Be honest Yas Forums, if you like a game you pirated, do you buy it?
Be honest Yas Forums, if you like a game you pirated, do you buy it?
Yes. Did it with Rimworld.
I pirate games that are hard or impossible to come
I don't pirate games, but if I did, and got one to try it, I would eventually buy it.
If it's crazy good and doesn't cost 60$ I will.
i have a handful of games that i enjoyed and got my fill of then bought and never played again, so yeah i guess
Most of the time. Not Fallout 1/2 or doom though. Bethesda can get fucked
Yes, however I do not like any games.
Yeah. I ended up buying damn near every version of plants vs zombies after pirating the pc version.
Yes. I literally just did it for both Disco Elysium and Katana Zero. I only do it for indie devs though, I'm not sending some big corporation my money.
no, I played it already and beat it...
I don't buy every game I pirate, but the only games I've bought are ones I pirated
I bought Warband and Terraria so yes.
The condition to make me buy a game? The game has to provide me with at least 1000 hours of gameplay.
Yes. I've done it with several games.
Divinity original sin
I only pirate old games or games that were never localized, so no.
Only did it for
The Talos Principle
Hotline Miami
I have 0 played hours on steam on most of those because I finished the torrents.
Yes, I bought Divinity Original Sin 2 after pirating it
I only really pirate games that are old, ie emulation. The handful of modern games that I have pirated I have bought, except for 1, which is Shovel Knight. The reason for this I'm not exactly sure but I'll probably buy it one day.
No. Fuck developers and publishers.
Depends. Most of the stuff I pirate is either so old there is no way to buy a copy or not available to purchase on stuff like Steam, etc. If there is a game I really liked and they re-release it and I want to play, then sure.
I generally will try to seek out a copy of older stuff if it is readily available and wasn't fucked up getting ported over or remastered.
I prefer to pirate the games I purchase.
No, I am not lending it, or leasing it, I am pirating it. Fuck all this wishy washy feel good nonsense about supporting people.
ive ended up buying pretty much every pirated game that I enjoyed at some point down the line.
>All these nu-Yas Forumseddit comments.
Real talk: I haven't pirated a game in years. It helps I'm a grown ass adult with a job, but as far as I can see, modern games aren't as incredibly easy to pirate. I don't play on PC as much as I used to and I don't want to compromise online play on Switch. When I was more actively pirating DS and PSP games, I actually did try to buy the games I enjoyed. I vividly remember pirating 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors on DS after reading about it in Nintendo Power and loved it so much that I ended up buying 3-4 copies and giving them to friends
I have never pirated a video game, because I don't know how to
LMAO, now you're really making me laugh OP.
fuck devs
fuck trannies
fuck publishers
but most of all, fuck jannies
only if the game is under 30 dollars and I can get some decent value from replaying it
>throwing away money because you earn more
dumb logic
Yeah, I've bought several games after initially pirating them. The latest was battle brothers. That said I'm starting to get the shits with DLC from games I don't buy at launch. $20-40 bucks every year or two makes sense. Getting all the content after the fact is fucking ridiculous. There needs to be a model to account for this.
>It helps I'm a grown ass adult with a job
Me too. I have bills to pay. Which is why I pirate games so I'm not cucked out of supporting ones that end up sucking balls. Nobody makes demos. I can support them after the fact.
>Modern games aren't as incredibly easy to pirate
Get a VPN. Get a torrent client. Lots of scene releases are literally one kick install repacks. I don't think it's ever been easier.
>I don't play on PC as much as I used to and I don't want to compromise online play on Switch
Well that explains why you don't pirate better than any argument about having a job, faggot
>When I was more actively pirating DS and PSP games, I actually did try to buy the games I enjoyed.
A good practice. If you buy games that you think are good, more games like that should be made in theory.
I just pirated Disco Elysium to see if my laptop can run it. It's fucking great so far. I'm going to buy it now.
I have only done that once in my life and it was for Ghost Trick. No regrets, it's my favorite game of all time