I want to try War Frame. Currently downloading it.
Anything I should know?
I want to try War Frame. Currently downloading it
It's a game, have fun
Get fuck out of this place and go to play, quick, before the cynical and jaded assholes arrive and bitch to not end.
Excalibur is the only good warframe until Rhino. Keep and trade your free platinum for a prime Chroma or Equinox whenever you hit MR5.
That's fucking retarded.
Use your plat to buy warframe and weapon slots.
1. join a clan asap
2. play to have fun, not to satisfy the junky assholes whose soul identity is exclusively playing the game 10 hours a day
3. don't waste platinum to boost crafting
4. stop shilling on Yas Forums
Warframes are armor, right, then why some of them have boobs and hip?
what they are is a piece of lore you'll learn as you go
you want to get at least 1 more so you can have a throwaway slot to try new frames while keeping your prefered ones
You can't trade starter plat
Nerfed into the ground
Old and busted
As soon as you can try to join the current event happening. Leech your way through it so you can buy OP shit before prices raise again.
The game is grind
It's okay grind at the start as you're grinding a few dozen things at once, but if you're a completionist then it becomes RNG grind
Also railjack is garbage.
Still, not many games off the Gun-toting wizard-ninjas experience, so there's that
Save your free platinum for warframe slots and weapon slots.
Get ready to wiki shit. I had no idea what the fuck was going on when I started and often still don't.
As this fag said: Play Warframe in windowed mode with the wiki open in the background. You will be popping back and forth checking references and stats every 10 minutes.
Kill and steal absolutely everything
why i gotta be a fag though
>Anything I should know?
You should know that Warframe can be a filthy habit that's hard to break.
>Anything I should know?
Cancel the download now.
its pretty p2w
Tell me about it
I don't play warframe right now and I'm upset with what DE is doing or that lack of what they are doing but I love this stupid game.
Warframe has a completely awful new player experience. Pretty much nothing is explained. You will use the wiki. The wiki is good about telling you what will have spoilers.
You can get access to all the warframes. (I think you'll never be able to get Excalibur prime)
Spend your stating platinum on weapon and warframe slots.
You can sell certain items to other players for platinum. You never have to pay for it but you'll have to grind for it.
There is grinding so get ready for that.
There is no end game. Once you finish the story, all you have left is grinding. Or waiting for new stuff.
You might want to turn off match making, otherwise you'll get grouped with people who will fly through the level.
Crouching and jumping is known as bullet jumping. You go in what we direction you are aiming.
Don't forget to mod your weapons and warframes. While you will get a ton of mods, you only need one of them. Convert excess mods into endo.
If you post your ign and erp with me, I'll give you some starter mods.
>Warframes are armor, right
Technically, I guess.
Please for the love of god OP I'm begging you to uninstall, you're gonna fall in love with the game at first then DE's gonna rip your heart out and spike it on metal once you realize how little they seem to be invested in the health of this game.
I'm an mmo addict and Warframe wasn't nearly as bad as the other mmo's once I finished all the current content. Since I'm not paying to play the game, the sunk cost fallacy is low, even if the time investment is similar to other mmos.
I understand the position DE is in, at this point, anything they do will be seen as bad by a group of the player base. I'm not happy with what they are doing myself but they are kind of fucked at this point. I will hate to see Warframe go away but at least my memories of the game are good ones. I can't say the same thing about WoW, I will celebrate once that game is gone.
Stop before it takes over your life
One day you decide to play a space ninja game
Next thing you know you have 2000 hours, it's 4:37 am and you're jewing russian children out of premium currency
Everything fun gets nerfed
Everything fast gets slowed down
Grind more goy, heres less rewards
Enjoy your 0.01% droprate for a blueprint piece
Enjoy formaing a gun 5 times just to have it made useless in a hotfix
Enjoy pic related constantly, this oicture is years old and has never not been relevant
Fuck DE
Fuck Megan
Fuck steve
Fuck fatfuck
Beccas alright
>Fuck Megan
Don't mind if I do
Enjoy steves sloppy seconds
Necros is the best frame that's all you need.
Warbros #1
Now and forever