Anyone else know this feel?

Anyone else know this feel?

Attached: f4oh8tvmzzs41.jpg (1410x1434, 115.28K)

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you know this feel tho

Attached: 762.jpg (600x639, 45.68K)

No, because I understand the difference between a firearm and a fucking toy.

Basically when i just jerked off and some faggot here starts posting lewd shit again.

Yes, I chew 5 gum

Yeah, when I was a kid.

whats the feel when you open an old controllers battery port 10 years later and the batteries are all corroded and the shits everywhere

happened w/ my neo geo pocket color AND original gba

I bet you're fun at parties

Any person who uses the line "i bet you're fun at parties" has never been to a party and is perenially friendless

This one makes more sense to me

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I love guns. They empower me.

who hurt you?

Sick projection mate

Muh rechargeable controllers are better faggots are so retarded
>rechargeable controller Dual Shock 4
>have to keep it plugged in when battery gets low after only 4 hours
>battery eventually gets fucked and only lasts like 2 hours after a few years

>AA controller Xbox controller
>battery gets low after 15-20 hours
>swap out your eneloop rechargable AAs
>never ever have to play wired

You are the reason why civilians shouldn't own guns.

xbox 360 was better, it's controller felt like you were putting a magazine in a gun

Was I the only one that held the xbox controller like an energy sword?

firearms are toys

y'all cowards haven't even loaded a real gun anyway.

neck yourself commie

There's nothing wrong with that. Guns are a tool that can be used for many things.

>loading a gun is hard and makes you manly
fuck mate you're pathetic

Commie here, that's a liberal.

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This. Real redpill is ikea laddas and wall recharger.

Have a breather. Take a walk. Calm down.

I can respect real hard core commies. I still hate them, but I can respect them on some level unlike liberals masquerading as commies.

hell yeah dude i love playing video games at school

Oof take a look at this bigot folks yikes

neck yourself commie

nice projection faggot, not all of us are sensitive pussies like you


r/Yas Forums moment

fuck of plebbit

Oh, sweetie...

I am not sensitive. I am simply strong enough to be gentle.

Wow. I can't believe xboxfags are school shooters


Based commie bro

weak bait

This is a bad thread but I’m here to help

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Like shooting niggers, for example