Do you have a favourite Digimon?

Do you have a favourite Digimon?

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I like the Wargreymons

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why my pp hard

Yeah. Not by a wide margin though, Megadramon is a close second.

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Anyone who doesn't say beelzemon, lilithmon or some form of garurumon is a fag

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Is it posible to have a few?

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Antylamon. I love the big bun

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I like chains and whips. He's basically what would happen if the Ghost Rider were a digimon.

Weregarurumon was the best digivolution. Metal was a regression, he even goes back to being on all fours.

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Is Cyber Sleuth worth it?

Not at all.

Fantastic story, hot girls, a plethora of fully animated digimon each with their own unique animations and moves, plus a cool IV-esque system? Hell yeah.

But what about GAME PLAY

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It's alright. It's strong point is getting all the mons and watching their signature moves in action. It's very story-heavy so if you don't like JRPGs of that style it's probably not for you. Normal mode is very easy, Hard mode has some dumb difficulty spikes.

You forgot to mention the slog of a battle system, the boorish quests, and how digimon are second note.

I'll admit, you have valid points there.

Based Diablotherex lover.

Turn based 3v3 battles with the usual Vaccine-Data-Virus type triangle, plus elemental attributes. Non-signature attack moves are generic elemental attacks, there's one attack for each status ailment, and then there's buffs, debuffs and safeguards of sorts. Turn order and amount is determined by the speed of each mon, and certain moves cause that mon's next turn to either be earlier or later (for example a signature move will make a mon move later than if it used a regular attack instead)

Thank you for seeing my side of things and being civil. It caught me off guard.

This absolute weapon

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Just a momentai, i have to think on one

I wish fan artists knew that he, Kidmon, and Beelstarmon were a trio called the Three Musketeers.

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>Just a take it easy
What did he mean by this?

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I'm a fan of digi-bayonetta too. I'm admittedly a digimon casual, but I like to do wiki dives for shit like this when something catches my interest.
I remember being super into the x antibody concept for a month because of how apocalyptic everything made the situation sound.

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>This is official artwork
Holy shit

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>meicrack mon was supposed to be renamon 2
>it barely got any art because it's design is so complex and it was a bad guy that made grunts in the movie

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Be the wind

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Wizardmon is the best. Halloween themed wizards are top tier in terms of aesthetic

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Nevar 4get

What do think about his X-Evo?

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