.

Mom claimed me as dependent so I got fucked out of a check. The 500 she's getting won't even go to me

Then again I'm a neet so I kind of deserved getting nothing I guess

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How old are you? If your younger than 16 your parents should get 500.

If you are 17 or older she won't get 500 either

well that's fucked

I'm in college and my parents make me stay with them when I'm not at school and they claimed me as their dependent because of that. They won't let me get an apartment. And I pay for my college with my own money and am there most of the time so I shouldn't even qualify. I really got cucked on this one bros.

Yea FC5 was pretty fun, go for it

your parents owe you the money

Thinking about a switch but honestly I'm not gonna get scalped for 600 dollars. I broke down and got RDR2 full price and that's been pretty entertaining so far. Chapter 3, 70 hours already put in.

>I'm in college and my parents make me

>trump is literally the first president to give out basic income
What a guy

>Thinking about a switch but honestly I'm not gonna get scalped for 600 dollars

Still waiting for mine

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Is this in Americuck or somewhere else?

Where else are they giving out Trumpbux other than Americuck? What kind of question is that?

Have the checks via mail arrived yet or is it only direct deposit people?

I got mines from direct deposit, the same one I did my 2020 taxs

Just got mine. Was thinking about getting into some VR. Any suggestions?

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Canada gets Trudeau bux

holy shit how can you be this much a turbosimp

It's obviously bait, user

Made me chuckle, good one.

>waaaaah it’s not fair
Shut up faggot your parents probably wasted well over 200k raising you. Let them stimulate the economy instead of you wasting it on some commie simulator.

A Honda Civic

The checks are delayed a bit because trump wanted his name on them. The first round of DD should be this week and then maybe next month.

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Beat saber

>tfw claimed as a dependent
it's not fair lads

meanwhile I know neets that are getting trumpbux because their parents didn't claim them

How do you get trudeaubux in leafcountry?

>mostly shut out from the world
>know nothing about this trumpbucks thing
>check my bank account
>1200 bucks added


OLED LG C9 4K television. It still hasn't arrived yet, though, and I probably won't get it for another week, but I am pretty psyched for it. I don't even want to play vidya right now because I'm too busy anticipating the television and everything I'm going to play on it.

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I bought P5 Royal

>Put that I could potentially be claimed as a dependent
>Cucked myself out of $1200 coronabucks

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