You did marry best girl, right Yas Forums?

you did marry best girl, right Yas Forums?

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The only ring she's getting from me is worm

Serena of course

You're goddamn right I married grandpa.

>not living with your auld grandpa
It's the most fitting ending


Should have been part of the main game and not a marriage scene

I married Veronica, yes

Jade is the hottest, but not best girl. It's between Serena and Veronica, honestly.
>becoming a coomer with your grandfather
I don't know how to feel about this...

Veronica? Definitely

Yes, I did marry Veronica.

Either that or the loli you literally stab time to save. Those two are also probably the reason you can't explicitly "marry" anybody besides Gemma.

>veronica looks after you
>cares about
>would die for you

They just had nerf her.

Serena? Yes

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Yes, I married Jade.

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>All Jade's hentai dounin are of her getring raped by that Booga guy or she cucking Emma.

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I chose to read porn with Grampa

There is something horribly uncanny about high-res cutscene Rab.
He looks like a extremely obese child with the head of an old man

When do I get Jade? Just got the boat.

Japan has shit fucking taste. like 90% of Chun-li Porn is the most degenerate shit I've ever seen.

Act 2 Serena >Veronica and Jade

Well it's too bad Act 2 Serena canonically never existed.

Didn't the timeline from act 2 keep going, but 11 gone since he time jumped?
Since Serenica time traveled at the end of act 3 but nothing changed in their world.

Hendrik? Of course!

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The timelines become parallel world/timelines

Realizing that the timeline kept going hurt me more than it should've. Also the fuck happens to the consciousness of the Eleven that was originally in the second timeline? This is some Zero Escape shifting shit

But if Serenica went back in time to save Erdwin, that means he fully defeated Calasmos, which means no Mordegon, which also means the dark power wasn't sealed away, which means no Calasmos reviving.

Shut your mouth. Act 3 almost ruined the game

Wait, no. I misread the op. I thought he/she was implying that the timelimes merged into one

of course

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Ever since you gain control of him he's been nothing of a husk.
Why do you think his child self speaks but not his (technically) adult self you play as?

>settling for some harpie cunt roastie
no thanks

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How did it do that?

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Yes, I married my childhood sweetheart Gemma


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I don't get the hype for Sylvando
He felt like the weakest character for me
Someone tell me what I missed cause it feels bad

Do you mean character wise, or gameplay?

Veronica > Serena > Jade > Gemma

Hustle Dance alone made him worth while gameplay wise


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I became best buds with Hendrik. He ended up loving just being able to go on walks around the village.

>Veronica can regain her big form temporarily so you can fuck her across the age spectrum
>has the most spunk but is still the most loving and selfless, caring for you and not leaving your side when you were unconscious and later giving her life for you
Literally the perfect girl.

rebuilding the act 2 world would be a kino DQ Builders 3 setting.