Can someone give me the quick rundown about what's going on with China and online games?

Can someone give me the quick rundown about what's going on with China and online games?

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China is run by communist overlords that wants to control literally everything in their nation.
That's all you need to know. Every bad decision that comes from china is a product of this factor.

Here's my conjecture: Animal Crossing protests blew up, causing China to ban Animal Crossing. During this debacle they realized the power of video games as a communication medium that can transmit messages that the Communist Party finds inconvenient so they now are going to regulate chinese online games as well so no Chinese people will ever be able to communicate with the world outside of China ever again. This will of course fail because of VPNs and such, but they probably only aim to mitigate the message enough so that the mainstream people can't access it.

you need to buy the dip RIGHT NOW because soon chink miners are gong to get deported from your favourite mmo and suddenly your money will be actually worth something

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Wasn't this shit like a couple days ago? Fuck that's fast acting.

China is a dictatorship that keeps control of the masses by ruthlessly stomping down and brutally punishing any form of opposition to the government. Chinese citizens are starting to speak to people outside china and chinese protestors and learning anti-government things via video games now, so China is shutting it down. The method they're using is cutting off video game contact between china and other countries

Should't they be doing that with more relevant stuff than videogames?

jesus that smudge tool

>yes Blizzgoys
>if you want the Chinese market you got to allow us to install these filters, and these messages, and these backdoors

People should be driving to congress for this, it will definitely affect us.

China's being a bunch of faggots and fagging it up all over the place.

They already did. News? You only get it from the government. Social media? only with other chinese citizens; and don't say anything naughty because the government is watching it! Movies? They need to get approved by the government to get into theaters. Etc etc. China has covered their bases. Video game is just another in a long list of communication methods they're locking down.

Everyone is fucking dead in China and they're pretending the reason you're not going to see chinks in games anymore is because they blocked them from getting online.

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The real question here is:
how can we get rid of the Australians too and finally make the online community perfect?

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It's the government mate. Just look at the US government which is still filled with retards screaming about violent video games and protecting the children by banning or censoring media.

This is false, utterly and totally false. The CCP simply want to prevent the degradation of Chinese culture through exposure to external influences. They only want what is best for China and the Chinese people.

guys how do i spot shills ?
what are the telltale signs ?

They won't do shit. The prime drive in a capitalist society is more money, so long as they got their dues, they won't have any motivation to do anything. China has infinite communist money and if countries don't start taking action it's obvious they are going to economically dominate the world and start doing all kinds of shady shit like fabricating phones with listeners on them, but the rich won't be affected so they don't give a damn. Some countries like Japan have already started to distribute what will be upwards of 2 millions dollars (The equivalent of that in yen of course) to their multinational companies so they can cut China out of their supply chain and become more independent, but not every politician/CEO has that sort of long-term awareness, or even what to do anything even if they have it, so long as they can keep importing shit slave labor produced shit from China.

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All i can say is
Gamers rise up
Down with Chinese Communist party.

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stop derailing

Fake news.

The CCP only wants what is best for China and the world.

American shills can't say nigger or faggot. Chinese shills get their internet cut if you mention Tiananmen Square or The Great Leap Forward. Just force them to say it or type those words and they will be gone.

China isn’t really communist like they say they are, though I do agree with the rest of that.

despite that they did cut themselves off from normal internet
yeah i remember now
you spot one by finding common phrases like "fake news" or capital letter c "China"
say, whats your name and the name of your parents ?

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the only selution to the chinaman problem is to pee on their elevators and servers

>chink culture
>modern day

I am not a shill. I'm just a concerned American trying to set the record straight. My name is David, I am from Idaho. My father is called Albert, my mother is called Wanda.

>The CCP simply want to prevent the degradation of Chinese culture through exposure to external influences.
They're a few thousand years late.

ok great now why would you tell me that you absolute retard ?

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>what's going on with China and online games?
Xi Jiping the pooh got assblasted at the chink banishment pasta

Despicable Western lies.

Because I am a fellow American, I need you to know you can trust me. That I have the best interests of the American people, my people, at heart.

>My father is called Albert
but is he fat?

Whoa, that's rude.

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Also, I'm not black.

5 points have been added to your social credit, user!

This might be bait. But you might be right. The best way to fall CCP now is by turning their people into coomerists instead of communists.
>tfw its Radio Free Europe but for gamers and coomers

bro, nobody talks like that and especially not americans
im from poland and i can do a better job tan you
but wait, you can still convince me
give me the name of the street you live on, your job and your party affiliation

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Okay Chang

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Well thisBut the long story is that China has a bad rep right now. Bad government, bad PR, their population is blamed for the Viral outbreak, and everyone is home playing video games right now.

So because everyone is home playing video games, that means citizens have been more exposed to the outside world than ever, and the outside world is more than happy to tell them about how much they hate the pooh bear.

By outside world, I mean Taiwan. Chinese players rarely interact with english speakers; but they interact with Taiwanese players constantly because they're in the same regions for matchmaking, and most online games include them anyway.

So instead of just banning Taiwan, he's just banning everyone to make it seem like he's not singling out Taiwan, but he totally is. Does that make sense?

>prevent the degradation of Chinese culture through exposure to external influences
A culture that believes themselves to be superior and wants to limit contact with lesser civilizations... Sounds familiar...

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>Despicable Western lies.
Are we just gonna pretend the Qing dynasty didn't exist? Or the Mongols? Or Koreans? Or literally any of the other groups that have invaded china over the past few thousand years?

>people are actually mad that they won't be worrying about 史诗玩家 being in your game anymore with the microphone on while listening to chinese music in the background and being shit at the game

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Abe's 2billion move money is to reduce dependence, its impossible to move everything off. And it's focused on medical supplies and some high-tech industries.

I'm not Chinese.

Yeah, and? Hitler did good, before starting a war with the world.

Modern Han Chinese are pure Han.

American Street, American full time and i support the American party

Big gov is always bullshit. Give me freedom or give me death.

I'm from Boise, I'm an industrial engineer, I vote Republican.

winnie the pooh is buthurt people are pointing out all the flaws with china.
xi ping flu is running rampant throught their country and they are lying to their people by saying blacks are giving it to them and to keep their stupid populace from finding out that it was china's ineptitude, they ban all communication with the rest of the world in every facet.

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>Hitler did good
based Chang

Check the stats, China has this under control.

>le literally hitler

Damn, did you took debating classes?