Should more games be like this?

Should more games be like this?

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>serviceable gameplay
>not afraid to take a chance

Yes more games should be like the Neptunia series.

I can see Blanc's panties.

Did Sony forget the lightbeam?

This game came out before the dark ages really kicked off for them.

Goddammit why is Vert so cute?

>should games have more Blanc

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yes but with Noire's old english VA
fuck you the dub is actually decent

CDN was so comfy. The fucking leaf 2D one came kind of close with its visuals and music, but the story/writing just weren't quite there at all, and the gameplay was ass, obviously.
I wonder if it would even be possible to make their usual non-fantasy setting feel as good.
Kill yourself.

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Why was she replaced?

Yuri is gross

Fuck off and die, dubfag. Imai Asami is a national gem and you would wish to replace her for even a millisecond.

Replacing Noire's English VA was the best thing they've done. Her best contribution to the series was that goofy ass scream she did in the anime. Vert's VA got replaced for Megadimension too but I don't even mind since she has the same tone and delivery as the original, with a little bit of her own take on the character.

But Noire's new VA is 100% an improvement.

Fuck off and die, dubfag #2.

Nah English is better.

All games should be like this

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Go back to playing last of us and horizon new dawn, redditor.

Nah I'm gonna keep playing Neptunia games in English and have fun.

The english dub of Neptunia is good. Neptune herself is great.


0.5 seconds before my ears started bleeding. Jeez, you really must love roasties.

>hearing anything but this
Fucking kill yourself

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Ah yes, the shitty american cartoon voice. Exactly what I want to hear from a purple-haired anime girl.

>Rie Tanaka
>Not a roastie

>using western name order
Stopped reading right there.


>/nepgen/s favorite artist got corona'd
Oh no.

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Voice Actor Guild bullshit

possibly. But it's also from 4GO so it could be the PC version.

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it's also in the PS4 version.

This was before Sony became censor gods