Freelancer Alpha 1 - 1

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Good posting

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>new here, stranger???

We don't own this board but we have an understanding with the people who do

This game taught me how to lead my shots.

Ey, watcha gat?

Attached: trent.jpg (800x600, 37.39K)

stay frosty men, i dont want this thread to 404 before my time because YOU were daydreaming

Given that it has a lead indicator, I'd imagine.

the setting was pretty silly

That's why it was good.

out of my way kusari fucking shits

was tobias our guy?

I remember playing this in the early 2000s

I played all day, didn't eat, and my sister came home from work at night, and I paid her $10 to cook me some food.

Freelancer 2 WHEN, and don't give me Star Citizen for fuck's sake

Star Citizen

What did I just fucking say

In what way

>Learning how to kill your engines, do a 180, burn em back on and destroy fuckers chasing you
Freelancer 2 never

It is currently one of the most requested games on GOG. I don't know why Microsoft didn't release it anywhere. Do they hate making money?

It's caught up in legal bullshit since they wrote it off as a loss.

Underspace. Even has engine killing.

So it's doubtful we'll ever see it being released digitally? Fuck.

Pretty much, but you can literally just get it off any old abandonware website for free.

I bought the game back in 2004. I just wanted for people to become more aware of it, so to speak.

I think a lot of people are aware already. It used to be really popular here.

planets were like 10km across or something. and the ships of each faction weren't even close to being of equal power - 1 ship from germany could probably kill 10+ americans. and some of the most powerful people in the cluster were some gas miners and some drugged up spaniards

Yeah, but it was balanced to the progression of the story, not for multiplayer, so who cares?

Oldfag here. I remember progressing to the end of the game, getting one of those "alien" ships, and then decking it out.

Was that actually the most powerful ship? or did I fuck up and assume it was because it was the final area you got a ship from?

Was there some kind of meta to the game I didnt know about?

not me I guess. I said it was silly, not bad

there was lots of multiplayer shit with mods, but other than that there was nothing more than you saw

Freelancer was so fucking good, loved exploring and chatting in the taverns. Seriously no one made a similar game after all these years?

Eagle since it had really good maneuverability.

People tried but they missed what made it engaging, Underspace seems to be the next futile hope at least.