Who you main?
Who you main?
Fucking underage
the croc
i main aram. summoner's rift is for autists.
zed, talon, akali, lee sin, khazix
The cute and funny mid
When I started playing in season 5 I mained Leona, then I switched to Morgana in season 7, then I left support and mained Sivir and Katarina in season 8, then I started jungling in season 9 and now I mostly play Vi, Ziggs (bot) and Nasus.
You belong in a museum :D
The Funny Role & Champ
>Picture unrelated
jinx of course.
I just want a tactical RPG so I can play him there too. If he's in the fighting game as a zoner im playing the fuck out of him.
I know he is extremely easy to play even by League standards, I know his combos are almost button smash sym, but fuck me if hitting an ADC with low HP trying to back with a max size snowball after activating predator isn't the biggest dopamine inducer in this garbage game.
fuck you league is dope
I used to main Mundo and Cho'gath the better part of a decade ago.
Game died for me when they stamped out non-meta builds like AP tristana.
Now it's a heaping pile of garbage.
there's still hella weird builds that are viable
OFA exists
>fuck you league is dope
No real league player would ever say that
I hated ap trist more than ap yi
you deserve to burn in hell for playing that
Tristana bot, Jarvan IV jng.
All my previous mains were reworked to the point I lost interest in the game
>Shyvana will get reworked soon
I don't play this garbage filth
It does have some good characters tho
Support main but haven't played in quite some time. Haven't tried Season 9.
My favourites are Lulu, Zyra, Nami, and Taric.
What's the issue with nu-Warwick? he's the best rework we've gotten.
Most of my mains aren't in the meta right now. And the ones that are I don't want to play.
This kind of game is just designed to make you angry sadly, i had to put it down because for five minutes of fun i was having i had 20 where i was angry at my screen
I was also at Plat II and most of the times the games i've played were won or lost because someone on either side of the team just gave the match away, very little times i felt like i won because we outskilled the other team. I actually think the game has gotten better since the early days but i just can't bring myself to play it again, it demands too much time and most of the time i'm just not having fun
Twisted Fate and Kassadin
im just waiting for that fighting game to come out
Solo queue ranked is cancer. The only enjoyment you'll get out of this game is playing casually with friends.
The reason why the fighting game has potential. All the good designs of LoL. None of the balance or disgusting teammates.
He's alright but I don't like how his AA heal and attack speed buff is locked behind a "below 50% HP" threshold
At least teemo is safe.
>watching ADC's lose 40% of their hp in a single shroom
10 years later and it's still not old
Main CHADplank since beta