Is this true, Yas Forums?
Is this true, Yas Forums?
Yes for some. Some people like challenging games, and others just want the story rush or something to beat quickly for the narrative and move on.
for me, its cheap cheap beach
only if you're shit
Try leveling in retail World of Warcraft and say that it's fun.
Getting my ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and overcoming it after some thought is one of the greatest feelings ever.
What's true is the fact that you're a cumguzzling megafaggot for posting a reddit screencap on Yas Forums.
Yas Forums - Twitter and Reddit Screenshots
Seething trannies
For people that are bad at them
Who cares? If you enjoy cheating and cheesing a game then great. If you enjoy being properly tested and chewed up and spit out dozens of times then great.
I disagree but if that's what they like then good for them.
It is, for pussies.
Probably he doesn't know any better/ is too bad to beat it at challenging difficulties
Video games are for pussies anyway. Hours wasted on fake achievements and escapism.
t. guy who plays hours of video games a day.
If you "play video games to explore and get invested in the story line" then yes. It's not rocket science.
Cope, easy mode pussy.
>Struggle through Hard Mode
>Get Good
>Breeze through Hard Mode
Easyniggers will never know this feeling.
that is the thought process of the average video game player.
That'd make sense to me if video games tended to have an engaging narrative, but so few actually do.
What about getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back andgetting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, getting pissed, then coming back and getting your ass kicked by a game, then getting pissed? Is that the greatest feeling ever too?
Imagine sucking this hard
You're wrong but if it makes you feel better, fine.
Maybe you should get a different hobby if you suck that bad.
People like this ruined videogames and I genuinely despise them. What this faggot likes are interactive movies not videogames, he should just stick to movies and tv series.
>I play video games for the storyline
Okay, but you're in the wrong media then.
Movies and books are made for top tier storyline.
It's like eating McDonald's and saying you're in it for the finest delicacies.
Storyline isn't where video games shine, not by a long, long shot.
I mean, it's fine though, be a retard if you want.
Whats the point of a subreddit for unpopular things? Isn't reddits very structure based on only showing content that the hivemind agrees on? If they only posted things that were actually unpopular surely youd see posts like "i hate niggers" right?
No. Difficulty settings can be shittily done sometimes but all species play to learn.
If it's done well and you didn't learn the game well enough to progress then you shouldn't progress.
It's one thing if someone wants you to cut off your arm to try to play baseball but if you need a tee, you don't belong in the MLB.
how do we cleanse the world of this degeneracy.
To play devils advocate, story can be important depending on the genre. Games that are almost a 100 hours long is going to have an engaging story to keep you to want to keep playing.
>food analogy
Where do you think we are?
Normalfags come here now. Didn't you get the memo?
do you do this Yas Forums?
Why do so many of you retards not like things which perfectly apply?
Are they just too difficult for you to understand? Probably a bad thread to enter if so since that's the topic of discussion and you can't understand simple analogies.
When you encounter such people, it's only polite to direct them to the product more appropriate for them.