This game is NOT good

Aside from the story bullshit (which I could write a whole separate rant about), there are a thousand things wrong with this game.

>Inconsistent graphics. Low quality textures, and PS2 quality npc models
>Awkward, over the top character animations and bad lip syncing
>Bad sound mixing. Music drowns out the dialogue in several scenes
>Boring as fuck sidequests, and padded out dungeons (deactivate the sun lamps)
>Battle system is decent in theory, but the execution is messy. Constant knock backs, can't use items without ATB charge, friendly AI is God awful.
>Boss encounters are annoying. Damage sponges and immune shields
>Lots of materias gives the illusion of depth, but most of them are useless.
>A literal hallway

The fact that there are people actually claiming that this is a 10/10 masterpiece is a testament to how powerful nostalgia truly is.

But at some point, the novelty is going to wear off, and people are going to have to face the hard truth. That being that Square Enix's in house developers just don't have it anymore. The place is run by incompetent buffoons who haven't made a good game since FFXII.

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I can't wait to see what ps2 games look like in 2021

dude alternate timelines lmao 10/10

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prease understandu

Sidequests were fun, textures are an afterthought, combat and materia system is the best since X and the dialogue was perfect. Materia is also extremely useful (the AI is braindead) which is why you get materia for them if you don't want to control them retard. Seethe more you stupid autistic doomer. We will win this culture war. Most FF games and most linear games in general are "hallways" the difference is what you can actually do in those hallways. So in short, suck me off slut

dude alternate timelines lmao

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Dude, alternate timelines LMAO

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>the focus wasn't "time travel" it was about changing the fate of the planet-

dude there is so much wrong with this game from level design to combat to content... And it's all getting a free pass not just from critics but from fans too. The strongest aspect of this game are the cutscenes, so when you think about it this thing would have worked better as a movie with all the fat trimmed down rather than as a game. But then as a movie you wouldn't have the gameplay to distract you from the shitty ghosts.

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This is some next level cope.

>can't use items without ATB charge
How the fuck is that a bad thing? Being able to spam items like ff15 breaks the damn game. The original ff7 needed atb for items as well. Try not to suck so much dick next time. Don't even bother with hard mode since normal already seems to filter you faggot

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>FFX alternate timelines

>"Hello? Hm, Yuffie Kisaragi isn't going around with her shorts unbuttoned and zipped down to the crotch? I'm right on it, sir."

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The amount of autism op this game get is crazy.

I like how the enemy AI is programmed to basically only attack which character you're controlling. And this issue is worsened by the fact that friendly AI is fucking retarded as fuck.

Yea yea no one cares doomer. How many times you gonna fellate yourself making posts like this for your and your buddies?

I think it's good :^)

I liked 12. Shut your mouth.

>only talk positive about new games
>no negativity, everything is fine in this perfect world of mine
>can't rock the boat ever, need to CONSOOM
>We can't let you criticize that Dave

That doesn't mean it's good.

I don't give a shit about what a fucking moose liked.

I already got my three days of intense OC creation in Time Janny posting so this pile of shit was worth it. Now hopefully there will be Scarlet porn and then I'll be even happier.

Listen Fat, Ivalice needs me whether they know it or not

There is only one damage sponge and that is Sephiroth. All bosses can be taken down quickly if you actually have a functioning brain

Hell House is definitely spongey, that fight is some real nonsense given how often and how quick it puts up that fucking barrier.

calling it OC is a stretch
the meme wasn't funny and it was forced by shills

In all honesty, I have to agree. People claiming that this is a masterpiece, with all of its glaring issues, is so mind-boggling.

>Bad sound mixing. Music drowns out the dialogue in several scenes
Git gud speakers, you retard.

I'm interested where this might go to be honest.

this board tries way too hard to be contrarian

it's already in the trash bin, you want to see the dump?

post it, with timestamp pls.

The combat in this game is a clunky weird mess. How is anyone praising it? Am I playing it wrong? The ATB system is god awful. don’t even remember kingdom hearts being like this. Couldn’t you use items without filling an atb gauge in it? You Dave dodge anything holy shit it’s garbage

>being this retarded