Will the ps5 be cockroach-Proof?

Will the ps5 be cockroach-Proof?

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Depends how filthy your nigger tier house is

lol nigger house

Tell your brother and sister to get off your stuff.

Infestation isn’t a race thing. Most bugboys are white.

Post Hands

>When you hear them inside the wall

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>this cope

turkey will find a way

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Just distract them with a burger and your PS5 will be safe.

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Its all poor Latinos. Worked at FUCKING GAMESTOP for a good while and never saw one come in for trade until I got moved to a store in a Mexican ghetto. Literally the first day I was there we got a guy trying to return his ps4 full of roaches.

>when you hear them crawling around in the trash can

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Are they patching Bannerlord?

This, clean your house. Unless you live in some tropical shithole roaches don't magically appear.

When you live in an condo even if it’s upscale it can have roach problems and it’s almost impossible to get rid of them unless you use industrial grade roach gel and plant them everywhere in your unit. Chances are most ps4’s have roaches in the them since people are inherently dirty.

Never seen roaches anywhere near mine. Then again, I rarely see roaches in my house at all; mostly annoying ants that have probably developed an immunity to ant bait and all kinds of Raid.

>have never had a roach problem but noticed a bunch of flying carpenter ants over the past few days
>know they must be nesting in the part of the floor that got water damaged when my AC leaked but can't find the nest
this sucks ass. how do I deal with this without contacting a fucking pest control guy.

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i live in california. Spic and groid houses are filthy 90% of the time

>leave soda can on kitchen counter because I'm a slob
>playing vidya in the next room and hear the "ting ting ting" when it gets trapped in there

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Buy ant killer gel and place pea sized portions around the water damaged floor.

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here's the problem. the water damaged part is underneath floorboards that are kinda easy to take off but would I have to leave them off while the ant killer gel does it's thing?
when I got my AC fixed I bleached and dried all of the affected floor area and it didn't look too bad, and when I pulled up the boards to check it didn't look rotted. But I looked everwhere else for water damage and that's the only place, and it's also right next to my desk where the fucking things love to fly around so I'm almost positive they're nesting there but I cant' find the nest itself.

I experienced this when I worked at a smaller game store during the 7th gen of consoles. The store closed/relocated to a sketchy area and I stayed working there since it wasn't far, but holy shit people had so many roach infested items. It wasn't just consoles infested either I would open up game cases and a mix of dead and alive roaches would be spilling out. Sometimes just the cardboard boxes people would bring stacks of games in already had roaches crawling around on the outside. It was fucking nasty.

this isn't something you can fix yourself without tearing most of your damn house apart

Are you sure that's not just leftover carbonation from shotgunning a whole 12 pack of Dr. Pepper?


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guess I'm living with them then. is it possible to achieve symbiosis with ants?

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if you live in an apartment and your neighbors have them then you get them too. They make nests between the walls.

>forces you to throw away everything in your kitchen

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Why cant we just genocide these animals, we dont need them

my first ps2 was infested with those things

it started failing like 2 weeks after I bought it

call the edf

Worst part of living in Florida was all the roaches. They were fucking everywhere even though I kept my house clean and called exterminators. Fuck that hellhole.

Guess what, fucker, it's spring again.

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Why are they golden

>maple bugs
is this some canadian thing?

>having cockroaches in your house

You problem.

inferno difficulty

They’re shiny

>ITT: people pretend like they never have bugs in their home
Even if you keep it clean, you have them.
you're lying to yourself if you don't. Unless you live in an arctic wasteland you have them.

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Currently there's no plans to release it in China

They're extra crispy

I've never seen a cockroach in real life.

This scares me. Living in apartment now but before this I was living in a house with a bad roach infestation. It's actually the reason how my Xbox 360 ended up dying

same here. i think its only a problem among city slickers. all there is in the rural midwest is small spiders and smelly pseudo-ladybugs

look in your pants

>take little plastic bags
>make a bunch of holes in them
>fill it with cinnamon
>place it on where the ants appear and in your food stock

be honest for a second here
do you live in the third world or in a ghetto?

you just need to seal rice bag...

I'm also in the midwest but I live in a fairly large city. Still never had seen one in my house just the same things you mentioned.

They infest our trees and eat them from the inside which kills them and threatens our maple syrup supply. They're also fond of hiding between the wooden slats on our sleds and eating through the wood which can be dangerous when the sled is in motion and falls apart.

>Travelled to 18 countries all over the world
>A lot of them poorer, developing countries because they're cheaper to see
>Eventually get an extended layover in Philadelphia
>Spend a day in the city seeing what there is to see (mostly just weird people at Wawa, but I just put on a fake Polish ESL accent and they leave me alone)
>Decided just to sleep at the airport instead of shelling out for another night at the hostel
>Philly International is the most disgusting airport I've ever been to

How the hell are shack airports with dirt runways in the heart of darkest Philippines cleaner than American airports?

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I've only seen them when I lived in a shitty Arab country for a year and I'm not even sure it's the same species as what's referred to as "cockroach" in English.
Never saw one at home.

how long ago did you first notice the water damage?

Do you have an insurance policy?

It's the food. They only stick around place with food and warmth, which is usually just restaurants and poorly cleaned homes.