Talks about the planet crying in pain

>talks about the planet crying in pain
>always about the planet
>mentions "lifestream" as early as the airbuster fight
okay im pretty sure Barret has never said anything like this in the original. How come he's saying this shit as he knows? Or are they trying to set it up so that everyone thinks "whoa, damn. that nigger wasn't actually meme-ing, he was right."
Is this Square-Enix trying to add depth/usefulness to a nigger character, as a way to appreciate niggers?

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I'm clueless, is extracting Mako really damaging to the planet, or is it like the water cycle, and it's perfectly fine?

Malo is closer to oil. There is a finite amount, you can burn it for energy but instead of being made of dead dinosaurs its also literally the blood of the planet. People die and dissipate into it.

He went to cosmo canyon to learn about the planet you fucking secondary retard

>fucking secondary retard
lmao what is this supposed to mean you esl zoomzoom?

lurk more

mako is life energy, which comes from the lifestream
the lifestream is the lifeblood of the planet, and also the afterlife. all souls return to the lifestream upon death
mako bubbles up in pools and creates fields of life, but if it's drained then it both consumes the afterlife and turns fertile ground into dead wasteland
the lifestream is also reactive, flowing to scars and damaged areas to heal them, and if you damage it or the planet too much it will retaliate like an immune system. omega is a last resort by the lifestream to take it and leave the planet in search of a new one, only used when the planet is in threat of being destroyed. the arbiters of fate are another part of this immune system, the planet reacting to aberrations from fate's control
materia is also formed from coalesced and crystallized mako

Barret was a student of planetology. He knew about the lifestream. It's the reason he started AVALANCHE. It would only make sense for him to talk about it more.



Remember Fuhito was a disciple of Bugenhagen and also a scientist who admired Hojo. Before going batshit crazy and fusing with Zirconiade, the strongest summon, pretty sure he briefed Avalanche, including Barret, of all of this. Avalanche knew about lifestream, promised land and Weapons since the beginning.

Remake must've changed that then. His first visit to the Canyon in the OG was with the rest of the party

Barret was always like this. Mako and the lifestream is common knowledge

OP is a fag

They foisted bugenhagen exposition unto him. Thats weird but thats far from the game worst sin.

Must he wear a sunglasses, though?

Mako reactors are essentially sucking the souls of the dead out of the planet, and converting it into electricity. The problem is that it's finite, and those souls can't be reincarnated into other forms of life. Eventually, nothing living will be left.

To get weeby about it, it's kind of like the Quincys in Bleach, that destroy the Hollows outright instead of purifying them for reincarnation.

Yeah. It is going to be revealed he can actually see the lifestream and it dying as it fades out of things so he wears the shades 24/7 to block the light so he doesn't have to see the planet decay in real time around him.

Is the whole thing about Avalanche being some planetwide network a new element to the remake, or is it some shit from the Compilation? I really don't remember that in the original.

man you're fucking dumb dude. He mentions it as early as airbuster, far before cosmo canyon


Barret mentions in the original game that there was another Avalanche group before the one he founded. It's not told in great detail so it's easy to miss.
I think Before Crisis delves into the other Avalanche group.

barret sounds like a flat earther except he's right

Its more about fleshing out Avalanche’s ideology. They should well know about all of this lifestream planetology stuff if shinra and cosmo canyon do

Barret going to cosmo to learn planetology is from BC or something, no RE

The original game was translated in google translate.

No it wasnt retard
when you arrive to cosmo canyon he tells you that cosmo canyon is avalanche birth place, he went there to learn about the planet and then decided to create avalanche and deal with midgar

Yeah and you are fucking braindead. BEFORE barret went to midgar and after corel incident he went to cosmo canyon

Compilation. The original version of AVALANCE were the guys who bombed the Corel reactor, which set off the whole shitstorm with Barret, Dyne and Scarlet.

OP just wanted an excuse to type the n word

>except he's right
>he doesn't know
user, I...

I mean it's obvious that he'd have to have went there to find out about it, because otherwise how would he even know? Not to mention he literally came from Corel, Cosmo Canyon is right next to there.

>The Planet's Dyin, Cloud!

Why the fuck would somebody in avalanche not know about mako

Nobody cares about the faggot OP, we just wanted to talk about how cool Barret is.

>all the nickpickers who "love the original" are clueless secondaries
Color me surprised

They had contact with Bugenhagen and world leading mako scientists.

Doesn't Rufus Shinra bankroll AVALANCHE too?

Yas Forumsirgins don't play video games. They watch someone play them on youtube/twitch.

Yeah, that's why he wasn't in Midgar during the early parts of FF7 - he was under house arrest in Junon.

I'm playing the original through now (have never played it before) and like his second line in the game is about the livestream

yes, though that was added in BC

a cult leader need to know know his shit.

Ok, we can shit on niggers all day, but some of them get a bye for being based. Big Smoke, CJ, Barret, etc.