Why are japanese girls so sexualized in video games

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because jews haven't infiltrated their society yet

>woman in her underwear
Why are western trannies such prudes?

>bust size
>foot size
are you autistic

Why does it list her foot size?

>Age: 18 - 19
So she's -1?

Japanese men are perverts. I went to Tokyo and couldn't believe how many businessmen were buying hentai doujins. And nobody bats an eye.

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why not? deal w/it

Why are sexy women in real life portrayed as sexy in a a primarily male leaning form of media?!?!? WHY I DON'T GET IT I NEED TO ASK A BUNCH OF VIRGINS ON Yas Forums AHHGHHGHGHLADIHOEGVBOVWEL

I want to lick her abs.

Your image is a very solid reminder of the difference between western and eastern beauty standards for asians.

They fear the samurai after all.

>someone buys porn
>people should object for some reason
I thought it was the right that where repressed?

>shoe sizes are sexual
I can tell you are

>nobody bats an eye

as it should be, nobody wants to be judged in a fucking porn store

>foot size
That's where I draw the line. Footfags can die.

i took the subway, and a girl was being molested by a businessman and no one did anything, i yelled at him to stop and people told me to stop yelling, but the man kept groping the girl, was weird.

Why aren't girls in videogames outside of Japan sexualized?

cause you're a nigger
stop being black

Goodness me.

What is this and where is there more please

Foot Size : 8
Foot Scent : girl sweat and baby powder

>And nobody bats an eye.
What were you expecting? Someone to run up to a guy buying porn yelling "NOOOOOOOOOO THINK OF THE FICTIONAL WOMENERINOS"

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go back to resetera and have your mature discussions about how to make vidya less appealing to white male ciscum gamers because you hate that demographic.

>girl sweat
Would you like to tell us what female foot sweat smells like?

Now in things that never happened

im pretty sure if more niggers were in charge of videogames we will have a lot of sexy sluts in videogames, and probably less blacked stuff, because blacked is a white men fetish.

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They're trying.

Attached: Japan.png (1424x1439, 1.55M)

You realize jews love porn right?

metallic and a little milky

They love creating it so they can control the mindless sheeple you mean.

i fucking hate jews.

Is this an actual game or just some concept art?

Only CP.

Westerners are all pedophiles, anyone who white knights for women or fictional characters ends up being arrested for pedophilia.

They’re perverted because their penises still work. They aren’t circumcised and obese like you amerimutt

its amazing how most white rapists,pedophiles and sexual deviants are actually jews.

Just like Japan who are asian jews make hentai to destroy white people

Even me? :3

They call Naomi Osaka just Japanese. They don't stamp race on people like the US.

wow same

more like destroy their own people lmao

You don't have to speak in what ifs
Cyberpunk 2077 is one such case and was attacked.

Yeah it's totally Japan's fault that you're an incel.

>They call Naomi Osaka just Japanese
In public. Because they're polite. No Japanese person considers that half monkey to be Japanese.

no, japan makes hentai to destroy japanese people

what you're experiencing is called cultural appropriation sweety

because like 75% of japanese girls have been in at least one porn video by the time they are 25

>let black people make games!
>but not in ways we don't like!

they are probably breed her out of existance, you know, get her to be bred by the most japanese man ever, and then repeat the proccess with her offsprings.

>I'm not going to lose

LIES, nobody can beat the cock

I knew a woman who literally looks like her

Post more pics, this thread is boring as shit.

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She looks kinda like Cherprang.

Are you under the impression that western businessmen don't consume porn or just think that industry magically supports itself from neets

contact lenses really seems to be painful.

>those measurements

I love how Japs are autistic about numbers. Explains why even JAV codes are so systematic.


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