Have you ever played an mmo with your girlfriend user?

Have you ever played an mmo with your girlfriend user?

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just the sims 4 wicked whims

Jannies are giant fucking faggots and deleted the last thread
Made it again cause it seemed like a lot of you were asking for advice

Yes, she's terrible. Can barely handle Mario World 3D.

I've never had a girlfriend that played MMOs.

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Fuck mmos, they're so fucking boring.

Yes and she fucking sucked. Keep your girlfriends out of my games.

We kept getting wiped because she couldn't fucking heal or dps

>a lot of you were asking for advice
Probably why it was deleted, faggot.
Relationships aren't videogames, leave that drama in /soc/ or Yas Forums

God, I wish that were me.


I played with my mom that's basically the same thing


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What fucking direction do you read this garbage?

did he just jam that pocky down his throat?

sounds like the based jannies did a good job you fucking faggot

you have never had a girlfriend animeposter.

Me too, but minus the girlfriend part.

The last person I dated was way back in high school, and I was her rebound. She went back to her ex after a few months.

sounds based

I used to play Maplestory with her, good times

>never had an e-gf
>never made any online long term friends
>even though i spend most of my life playing vidya
have i transcended khv?

this holy shit... fucking counter clock-wise or something??? tf


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You've never had a girlfriend either.

E-relationships are trash anyway

gotta start somewhere

You guys got the joke I was implying.

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200 thousand hours in paint.

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it's cute until you realize he has the straw jammed in his throat

I've never had a girlfriend and never will

Yeah, I use my left hand all the time.

>the joke
So you?

no but i know someone who did

he got cucked by the gm of her gf's guild

honestly it was really fucked up, dude treats women so well, gives em the good dick, and he always gets his heart broken

i feel for him so badly