$18.4 billion industry

>$18.4 billion industry
>have the financial, human and technological resources to make groundbreaking interactive experiences
>use resources to make characters look like their celeb voice actors instead
>have the tech to create a massive open world that leads the player to experience and appreciate infinite perspectives AND have fun
>use it to create linear """"cinetmatic experience"""" instead
>make a fucking helmet to immerse the player in a virtual world
>genres: vr porn, horror, gmod lite
it's been at least 48 fucking years since this medium was created. Where the fuck is the arthouse gaming niche? indies and their pixelshit are just as bad as the rest when it comes to creativity and artistic merit

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thought you were talking about death stranding for a second there
look, if you want to go to your vr alternative dimension you have to learn how to make a portal first

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>thought you were talking about death stranding for a second there
I AM talking shit dangling. I'm talking about the whole gaming industry, and ESPECIALLY the games that pretend to be honest, good quality art. Kojima is a talentless hack and I bet he knows it. that game is worse than a capeshit movie

still all this "infinite perspectives" shit is just silly of you, why would anybody want to make this
if you want good art you have to search for it, its good because theres not a lot of it
stop bitching about people and money, thats how you grow up

>why would anyone want to make this
what a close-minded retard. It was an example to illustrate wasted potential, not proposing anything literally infinite.
>if you want good art you have to search for it
this is such a lazy copout. I can look for a list of canon literature, influential paintings or great music of all genres and arthouse films right now. There's no such thing for games. Go ahead and name one of your hidden gem art-games. They don't exist. Maybe earthbound and that's it. A children's primitive jrpg game is all we have.
fuck off.

Open world is garbage and makes it impossible for a game to have any kind of coherent and interesting story. You'd have to just put far too much work for it to be decent. It's not worth it.

naw nigga i know people like you, whatever i give you youll just shit on or say "i dont know about that"
arthouse movies dont get milions in funding nor in sales, "great literature" can be made by one guy with no technical knowledge
vg is a team effort so its constrained, its also much more complicated to make than a fucking book
its most similar to animation actually, and look what fucking happend to it when it got out of the economic bubble, it fucking hit the ground at full speed
one man has a vision, a team has a goal
grow up

i know it's a challenge, but with their money and resources a lot of studios could make it possible. That was just an example btw, there are so many things you can do in games, artistically and mechanically, that are completely ignored. All other more limited entertainment mediums think outside the box, but games for the past 20+ years can all be reduced to point and attack target, jump obstacle, with filler gather the crystals, save world or kill the russian ""story"" in between. I know i'm starting to sound like a hipster faggot but seriously, I think this lack of experimentation and taking the medium seriously is what truly makes most games soulless

it appears there is a substantial demand for shit which outweighs the demand for nonshit

>naw nigga i know people like you
you don't know me user
>whatever i give you youll just shit on or say "i dont know about that"
so you're either afraid of some user hurting your feefees or you've really got nothing.
>arthouse movies dont get milions in funding nor in sales
Bergman, Welles, Kubrick, Edward Yang, Scorsese, Kurosawa and a lot more got financial support from studios to make their masterpieces.
>"great literature" can be made by one guy with no technical knowledge
so can great games. toby fox did most of undertale in rpgmaker before asking his programmer friend for help. So where are the great indie games with at least some artistic merit? the only one i can think of is papers please, which is boring. It doesn't have to be the massive ambitious world i described to be good
>its most similar to animation actually
yet 2 guys can make something brilliant and inventive with paper (South Park), one guy can make the highly regarded "It's Such a Beautiful Day". Hayao Miyazaki started Studio Ghibli by himself with Tanaka and look at all he managed to achieve. None of this is present in vidya industry simply because it's filled to the brim with autistic furries and talentless hacks who are incapable of thinking outside the box

I'd love if rockstar made another la noire type game in VR but it could be in some other decade or even the 1800s like RDR2.

Saint Denis was very detailed and very fun to walk around and it would be cool to do VR detective work in a town like that.

You know the answer. They don't need to try since the masses will happily eat up whatever drivel they churn out as long as it looks pretty. That's why they focus on graphics so much.

a game that only looks good is shallow
a painting that only looks good is beautifull

a game that only has action is for idiots
an animation that only has action is engaging

a game that only plays good is dumb
a movie that only plays good is well coreographed

a game that only sounds good is unfinished
an album that only sounds good is an masterpiece

a game that only has a good story is a walking simulator
a book that only has a story is engaging

a game that doesnt work well is trash
a work of art that is flawed is unfinished

yeah yeah some of those are a streach but you should be getting my point
until people can accept flaws in video games, they will not respect them
games need for everything to work to be good, other media can focus

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Most of your opinions are totally worthless. However I am puzzled as to why VR hasn't been adopted by the FPS development community at the very least. Seems taylor made for it. WRPGs like Deus Ex also seem like logical VR bait. But no dice.

Ah, well...

Software video game revenues in 2019 was $160 billion worldwide.

>a painting that only looks good is beautifull
no it isn't you fucking pleb. There are a million beautiful paintings every day that are trash, just like botw has an aesthetically beautiful and well designed landscape, but the story couldn't be more shit if it tried
>an animation that only has action is engaging
absolutely not.
>a movie that only plays good is well coreographed
but still, evidently, shit. a game that plays good is at least fun.

>an album that only sounds good is an masterpiece
most top 40 songs sound good and are shit.
>a book that only has a story is engaging
nope, there has to be much more to it.
>a work of art that is flawed is unfinished
and trash?
>yeah yeah some of those are a streach but you should be getting my point
yeah, your point is a collection of strawmen that don't make any sense unless you're a pleb

holy shit

>he didnt getit
not suprising at least

there was nothing to get.

Half of it is mobile microtransaction shit.

>groundbreaking interactive experiences
can i just have video games instead?

yes. But imagine new interactive experiences that are ALSO fun video games, instead of walking simulators

Videogames are a product made for money.

You whine about Death Stranding but Kojiima made the game he wanted, he knew it wasn't mainstream but Sony funded it no questions asked.
Funny putting normalfag ecelebs in a game that normalfags find boring and tedious.

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Nobody is going to make a VR game for a tiny audience unless you are Valve who happens to sell VR sets.

>You whine about Death Stranding but Kojiima made the game he wanted, he knew it wasn't mainstream but Sony funded it no questions asked.
you know what, you're right. Despite the fact that Kojima missed the mark very hard, I think it's a step in the right direction, and I hope other, more talented directors are given the same opportunity

Where are you going on the internet that your shit opinions aren't giving you enough attention?

I'd rather be a pleb capable of enjoying each medium's strengths (audio, visual, feedback) than a pseudo-intellectual with no credibility and no sound argument.

Kill yourself or play games.

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op is an absolute faggot. wouldn't be surprised if he's gargling 2 wangs in his mouth as he types his half brained replies.

Fun is subjective, you cunt.

Find something you enjoy out of the thousands of current options, instead of whining every media piece isn't exclusively catered to JUST your taste.

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>I hate video games
Yas Forums - Video Games

Games are made to be games user. Fun comes first, not "arthouse gaming niches"

theyre getting mad af SPAM THEM

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>Where the fuck is the arthouse gaming niche?
It's indies and pixelshit.
Anyone can pick up a camera for

my man

Sounds like you're the one who needs to be making video games if you have such a clear vision of what they are meant to be, no?

all i read here is manchildren who refuse to mature, as usual on Yas Forums. This is why the last guy who actually had an interesting game idea went to /lit/ instead of here, you brainlets are fucking embarrassing
>Find something you enjoy out of the thousands of current options, instead of whining every media piece isn't exclusively catered to JUST your taste.
the niche I'm describing is nonexistent in the thousands of braindead games that are out. faggot.
I don't hate games as a whole, I still enjoy mindless games as much as the next guy. Most of my favorite games are platformers. I can enjoy games and still recognize that something's missing.
see . Fun comes first in film, tv and music too, and they still have a space for arthouse

yes, but I'm too lazy

Whenever you wonder why you dont have alot of real life friends, think about all of the people who find you insufferable online.
What the fuck are you complaining about?