For me, it's Yojimbo

For me, it's Yojimbo

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Never understood how much of my Gil he wanted. Motherfucker is dead what is he going to do with it?

I forgot what the formula was but once you get it right after that you can always just offer him 1 gil and he'll do max damage

Yo, Jimbo!

eh I always just did 1k every time and it always seemed to work exactly when i needed it


>He doesnt get the reference

Nigga just loves money

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>Completely breaks the balance of your game.

I do I have the criterion but is it only a nod? Is he just acting the same way as he did when he was alive?

Nigger is based, he destroys everything and has a soft AI that gives you free attacks if you treat him nicely.

It's a custom, he doesn't NEED the money, but the money shows that the customer cares.

And for Yojimbo, it's morphing time!

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the genus yojimbo, the la creative dad

>He didn't look up the reference

>FFXIV couldn't make its own unique Yojimbo and ripped another model
>his final form is
Honestly really disappointing that they don't bother to make new assets and keep taking from XI, XII and XIII.


I think the Gil is a symbolic 'price', the same way wafers and wine are symbols of blood and flesh in the Eucharist.

>Aerith can be revived

the entirety of 14 is built off "you member"

>mfw 1 shot superboss Aeon

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I can hear the music, fuck.

I thought the damage capped at 99999. Or are they not immune to that one ability he has that insta-kills?

Yojimbo instantly kills every single enemy in the game except the ultimate superboss in whose case it skips a phase of the fight.

Diablos has been my favorite since I was a kid, followed by Bahamut. I know it's the edgelord answer but I adore his design and his affinity for Gravity magic, which I've also always loved.

I love Gilgamesh as a character but I've never really cared for "randomly appears" summons.

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>mfw 1 shot wheelie Seymour

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I just started playing ff8 and his summon is cool af

For me it’s the sun sigil.

Once I cheesed a boss I didn't like by savescumming his instakill

for me it's Anima

Alexander, professional cunt kicker and dragon remover
>tfw the future Alexander saw in XIV when confronting Bahamut was likely a rematch of their IX encounter, but with even more particle effects

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For me its Greg

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