Laser sight reduces spread

>laser sight reduces spread

Attached: the chad shark.png (1383x787, 303.72K)

>spread is rng based and not simulated using physics

Spread is a billion times more intense than recoil and horizontally with no way of managing other than tapfire
Looking at you, planetside.

>higher magnification scope makes your bullets do more damage at longer ranges

Attached: DX7Ua.O-xb.2.jpg (360x360, 17.12K)

Oh dear, what game does this?

name 1 game

I realized that "do more damage at longer ranges" sounds like it gets a damage boost, but scope zoom actually just increases a weapon's range so a gun's damage falloff starts further away.

modern warfare does this. scopes reduce drop off.

>Longer barrel increases damage
>Longer barrel increases recoil

Attached: Cc-1180413342-280x350.jpg (280x350, 11.2K)

>short barrel on a high caliber weapon makes your ears ring if you fire it indoors

Attached: sweating towel guy.jpg (300x300, 14.61K)

>Suppressor greatly reduces damage and accuracy

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subsonic ammo and balance dipshit

Name 2 (two) games that switch to subsonic ammo when you equip a suppressor so I can play them
Also balance a shit, most of the time they're useless anyway so they're never worth using

>suppressed pistol takes up more space than a shotgun

All the integrated-suppressor weapons in the old school R6 games were said to be used with subsonic ammo but they were all hitscan and ranges were short so it mostly just meant lowered penetration.

For projectiles I think it's an option in Arma 3 but that could also be a mod I downloaded. It's hard to keep track of what was and wasn't in vanilla at this point.

>Bullets can exit gun at a 90° angle

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Hunt Showdown.

>shotguns useless beyond five feet

>Reloading pump shotgun from empty
>My character is actually considerate enough to rack and chamber the first round before loading the rest so it's easier to stop reloading and shoot in an emergency

Attached: 9898530.jpg (300x193, 5.19K)

>laser sight beam visible during the day.

>Takedown - 10 XP
>Headshot - 15 XP
>Stealth Takedown - 25 XP
>Stealth Headshot - 35 XP
>Nonlethal Takedown - 50 XP
>Stealth Nonlethal Takedown - 100 XP
>"Play your way!"

Attached: ee2.png (428x339, 86.82K)

Wait the whole beam or the dot? Because the dot is definitely visible during the day but the beam isn't visible in the dark unless there's a lot of particulate matter in the air it's passing through


the whole beam, you need a laser that can set things on fire to be visible during the day without dust around.

Yeah that's what I'm saying. Ambient light doesn't affect the visibility of the kind of laser that's used for gun sights. What games do this? Don't think I've ever seen it

I remember Crysis and Perfect Dark, other games not sure.

I hated this shit with a burning passion.

We need more games with alarm systems so going loud doesn't decide your path for the whole thing. Let me wipe out guards fast enough that it doesn't matter if they saw me.

>full auto magically makes bullets less deadly

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Full auto uses a part of powder's energy to load new bullets into the chamber, bolt action you do it by hand, making each shot slighter more powerful.

installing an automatic receiver in Fallout 4's 10mm pistol reduces it's damage by 22%. is a bullet from a full-auto Glock really that much less deadly than from a semi-auto variant?

Fuck Human Revolution, I hate Stealth games but some faggot on Yas Forums said I could play the way I want, HE WAS WRONG.

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dying light makes you use subsonic ammo

Semi auto also use part of the energy to load new cartridge, so it's unrealistic.

Mass Effect Andromeda.

If you don't scope in with a sniper, you only do 50% damage