Rogue in Australia sold out?

Literal every single rack is gone

Attached: rogueau.png (1309x588, 662.17K)

Fuck, meant to post on Yas Forums

Possible to get it moved over?


Attached: 12.jpg (720x540, 161.27K)

Squat racks are selling for $500 on craigslist, what the fuck is going on?

gamer question. how much exp do you get for lifting that.

man, how expensive is a rock rack in straya?

HAHHAHAHA us gamers huh, everything is about leveling up for us! I love to GAMIE-FY my life bro haha.

Well what did you think was going to happen when every gym closed down?

First the dumbbells went out of stock in almost every single international shipper, then regional online stores and now that people have been getting their government money in Canada and the US they are investing in racks

Lern too delet ure own posts

thank god i built my home gym last year. i lucked out with great prices too.

Of course they're sold out you wrong-board-posting retard they've been sold out for the past two months, why the fuck did you take so long to even look into this shit.


Just build your own you spineless faggot. It's fucking metal tubes and brackets.

Rogue in Australia sounds like an interesting video game.

Attached: big-lebowski-dude-walter-promo.jpg (1200x676, 128.77K)

Lifting is for gays. Your time would be much better spent playing video games.

>Not saving money during gym lockdown and doing a home workout like Insanity
What's wrong, whiteboi
You scared?

Attached: shaun_t-620x939.jpg (620x939, 114.28K)

Think you got the wrong door


hopefully a lot of gyms take a hit from this

i'd rather be limited to resistance bands and weight pull ups than get jewed

>Paying money so you pickup heavy things and put them back down again.
LMFAO, just got and wrestle a granny for her toilet paper fag.

So I got Rogue as my goto for power racks, but who's the industry best in cables?


No, mods will just ban you instead. They don't take kindly to mistakes or criticism.

yeah that joke was cringe, but your response was pure retard. stay mad

JB was sold out of chest freezers in early Feb due to low IQ hoarders. no surprise that a bunch of people decided to join the home gym master-race

It's official: Rogue is a hit!

Attached: Rogue.jpg (300x381, 37.37K)

>You scared?
Yes, a lot, all the time.

Gyms are closed and Yas Forums is becoming /fat/. People need to come up with a home fitness solution. I've dropped 2200 dollarydoos on equipment because I'd rather die than be fat, and those kilos have been piling on in the last couple of months.

My internet handle starts with Rogue, if anyone guesses it give out the password to my steam account, I'll give you the first word for free.
>Rogue S____

There are subhuman scalpers in everything I guess.

You're talking to Yas Forums. They're always scared and insecure.

>user guesses the handle
>you give him the password
>he still can't access the account because of two factor authentication

Smooth user. Real smooth.

You can't delete threads, newfag.

How the fuck do you gain weight in quarantine? Are you not doing body weight exercises/HIIT? How the fuck do you not know how to control your caloric intake? Jesus man kinda pathetic desu.