What are you buying with your corona neetbux Yas Forums?

what are you buying with your corona neetbux Yas Forums?

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bought a 2080TI with my canuk bux

Blowing it all on mobile games

glad I'm not so poor that I need $1200 just to buy something

One magic card

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socialism is ba-

I'm using a bit of it to pay down some credit card debt then the rest is going in savings


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don't apply for it so nothing


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>i pay taxes

Why the actual fuck is everyone blowing it on retarded shit? How did you niggers even qualify for it?

>not getting the physical edition

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I paid off my phone and bought some new parts to update my PC.


Protip: People have literally been arrested for buying adult sized dolls. Buying thin dolls is guaranteed to have someone knocking at your door.

Be careful if your in burgerland, you could get arrested if it looks too young

Unironically going to invest it in stocks. Plebs spend money, Chads grow it.

>my mom marked me as dependent and she makes too much money to qualify for trumpbux so neither of us are getting fuckall
i want to kill myself

that's why you buy pic related instead

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>mfw working from home Monday to Friday 9 to 5 still
Well at least I don't gotta pay for car insurance or gas anymore. I bought my car used so no money lost there either. Been saving a lot of money only going out one every two weeks to get food.

>mfw also when I realized with the gst and bonus this month I'll have saved almost $2000 which means I'll be even closer to buying my new car and have money left over for new desktop build.

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Fuck, in my country its only 350 dollars.

Only the dumbest retards don't have direct deposit, so I can see why he'd want his name on it for his type of people.

Canadian one has more conditions on it. I myself don't get anything.

understandable because it's 16 weeks worth giving people $8000 CAD each.

probably make more money investing in magic cards lol

underage banned

1000 toward savings
200 for a sword

i'm gonna invest that shit niggaaaaaaa

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im 22

and redpilled

It's literally money I hadn't even planned on having this year. I make just under 100k a year in a backwoods part of the country; my money goes really, really fucking far here. It was fun money from the get-go for me.

Canadian and I live with my dad. I don't get Corona money do I?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have to pay that amount back, some years from now? From what I heard here before.

Dawg that's fucked up.

>he doesnt live at home still
enjoying having no money from all them bills to pay?+

imagine not having enough money where this kind of money actually matters to buy something like a new PC instead of having enough money to buy all the shit you want in the first place

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underage get $500 per under 18 tho no?

i havent gotten it yet

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Lobby your congressman to pass $2000 per year UBI, NEETbros


None of us are getting coronabux because we’re all registered as dependents by our parents, sorry normoid

still making money so i aint getting shit

I'm going to buy a mustang V Amp head and some cheapo cabinet. I'll probably also pick up ff7r and Doom eternal

>Americans claim to hate socialism
>but beg for it during a crisis

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I got a new PC. Been 6 years since I last upgraded.

Only if you were laid off from Covid happening.

>per year
that's way too little money

PSA for Americans

If you have any outstanding debts, withdraw your money now. The CARE act has a loophole that allows creditors and other private institutions with court orders to garnish your stimulus payment. So some of you anons who owe happy merchant, pull out now.

It's taxable so some of it (not much) will be taken away.
Basically if you aren't retarded and don't spend it all in one spot your good

>Be a university student, normally working during the summer
>Can't get work now because of this bullshit
>lol, no covidbux for you, faggot!

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*$2000 per month

Am I just getting bux deposited into my account? I don't have to sign shit?

i'm only using it to pay my rent

This. Fucked by the system because college isn't expensive enough.

Apply anyway user. If you worked last year for four months you apply, I was in the same situation as you and got the cash.

Based. I come from wealth so I don't really need Trump bucks anyways. I'm not getting anything taken away from me so hey can't complain.

only if they have your information. which means you filed taxes for 2018 or 2019.

I still work, so no canadian neetbux for me. But I did get my tax return last week, but I'll probably save it for a bit. I want to buy the Zephyrus G14 with the Ryzen 9 4900HS, but it's not even out yet.

They may fix that in the phase 4 bill. Call your congressman or whatever

Everything I want is sold in real money (USD) so I'm just going to save it

>blowing it
I bought one game. Stop being Jewish. I just paid for a new oxygen sensor and oil change for my car, $300. I'm allowed to have some fun.

Nothing. Need to get into town to do the paper work but nobody will drive me.

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Hey Bernie bro maybe don't major in a liberal arts degree/get scholarships/actually work?

Yeah I emailed him. Probably going to email the senators too

Same as it ever was

Same as it ever was

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This, which is retarded because we're the ones that'd actually spend it on frivolous economy stimulating entertainment products not just bills n shit.

you can do it online

>dude, buy some fucking jerries and load them up, this is the cheapest it'll get for gas

>get paid full salary to fill out some Excel stuff on occasion during weekdays
>Workout, play drums. play vidya and get paid to jerk off at home
Good luck with the car breh. Wash your hands, and we're all gonna make it

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>tfw no Trumpbux because I live with my parents

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upgrading pc

is now a good time to buy or should i hold off until a possible summer sale?

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spent my first $2000 on some PC parts, gonna spend the next $6000 on living expenses.

>trannies suddenly refuse to call it trumpbucks now that it's real because they're scared trump will get credit

>A Treasury Department spokeswoman, however, denied any delay
>“Economic Impact Payment checks are scheduled to go out on time and exactly as planned — there is absolutely no delay whatsoever,” the spokeswoman said in a written statement.

Makes it easier when they debunk their own fake news themselves.

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You know the canadian on is taxed right? You are gonna have to pay back about 30% of each 2000 payment next year

>only got 750au
>equivalent to like 400 us
I'm putting it in savings for when my landlord inevitably gets uppity about rent

Got a 2070 for my gayman pc

just apply for it user and see if you get it.

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