Best modern horror games? Best retro? First time getting scared? Scariest moment not in horror vidya?
Talk horror vidya here!
Horror game bread
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The only horror game I've finished is Silent Hill 1 - 3, therefore those are the best.
Those are pretty great user!
Dead space is the only game that has ever scared me
I started Cry of Fear and In Vivo, too. Those were good as well.
How many other horror vidya have you played?
Oh yeah, I forgot I played that too. That's also the best.
I also finished Alien Isolation, which was decent.
SOMA is the best horror game
Cry of fear is crazy. Hate the starting jumpscare tho
I shit my chair. Something about those old Half Life 1 graphics make the creatures far more horrifying, too. Realism doesn't elicit horror as well.
There's a reason why res evil 1, silent hill, and that are so scary. Your imagination can create horrors way more terrifying to you specially than any dev or artist
Absolutely. When I see modern games with their uber detailed monsters I watch more with awe for the artwork, but feel next to nothing in terms of scariness.
Thinking of continuing Silent Hill 2 tonight
I might have to go through that again. Only played it once, but really enjoyed it. I hope you have a good old crt to play it on. I think that's the ideal presentation.
No sadly I only have LED monitors.
Would using a crt shader make it a bit better?
I loved eternal darkness but I'm not sure that's a horror game.
I was too much of a pussy for System Shock 2, so I suppose that's my scariest moment
I'm sure whatever you've got will do.
System Shock 2 is very unsettling.
Pretty much every resident evil, a little bit of until dawn(got bored), both evil withins, only silent hill I ever played was downpour
SOMA is great but not really an horror game.
I'd recommend trying the other SH. Also I don't blame you until dawn was dogshit, forgot it existed
I like the idea behind until dawn but I didn’t like any of the characters, I considered playing the other silent hills but I don’t like tank controls/fixed cam that much
There's no beating the classics, like Silent Hill 1-4 and Resident Evil 1-4.
Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut, Cry of Fear and the Underhell: chapter 1 are criminally underrated though. Penumbra -series is also the best horror saga made by Frictional.
Lemme repost the SH PC Guide + DL links for all the newbs here:
SH2 torrent:
>SH2:EE project's home page:
>SH2:EE installation tutorial video:
>SH2 Audio Replacement mod:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! It will NOT work.
Don't install under C:\Program Files\ ! This will cause issues.
The "Enhanced .EXE" is also the no-CD crack!
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate using ePSXe or PCSX-R.
Follow the SH2 Enhanced Edition project's homepage instructions to the T, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty! Especially in case of #2!
-Replaying them all is recommended; tons of replay value.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting, for better gamma & colors!
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors. Leg it, or sneak!
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help w/ stealth!
Thanks user!
Never followed this when I started SH2, I'll do it this time kek
>only silent hill I ever played was downpour
I feel so, so sorry for you.
Please forget that shit even exists.
>I considered playing the other silent hills but I don’t like tank controls/fixed cam that much
I trust that the original SH trilogy will change your mind. Not that SH games would be *exactly* "fixed camera games", though.
Seriously, if the first 5 minutes into Silent Hill 1 do not captivate (and terrify) you, I don't know what will.
NP mate! Hope you have a great time in the town of Silent Hill.
Spread the love!
So sh2 EE is for a pc copy?
Oh and one more thing, is it fine if I get my copy from Nblog instead? I hate MEGAs limit
>don’t like tank controls/fixed cam
It's worth it. And the camera isn't always fixed. Also, tank controls slow you down, which adds to the stress of the game. Heightens the horror.
welcome to the game gets me paranoid
>Oh and one more thing, is it fine if I get my copy from Nblog instead?
Dunno what that is, but I assume that as long as it is the "Director's Cut" version, and you think you can trust it, things should work just fine.
Why not just torrent it tho' ?
Alternatively, just change your location with an VPN whenever you hit the hourly limits.
Don't have a paid for VPN, and my ISP is suuuper stingy.
I use Nblog for most of my emulation and old game piracy so I trust it.
Lastly, is it best to go in with no sort of guide?
Does Evil Within 2 count? It's not really all that scary but the game's fun to play and does have a few big, threatening enemies that are better off not being killed because you'll just waste precious ammo for later.
>Lastly, is it best to go in with no sort of guide?
Obviously. Why the hell would you want to spoil the main fun of classic survival-horror games: exploration and puzzle solving? Not that SH2 would be a hard game anyway, seeing how I beat it just fine as a 13 year-old back in the day, and I'm not even a native English speaker.
Also, in case it wasn't clear enough:
Play SH1 first. It is absolutely superb.
See, for me it feels artificial, it just seems comical that my character can’t walk normally or escape from these scenarios, it takes away from my immersion. That’s one aspect of the remakes that I enjoyed, you have good movement and aiming yet the zombies are still as much of a threat as they were in the originals, and the hallways feel even more claustrophobic.
Yeah I have. That game FUCKED me up dude, I hated the hospital and school... ;-;
Well start thinking of it differently so you can enjoy the game.
Didn't do much for me, but it was well made.
Still my favorite game in the series.
It is also an essential chapter when it comes to the later sequels.
Hope you got the Good ending(s)
I got them eventually, was hard though
At least you got the guts and determination. I like that.
Trust me, you'll be fine in the sequels.
Lemme do something similar with the Resident Evils:
>Resident Evil (1997) PC version + some patches
>Source next RE2:
1.0 Patch:
RE2 Classic Rebirth:
> RE2 & RE3 "SHDP" homepage (HD mod for GC versions):
>RE3 Source Next:
Restoration Mod:
...too lazy for this shit?
Just emulate the PS1 originals, and enjoy!
Just STAY AWAY from the "Resident Evil: Director's Cut - Dual Shock edition".