What's the ideal monitor resolution and frame rate?

What's the ideal monitor resolution and frame rate?

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27" 4K 60Hz.

144Hz is nice but the support is eh.


Why bother? You need a fucking overpriced PC just to run at a bigger resolution.

1080p is where its at

what kinda dumb question is that.
highest you can get in both

What kind of support do you need for 144hz? All you need is a game running 60+ frames to see a positive difference.

1440p at 120-144hz. I've tried 4k, it's not worth the upgrade, but I will say it's worth the upgrade from 1080 to 1440p. Also, I think you need at least 100-120hz.

If decent quality 1080p screens where made at 21" and below, then I'd agree. But the standard 24" has shit pixel density and is noticeably blurry. Fuck that.

Games that cap their framerates, games that break at over 60, etc. It's much more common than you'd think.

It's debatable whether or not 4K is worth it, but at 27", it is a noticeable upgrade. Same with 144Hz.

144hz made a serious difference for me. Way less eye strain, games look much smoother, everything becomes a lot more easy to look at. changed the way I use my PC desu

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1440p 144hz is the ideal.

Really? Tried a 24" myself. Will have to do 27" at some point then.

8k 480hz

1440p 60hz
Games don't need to go past 60fps. Anyone claiming 60fps strains their eyes is a moron.

1440p 144hz IPS

1440p 144hz. This is final.

This, barely a step up from 1080p in terms of price, huge improvement

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fuck you

0ms response time

>Games that cap their framerates, games that break at over 60, etc. It's much more common than you'd think.

absolutely fucking not

1080p 144hz

1080p 144+hz, the more hz the better, g-sync does more harm than good, get a g-sync compatible instead.
Sure a big 32" 4K 60hz is a good option too.
Resolutions in between are a ruse, especially the 1440p meme.

people always say 1440p 144hz but ive seen that even the best gpu today cant play every game at that even with lowest settings, do you just accept that most of the time it wont be 144 and just fluctuating?

I was messing around my settings today and saw that I had the option for 75hz. My resolution is at max, 1920x1080. Is that bad? Should I go back to 60hz?

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27" 1440p 120hz+

Whatever the native resolution is, as long as it's 120hz with ULBM is enabled.


1080p 60.

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what do you mean is that bad? if you can run at 1080p and 75hz then theres no reason not to really

I wasn't sure if it was gonna mess anything up by pushing my pc beyond its capabilities. Okay thank you user.

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Thoughts on 1080p 144hz? It's not ideal but like this user mentioned I doubt most people here are hitting both 1440p and stable 144hz, so choosing between 1080p 144hz and 1440p 60hz, it seems like a great choice.

if it natively supports 1080p and 75hz then yeah its good, if youre overclocking to 75hz you might have some issues