Tell Capcom what you don't like

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More Jill please

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Neat they're doing a Western poll too

For me, it's mastermind queue times.

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You seriously find that face pretty?

I just want to lick all the dirt off her.

>didn't even ask anything about REsistance besides whether I knew it existed or not

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Good goy.


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They are aware that nobody gives a shit about Resistance.

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I give a shit. It's the most fun I've had in multiplayer in years

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>NuJill is ug-

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Finished your sentence for you.

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How many times can you access the survey?

Release the classic costume as dlc already, you fuckwads.

The queue times will kill this game before it's even begun. That and nonexistant matchmaking. Which is a shame as someone who likes the 4v1 idea but is sick and tired of playing ring around the rosie in DBD.

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You like strong women, do you?

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But it's there user.

Rated resistance complete and utter shit and how they should just remaster outbreak.

Re3 7/10 but very linear and after completing difficulties there isnt a reason to play anymore

I don't like NIGGERS

Come at me, sis!

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That was my answer.

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Lmao vothfags

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She looks good.

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