Animal Crossing thread

What features would you add to this game? For me, in addition to the classic things people constantly mention, I'd love seamless island visiting that does not interrupt other players. Just make the plane pass by and put "[player] has arrived" in the ticker.
Boom, online has been fixed and now it's comfy to visit others.
Also unique stories and lines for each villager accessed 1-2 times a month.

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Tell me Yas Forums, how has your portfolio been this week so far?

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hey asshole, thats my pic
thanks for saving it?

Post your favorite villager on your island.

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Turnips have been fine but the 6 villagers I've been begging to move out haven't even been coming out of their homes much.

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>Went to user's town for Celeste
>It was cloudy and no stars
>Get back to my own island after fucking around for a while
>Celeste is also on my island
>Got like 6 stars
Funny how it works, is there a limit to how many wishes you can make? Also, do I get star pieces in the mail or something the next day?
She's moving in tomorrow

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I really hope they give us some way to upgrade our first five villager's homes.
>Mira, Pinky, Erik & Celia
They really grew on me and it's bullshit that I need to fuck with amiibos and wipe their memories if I wanna keep them.

Made 6 million thanks to based grape user on Monday opening up his 571 nips price island and being smart enough to wall in his shop and kick stragglers/queue holders.

Can somebody let me TOUCH their arcades and other games so I can get them in my catalog?

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diagonal waterfalls
bridges can be placed one level above water or land
more customization options for store bought items
12 villager max instead of 10

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anyone have an open nookstop with mums and/or cosmos? pls drop dodo code

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literally every villager is saying bruh now, help

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Made over 2 million in bells yesterday thanks to the Almighty King of Sorceria and got a kickass gold wall from an user today (who sadly I can't remember, but know that this wall will forever remember you, Klaus, and your other residents).

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kicks is in town. if you want some magic genie shoes or ballet slippers.


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Someone pissed in the moderators soimilk today, theyre deleting threads left and right.

>left Big Fish Island immediately the first time I encountered it because someone called it "Bass Island" in one of the early island guides
>I was looking for a Sturgeon, too

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bruh moment

wait is this the same town from the last thread?


>town rating dropped from 3 stars to 2 stars

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Momdog is my favorite. She treats me very well and makes sure I'm doing ok

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anyone playing on emulator?


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It's to late, bruh. There's no escape, bruh.

the other thread was kind of trash so i just reposted it here.

are these stump patterns in NH?

I just want villagers appearing on the nook mile islands again, and an ability to convince them to visit, then maybe having to do the amiibo sort of questline. I want something to kind of hunt or think about beyond just the museum and waiting for events to come around.
I kinda fell in to a rut. I can't be bothered getting my island rating higher than 3 stars since I like how it looks now and the only thing Isabelle suggests is adding more shit from the ATM to the island, and I hate a lot of it and don't want to spam fences. I did a lot of tiling, flower planting and tree moving with no luck. So it's just adding more shit, and since the rewards for 5* don't really interest me I don't think I want to go for it just to arbitrarily pat myself on the back.

Also I have maybe 20 pieces of furniture outdoors for makeshift plazas, frontyards, camp sites etc. Is all of that counting to her saying some villagers feel the island is cluttered in items? Are specific items allowed only? Or does this mean there's too many sticks and whatnot (pretty sure i clean all this up though)
They wash up on your beaches.

My dream update would be for every "game" furniture (within reason) to be playable, even if it was incredibly simple
Like all the pinball machines and arcade games

Maybe not absolutely everything because putting in a go AI for the go board would be kind of a lot to ask, but if at least some of the games were playable it would add a ton of value for me

Threw down my last piece of land for a villager and was just gonna accept whoever came my way. First ticket and I get Octavian.

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Looks like i'm rejoining to leave after then.
Thanks still

don't know. when i get a gold axe i will try.
i know the leaf one is in NH

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Is it true that there's a consistent pattern to what days money trees will give you a full 3x payback and when they only give you 3x10k? I've heard conflicting reports.

Activate it please.

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>non blocky furniture, round fountains are actually round and you aren't blocked by the invisible wall at the corner and a single small objects left on the ground will not count as a whole square either
>more objects interactions in general, like being able to play arcade games, getting in a bathtub, put your feets under a kotatsu, push balls around etc
>seamless multiplayer
>more fucking personalities, it's a fucking disgrace to only have 8
>animals gets some quirks, like a wolf villager will howl at the moon etc

>58% chance to decrease to 35

Katt is my onee-chan now

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I get why they won't bring back NES games, and even though I think it's stupid that they don't, I feel the least they could do is add a collectible Game & Watch series. Maybe even a Crazy Redd exclusive series.

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>animals gets some quirks, like a wolf villager will howl at the moon etc
>hamsters will crawl up your ass

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anyone have oranges? they're the only fruit I need. I can give cherries if you need em

yeah. it's specific days of the week, but those day shift around so you'll have to keep track of the pattern in order to maximize profits

Create multiple items at once

>Clubhouse Games collab that makes board games functional and adds MORE board games... provided you buy the game
>Pinballs ala DOS Epic Pinball
>WarioWare-style arcade games

These would be the best way to replace NES games seeing how the virtual console exists.

>path isn't alighted exactly with the center of town hall's pattern
>autism triggered
>have to move a house, 2 shops and destroy a bridge and then move them all over again
>will have to do it over the course of a fucking week
>new path (with curved pattern stone road) cut the upper arc in half
>urge to time travel but always feels like trash afterwards
Having autism is tiresome

I've been playing all day and now I'm so sleepy

Think Nes games definitely won't come back for NH now that Swicth Online exists and one of its "bonus" is a small selection of NES games. The G&W deal might happen though.

Cause you ain't the mayor

I have some oranges. Drop your Dodo code and I can come by right quick. Name is Kuuga.

>Clubhouse Games collab that makes board games functional and adds MORE board games... provided you buy the game
Please make it happen Nintendo

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>push balls around etc
It bugs the hell out of me that some items have special animations and sounds when you push them like the lawnmower but it's still limited to moving it as a furniture item

>animal crossing THREAD


>dogs will greet you by smelling your ass
>bears and cubs will fish with their mouth
>squirrels will never come out in winter

I picked him up because lmaorona memes, but he's really grown on me.

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>frogs turn freakin' gay

I wish campsite visitors would at least roam the island. Make them a revolving door of 11th villagers

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