Was this game and its fans always SJW or is that only a recent development?

Was this game and its fans always SJW or is that only a recent development?

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I'd argue they just got less subtle about it as the series went on


Bioware apparently fired their good staff for the sake of diversity so its definitely a new thing.
Mass Effect 1's fanbase is full of purists clinging to rpg mechanics and illusory depth while cursing the (correct) choice to move more into action, tactical shooter territory. Hipsters who think liking a less popular product makes them more intelligent.

Only after EA infected all the AIDS into it. First ME is still the best because it was mostly done before the takeover.

You'd be surprised at the ME fandom liking Andromeda despite it killing the franchise.

The ME fanbase was always fairly left leaning. Drew a similar crowd as Portal and Dragon Age.

Of course over monetization, corporate bureaucracy and SJW virtue signaling has killed it dead. At least the first game was a gem.

I just remember the internet tormenting Bioware for KotOR and one of the writers of Dragon Age 2.

That's when it all kicked into high gear.

However it wasn't just Bioware, that was when Sarkeesian was also agitating. Everyone basically just started fighting and it never stopped.

Everyone liked ME2, but ME3 -- just blew everything up.

Not really sure who ME fans are now.

A lot of western rpgs have had tabletop offshoots and the tabletop corner of /tg/ has beeen completely infiltrated and pozzed by lefty agendas.
Talk to a lefty about why they like D&D. It won't be for the roleplaying or the systems or the camaraderie with their friends. It will be the power struggle between player and DM. They are just attracted to the power struggle of politics in microcosm.

No one likes Andromeda except radlefties, and even they don't "like" it, they're just ideologically required to be on its side.

Not all liberals are SJWs. Mass Effect was always liberal and it became SJW later on.

You're making the mistake of thinking that anyone in 2007 thought videogames and people's political views had any relevance to each other.

That does surprise me. I played through Andromeda, put in more hours than I should have for completion sake, but there's not a whole lot about it I'd consider likable that previous games didn't already do(and do much better.)

Makes me feel weird for being a right winger and preferring the human LIs yet being into ME.

Only when Bioware got acquired by EA. Contrary to what you would assume the megacorps have perfect control over radical political types, SJWs are the biggest slaves to capitalism instead of actively resisting it. Remember Occupy Wall Street and the Seattle WTO protests? Now you see a JP Morgan Chase float at gay festivals.

Look at the big picture, and you see the same shit happening with tabletop RPGs, indie games, comic books, esports, speedrunning. The only places that it isn't happening is in the european WRPG community and with Japanese games.

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Wat do

nothing; its good and you should learn to accept that you were wrong

you're an idiot dude
and so are the people who think there should be a "power struggle" with the DM, as if adversarial DMing isn't a fucking cancer that should be eradicated, that ruins storytelling

since DAY 1

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Mass effect 1 was the only good one

I think the bulk of its fans were SJW's. After all, before this Bioware made very left-friendly fantasy fiction and then a Star Wars game. Mass Effect wasn't right wing, but it was overall neutral, presenting a realistic depiction of human and alien politics. It's also a Canadian company and modern sci-fi is infested with leftists. It's clear that Mass Effect drew inspiration from some older science fiction novels, which could be considered right wing in some ways. I'm not sure what Drew or Chris L'etoil's politics are though. I know Chris kept calling distrust of the geth and their attempted destruction by the quarians as "racism" so I'd bet that it was Drew who was more of a centrist at the least. The company itself became more and more left wing with time.

Also, though I don't like him or think he's a good writer, I think that Mac Walters is probably a covert right of center guy. It would explain his fetish for Cerberus and the Illusive Man.

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fanbases were a mistake

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>game is "leftist"
>why yes, to me, leftism is when you don't hate foreigners and nothing else

They were liberal in the sense of classic star trek and other western media before [year], a vague humanist ideal pervaded their games, they were not gender queer inclusive abominations that we are left with now.

There are always people who like any damn stupid thing. I'm not sure who Mass Effect purists are. Am I one? I love the first game and the universe it established but, in terms of writing, I think ME2 was the beginning of the destruction of the franchise.I didn't even play ME3 or Andromeda and I've never played any other Bioware games.

stop that

ill stop when you people realize that leftism isn't just an absence of hating gays

>Everyone liked ME2
No. There were people sounding the alarm even back then that the series was headed for disaster, but nobody listened.

>(correct) choice to move more into action, tactical shooter territory
fucking kys nigger

I'm a right winger but, I suppose, I prefer Tali to any of the human love interests. I agree with Ashley's politics but I find her personality off-putting and Miranda would make for a shitty wife and mother. Ashley would at least be good at those things. Mind you, ME3 turned Tali into a drunk gutter slut and degenerate who fucks turians so... nobody.

What franchises are there that are sci-fi for someone who is more right wing? Cerberus had the right idea and the aliens show the proof. Especially the Vorcha and Batarians.

No, leftism at least in its modern incarnation, is an ideology wherein people assume that I hate foreigners and other people for expressing criticisms of them or an desiring that immigration law be enforced, or immigration reduced, or that the native culture should be given preference over the culture of immigrants, or that my own particular non-minority racial group has a collective interest and should be permitted to organize in the pursuit of that. Modern leftism is hysterical, hateful, and hypocritical, full of delusional, sick, shitty people.

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Miranda turned me on the most. ME3 Ash is my second choice.

>What franchises are there that are sci-fi for someone who is more right wing?
In the modern day? None that I know of. Maybe 40K I guess? I don't like 40K though. I'm not sure there are even any modern science fiction novels for right wingers.

Read these books if you haven't already. Mind you, I wouldn't say that The Killing Star is actually right wing, but... well you'll see.

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save it for your shooter manifesto

nigga tell me where i can get the killing star and i'll read it. i've been looking for it for years

>Cerberus had the right idea and the aliens show the proof. Especially the Vorcha and Batarians.
Not so much the vorcha or batarians. That is a very shallow take. The real evidence supporting the need for something like Cerberus is the Council, the turian Hierarchy, and the Salarian STG. The Council is a baised and dishonest system that exerts influence over other races without ever giving them official representation. It sets up laws designed to keep other species under its heel and dependent upon it. The Hierarchy is a violent empire that wages total war on civilian populations and subjugates the survivors. They call these "Client Races" and nearly did this to humanity in the First Contact War. The STG is a covert group that is not shy about espionage and assassination to advance the cause and interests of the Salarian Union. Oh, and we mustn't leave out the Spectres; secret police of the Council at liberty to murder, torture, steal, and lie, as they see fit so long as it fits their broad mandate of "protect galactic stability" and are only answerable to the Council directly.

That is to say nothing of the possible long term effect of asari culture and mating practices of humanity and the wider galaxy.

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