How do you feel about the slave trading market in Animal Crossing?
How do you feel about the slave trading market in Animal Crossing?
I think it's hilarious and is a peak example of how people that play animal crossing are the exact opposite of the kind of people that the game was made for.
>ywn trip him over and break his glasses
hold me bros...
It is pretty epic!
I don't get why some villagers are more popular than others. Aren't there only 6 different personalities?
its not the personality, its the design of them.
Twitter is obsessed with the cat in OP's image.
Looks are everything.
user, you should know by now that looks are always more important than personality.
Headcanon helps with the personalities. Like Bam and Mott have the same jock personality but I see Bam as a Magic Mike sociopath and Mott a weeb aiming for gains.
There are 8 personality types. Besides that, you are correct--looks are everything.
Of course my forced camper would be her.
>1000 dollaroos
are people retarded enough to pay for this
why do people RTW on fucking animal crossing? this seems like the easiest way to get yourself burnt out on a game series thats really easy to burn yourself out on.
>Very Popular
I thought people hated him because the clown look
If people are willing to buy a god damn banana taped onto a wall for $120,000 and sticking unbelievably large dildos up their ass, then there will be retards stupid enough to spend 1000 dollars on Raymond.
>ankha not in extremely popular
>neither is bob
>scoot isn't raised slightly higher
pretty chill.
>he's not making mad money selling this cat to idiots for $100 a pop
I want to buy Raymond!
list is trash
Villagers with tons of makeup are ugly as fuck. I am so sorry, user.
>Bottom of the barrel
shit list
Could probably make bank off someone who wants her though.
how do you sell someone a villager? pick one you want to kick out from the campsite and then someone comes and talks to them?
>Bob and Ankha not tier one
>Scoot not higher because of shitty Vinesauce memes
Whoever made this has no fucking idea what they're talking about
fake and gay
Is this game fun? Just got my Trumpbux, not sure if I want to spend $60
>Villagers with tons of makeup are ugly as fuck.
You take that back right now, motherfucker
Wait a fucking second
>my nigga Anchovy
>bottom of the barrel
Fuck you.
is it wrong to call mystery islands a gacha
>want to buy this game
>all game stores around me are closed due to the quarantine
>Walmart electronic section is closed due to the quarantine
That's face paint. Face paint has significance. The one the other user posted is a bald whore, while Kabuki is a manly stage actor.
Big spike incoming boys
I got rid of him because of his looks (and that the camp forced me to get him), but now I regret it. There are so few Smug villagers that aren't gay furry fap bait or ugly.
Shit list indeed.
>maxed out on monday at 121 then crashed with no survivors
Fuck I shouldn't have bought so many turnips, it will take me a few trips to sell all of them.
I don't like buying games digitally.
Can’t you eshop user?
If you were that inclined to have a specific villager. buy some nfc tags, If your phone has nfc support you can create your own amiibo. amiibo nfc codes aren't that difficult to find.
I'm going to need a new Snooty soon.
user, you might as well just fucking buy it digitally at this point.
>tfw no snooty
I would kill for Pecan or Francine
>have Judy, Fauna, and Beau all without knowing this
I'm fucking RICH
I don't either but I did for this anyway. It's the type of game I want to at least boot up once a day, I'd never do that if I had to switch carts for it.
>Eugene in bottom tier
My boy deserves better
This doesn’t answer anything retard
It says "sold," so yes
AC is made to be owned digitally. It's the kind of game you're always playing in addition to your main grind.
Why so expensive? Is he actually that hard to get?
If you're lowiq that's not my fault.