PS1: 3067 games

>PS1: 3067 games
>SAT: 1094 games
>N64: 388 games
Why the fuck is the N64 in particular so monstrously overrated? The most common excuse I hear is "quality over quantity" but this is total bullshit since half the N64's best games run like dogshit, have no replay value, and there is unquestionably more quality games in the PS1 hell even in the Saturn's library. Not to mention it doesn't even support CD audio, RGB SCART, has an abysmal controller, and terrible blurry graphics. I legitimately don't understand how people can like this thing more than PS1 except for blatant nostalgia or Nintendo cultism.

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It has better games, no Snoy games come close to Mario 64 or OOT.

Wow two games.

It was popular in America and n*ntendies still obsess over it.

sounds like someone didn't have friends to play n64 with

Oh, this is my second favorite cope. PS1 and Saturn both are bursting at the seams with great multiplayer games, try again.

A lot of kids got stuck with the N64 because it was commercially available long before the PS1. By the time the PS1 came out and blew it out of the water, N64 kid parents weren't about to buy them another console. Because it's all they had, N64 kids are more inclined to favor their console, even though it's inferior.

Ape Escape is better than both.

Zoomer, N64 was the last major fifth gen console, delayed time and time again until it finally released nearly a full year after Saturn and PSX.

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And the sad part is that there is maybe 15 or so games that are actually worth playing on the system.

>Ps1: 3067 games

Only 50 are worth a damn. The rest were all crap....

Actually over a year.

>it was commercially available long before the PS1

Its literally the opposite, it came out too late and Nintendo only had first party titles as system sellers.

N64 created truly modern games with Mario 64 and OoT. Complete 3D worlds where PS1 was still reliant on long loading screens and prerendered backgrounds. PS1 was more of a refine of SNES level genres (rpgs, fights, 2d action, etc.). This made PS1's library age way better but at the time anyone who cared about the future gaming was looking at N64 game design.

Wait a minute. I was told that Ken Kutaragi made the Playstation as a result of Nintendo not going forward with the N64 DD. Have I been misled?


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Lol "muh ps1 is better because it has 2000 dogshit shovelware games"
Guy must think the Wii library was the second coming of christ

lol no.

Anyways, N64 had far better games on average, PS1 was the dominant console of the era and as such attracted massive amounts of shovelware like the Wii did. While there were a ton of good games on PS1, N64 had better options for several genres, shooters in particular as early PS1 had no good shooters. Nintendo first party games have always been quality and they ensure that there is a bottom floor of machines that will sell (see the Wii U).

Also Saturn was a fucking joke console get that shit out of here. Only a fraction of its library made it to the west and it had zero marketing outside of Japan. Saturn might have been a cool console for a Japanese kid but NOBODY'S friends were like "user HAS SEGA SATURN LETS GO TO HIS HOUSE!" Even Dreamcast had more buy in.

>full year
Almost 2 years.
PSX: December 3, 1994
N64: June 23, 1996

I grew up with a ps1 but have owned a n64 for the past few years now. I honestly enjoy the wrestling and racing games quite a bit. the lack of loading times also make it convenient when I just want to play something for a small amount of time.

Careful OP. The mod banned someone for making a similar thread the other day. You can't insult his precious childhood gaming memories like that.

No, it was actually an accessory named Super Nintendo CD.

>this thread again

The fuck are you talking about? Sony decides to enter the videogame console business when their deal with Nintendo was scrapped.

The N64 had plenty of shovelware too, plenty of N64 "classics" like Pokemon Snap or DK64 are very close to being shovelware too.

>stop being a Nintendo property
>immediately become shit
Microsoft ended up holding the bag on this one.

probably because he's the same sperglord that has been making the exact same threads all the damn time.

Seeting Nincel.

This is my first time making this thread but I guess it struck a nerve in the collective Nintendo hivemind here.

kek two games, meanwhile ps1 had FF7 and MGS, and just with that I already have evened out the field. countless others would shit on the n64 completely.

Pokemon Snap was a game you rented, it was cool for what it was. DK64 was a shit game but it was fun for kids who had the time to collectathon. I liked it as a kid while recognizing today that it's an objectively bad game, same with Banjo-Tooie.

But what about CLASSICS™ like Fighter's History, Aidyn Chronicles, Blues Brothers 2000 and Mace the Dark Age?

yeah sure lol.

What if I like both the PS1 and the N64?

I'm guessing you are a euro? Brit? N64 was more popular than the PS1 in the USA. I suggest you stick to posting during your shitty bong hours where you can jack off to the latest Fifa games.

because there were lot of angsty edgy kids who liked gacha games like FF7 at the time more

I am an American and my favorite is Saturn.

>Fighters History
doesn't even know the -good- game he is trying to shit on. jesus.

Being popular in America and not anywhere else isn't a good sign

64 had the best games that gen. Quality over quantity.

/64hg/ - Nintendo 64 Hate General

Welcome to the daily Yas Forums thread bashing the N64. Here we talk about how the N64 was so terrible and hate on anyone who defends it as a nostalgia blinded nincel.

Talk about how the library was smaller than the Saturn and PS1 even though those numbers were inflated with shovelware
Talk about how the graphics looked bad even though it was the only console doing proper 3D at the time
Talk about how all of the system's best games are just overrated trash even though they are widely accepted as being great games

Previous thread:

>gacha games like FF7

kek, N64 kids are still so butthurt over FF7 outselling their precious Ocarina.

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Ps1 had a FUCK TON of shovel ware.

Its the only sign. Nobody cares about the third world

Fuck, Fighters' Destiny.
I always mistake one for the other.

Give a man a N64 and he will only play Mario and Zelda
Give a man a PS1 and he will play games for all his life

I mean I love both consoles but it's rare you see people talking about how much multiplayer fun they had on PS1 I think I only knew one kid with a multi-tap growing up.

Because Quality > Quantity.

Why would I be upset over a PC port?

I bought a PS1 because it had Tekken and Gran Turismo.
N64 was kiddy shit, but I liked Pokemon Stadium. OoT bored me out of my mind and Mario64 was too obnoxious with kicking me out of the level for every star. Spyro was better.
PS1 games objectively had better titles and more SOUL.

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There are 3000 "games" made on the PS1 and only about 400 game engines between them. The console has absolutely no quality control and even first party developers were ripping their games off of their own games. Nintendo felt bad about making MM as a sequel to OOT and tried to change as much as possible inside the engine. Sony 'felt bad' about Spyro and Crash 2 so much that they went back for a third

>3067 games

Most of the PS1's library is shovelware.

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have sex nincel, your childhood was not that good

but spyro 2 and crash 2 are the best in their respective series while majora's mask sucks dick and is not fun to play

Literally all the noteworthy N64 games were first-party titles and games made by Rare, it was a utter failure in terms of third-party support, Capcom only made 3 games for it, two of which were ports.

kys britfag

The Spyro and Crash games alone outshines any of N64s best games

>DK64 was a shit game but it was fun for kids who had the time to collectathon. I liked it as a kid while recognizing today that it's an objectively bad game, same with Banjo-Tooie
How do you feel about final fantasy 8, by chance?

64 with 4 controllers and you hosted every single sleepover every friday night. Then 10 years later you hosted every single college drinking party and banged bitches until you blacked out. True story.

>not third world

Lmao corona is exposing the US more than anything else in history

The N64 was the same but with a library of 300

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From what I recall, a lot of the old development talent from Rare started jumping ship before the sell-off to Microsoft anyway. Nintendo likely dodged a huge fucking bullet in the long run.

>50 good PS1 games
>vs. the only 10 good N64 games

nah, my childhood was great, even the Saturn outsold the N64 in Japan

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3rd party developers ruined game industry

Being the best crash or spyro game is not a high accomplishment, considering those series died while zelda 5 managed to not kill its series.

It has Conker so the console is ok in my opinion

I see that you've never played timeless classics like Charlie's Blast Territory, Milo's Astro Lanes or War Gods. That's a shame, but understandable.

>Literally all the noteworthy N64 games were first-party titles and games made by Rare
Vs the only noteworthy games being konami and square multiplats?
>it was a utter failure in terms of third-party support, Capcom only made 3 games for it, two of which were ports.
That's ok because everything else rates as a top 100 game every made but just ignore those because you needed to cope for over 20 years

The PS1 has quite a lot more than 50 good games

Syphon Filter was shit, i hate people that overrate the N64 but also people who overrate western 5th gen games.