Honestly if they cut out most of the side missions and filler then they could of easily made the game past midgar

honestly if they cut out most of the side missions and filler then they could of easily made the game past midgar.

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I don't think anyone's going to deny that. 20 fucking hours before the Sector 7 plate collapses? WTF that's wayyy past Wutai in the original

Good observation captain fucking obvious

>could of
Also wasn't the entire point of splitting the game into chunks was so they could flesh them out?

>could of easily made
Fuck you, I bet you do this bullshit on purpose, cunt.

I thought it was because they said they would add more detail to the world, not pad out the story. We still got those low res backgrounds, too.

They could have still made it past Midgard woth all that shit user. At least to Costa Del Eol and just have Jenova you fight on the shit as the final boss.

Aren't you glad that instead we got to explore the wonders of Chadley, Wyler, Mireille and the other dozen forgettable NPCs asking to kill 5 rats/find kids?

Wtf Rude is now white?

Killing rats as a side quest is JRPG trope 101 and it's literally the first quest, dumb zoomer.

So where was the mandatory rat killing quest in the original FFVII?


answer the fucking question

you don't have to that a optional side quest.

FF7R is an optional game for people who like to have an option of eating shit.

You unlocked rat killing quests after defecting Emerald weapon, duh. Also, don't you remember that time in the Lifestream when Tifa and the party attended Cloud and Sephiroth's wedding?

Just coming into this thread to say that Reno is based and I'd like him to be my husbando.

no because the sidequest were inside the already done assests

To make an overworld you a shit load of new assests

It's not even side shit or world building. It's just unnecessary padding at times like slowly going across monkey bars or crawling through vents or something that is about as blatant as it gets.

Reno and Rude were fucking jokes, but I did like the way they were enhanced by the story. Aerith's mom casually noting that Rude stopped by was neat.

They would also have had to make way more assets, making the game fill even more than 2 blueray discs.
The reason they stayed in Midgar is because they can reuse a bunch of assets through out the game, cutting down on development cost and time.

What the fuck is with Tseng not aging in like 15 years? How old is he anyway? Are Square just lazy?


Nah, he's just asian.

>I thought it was because they said they would add more detail to the world, not pad out the story.

They explicitly stated that it would be a full length game

He's just asian. He'll age eventually, and when he does it'll be brutal. Like, 20 years in 1.



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>we focus on Midgar cus we want to expand it
Game opening shows and absolute massive mega city
>cannot wait to start exploring all all of it
shit, it's all hallways. Maybe it opens up later on
>it never opens up
well maybe the combat is good?
>fuck, combat is basically the same shit you played in the demo from start to finish
oh but there's gotta be a lot of things to do and lots of equipment since this is a 30 hours game!
>like 5 weapons per character, a bunch of boring MMO tier quests
well at least the story gotta be good right? I'm loving it so far
>gets to chapter 16
goddamn, fuck this game.

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There's not really another good stop point for a final boss until Junon, and they sure as fuck didn't want to model everything in between. Kalm, Chocobo Ranch, Mythril Mine, Fort Condor, forests, Junon itself. Plus they'd have had to model, animate, and voice Yuffie since that's the area you're supposed to pick her up.
Now that I think about it, I bet part 2 will only go to Junon.

Why the fuck is he not tan anymore !

Attached: Rude-ffvii-field.png (158x239, 13.09K)

>but I did like the way they were enhanced by the story
Yeah man cause it was totally sweet to see Reno get completely jobbed by Cloud and only saved because of time ghosts, completely reducing his character and the Turks as a whole from a force to be feared and warry of, to a bunch of bumbling buffoons.

The change to the church was the biggest offender in terms of story changes they made in the entire game. Including the batshit ending, and including all the jacked up Sephiorth shit that had no place being in part 1, and including all the other times the time jannies pop up, and including the insanely stupid sidequests and plot halting ghost children.

The filler is there because they didnt want to make it past midgar. not the other way around

Kalm was a perfect location, it had Sephiroth as a boss and the entire flashback story explained in detail. But no, we just needed Sephiroth throwing buildings.

Looks pretty tan here

Part 2 will end when Cloud gives Sephiroth the black materia, because there isn't jack shit that happens from Midgar till Aeris dies outside of like 3 events.

i couldn't get past chapter 3 bruh. i hate that wasted money on this shit.

They're going to make you play the Fort Condor minigame for ten hours

>I bet part 2 will only go to Junon.
Your logic is pretty shitty to be honest

They stretched 5 hours of gameplay into 30, there's no way we'll get to see the game that far.

end of midgar to aeris dying is only about 5 hours user

you are pretty brainlet desu

midgar is the biggest city in the game so it makes sense to flesh it out a bit more the rest of the towns are like 2 or 3 shops. part 2 should go up to aeriths death unless they really just want to milk it.

Well yeah, but then they couldn't milk it as much.

>Also wasn't the entire point of splitting the game into chunks was so they could flesh them out?
Its the other way around. Splitting the game is the objective, and adding useless content is just a justification for it.